Our destination - Nansha Village Nansha Village, a village with a somewhat romantic name, is located in Jiangmifeng Town, Jilin City. There are hundreds of hectares of fertile farmland, nearly a thousand hectares of dense forest, and rich water resources. It feels like "traffic o

On January 19th,

celebrated the New Year together in Nansha Village!

Eat fresh New Year pig meat, taste the fresh fish caught in the winter, play the wildest ice games...

We have arranged it all for you!

Our destination - Nansha Village

Nansha Village, a village with a somewhat romantic name, is located in Jiangmi Feng Town, , Jilin City. Nansha Village is located at the southernmost end of Jiangmifeng Town, adjacent to Dagujiazi Village, Jiangnan Township, Fengfeng District, to the south. There are hundreds of hectares of fertile farmland, nearly a thousand hectares of dense forest, and rich water conservancy resources. It feels like " streets, traffic, , chickens and dogs hearing each other" in Tao Yuanming's pen.

What can we do when we come to the village?

There is a good way to transform the new rural industry. Three cooperatives and two companies are doing prosperously. Eco-tourism, planting cash crops, planting duck field rice, brewing glutinous rice sorghum wine and planting ornamental flowers and edible fungi... there are things to do and sights to see in every season throughout the year!

outings in the spring to collect wild vegetables, in summer to ascend the throne of Wang Lizi, Three Stones , visit volunteer army ruins and fish in reservoirs; in autumn, watch maple leaves, collect wild fruits and survive outdoors; in winter, we carry out fishing festivals, snow mountain crossings and ice and snow entertainment activities. Gradually, an industrial chain focusing on forest ecology, leisure vacations, and rural folk ice and snow entertainment has been formed.

What can we eat when we come to the village as a guest?

After living in a big city for a long time, I yearn for the simplicity, tranquility and natural green delicacies of the countryside. Nansha Village has its own characteristic agricultural brand, Nansha Village rice, grains, green vegetables, wild vegetables and fruits, sweet corn, original ecological black haired pig breeding, rural chickens, eggs, authentic Chinese medicinal materials and edible fungi and other characteristic industries , are all fed by good mountains and good water, and you can also claim a vegetable garden in spring, plant some of your favorite fruits and vegetables, and experience the fun of a bumper harvest in autumn.

When you come to the village, you will naturally live in a farmhouse, a Northeastern folk farmhouse, or a Sanheyuan, which has a Northeastern flavor~

The people of Nansha Village have taken advantage of the right time, place and people to find their own development path and have their own plans for the future. Nansha Village is located in a mountainous area where the mountains are undulating and connected to the Qingling Mountains. They both belong to the Changbai Mountains, which have high forest coverage and abundant water resources.

Nansha Village regards rural tourism as the focus and development direction of the whole village and creates tourism projects such as green ecological health preservation, sightseeing and folk customs, ice and snow leisure vacations, anti-Japanese red education tours, etc., to achieve the purpose of gathering popularity, building a brand, and increasing income.

creates Nansha Village’s characteristic agricultural brand and a pure Nanshahe brand agricultural and sideline products base. How can


Registration starts now

Registration phone number: 0431-81059242

Registration address: 2nd Floor, Global International Travel Service, at the intersection of Dama Road and Changchun Street, Changchun City

Fee: 88 yuan/person

How to get there: Take the bus

88 yuan including farm lunch + winter fishing +Play in ice and snow+Bus

Source: First Travel Network Travel Consultant