Editor's note: 2022 is a critical year for the implementation of the Hainan Free Trade Port policy and a critical year for preparations for customs closure operations. It is an important year for the continuation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". During the construction process of th

Editor's note:

2022 is a critical year for the implementation of Hainan Free Trade Port policy and a critical year for preparations for customs closure operations. It is an important year for the continuation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". During the construction process of the Hainan Free Trade Port, a group of outstanding figures in the industry emerged. With the spiritual realm of "I don't have to be successful" and the historical responsibility of "I am not responsible for success", they worked hard to start a new journey of Hainan's development. Write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Hainan. The reporter visited major enterprises in Hainan, dug into the vivid stories of industry builders, and showed their hardworking and enterprising spirit and style.

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily reporter Fu Caiyun/Text Li Hao/Picture

The sky is blue as always, and the sunshine is as bright as ever. At Sanya Phoenix Island International Cruise Terminal, speedboats were speeding on the sparkling sea, and the waves rolled up thousands of piles of snow; the South China Sea cruise ship was docked quietly aside. This "167.5-meter-long, 25.2-meter-wide, nearly 25,000-ton ship" "Big Guy" is just like its name - "Dream of the South China Sea", which is fascinating. The pattern of waves and stars on the hull of the ship interprets "all the rivers returning to the sea, shining like stars", symbolizing the new era and new journey of China Tourism Group .

Sansha South China Sea Dream Cruise. Photo provided by the interviewee

The "South China Sea Dream" cruise ship is Sansha Nanhai Dream Cruise Co., Ltd., a joint venture established by China Tourism Group Co., Ltd. , China Ocean Shipping Group Co., Ltd. , and China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd. . Hold and operate. In 2016, the "South China Sea Dream" cruise ship set sail, and the Sanya-Xisha route was opened. This route has become a unique and characteristic route for leisure travel to Xisha. In the same year, Ke Wendong, marketing director of Sansha Nanhai Dream Cruise Co., Ltd., joined the Nanhai Dream family and grew with the company. “The island sightseeing activities in the itinerary allow you to appreciate the pure beauty of Xisha. During the period, there are also special activities such as knowledge lectures on Xisha in the South China Sea, performances by professional performing arts groups, and fishermen’s folklore experiences. The company uses ships as the carrier and existing routes as the entry point. Continuously improve the quality of products and services, tap red tourism resources, actively explore and extend South China Sea cruise routes, and design more cruise products that meet market demand," Ke Wendong said.

The ship has complete software and hardware and high-quality services to protect the "South China Sea Dream"

The "South China Sea Dream" ship is equipped with rich on-board facilities. There are 6 cabin types for tourists to choose from, including deluxe sea view suites and superior sea view 4-person rooms. Depending on the cabin type, the "South China Sea Dream" cruise ship is equipped with living areas and entertainment areas, including rooms, restaurants, bookstores, cinemas, etc., to meet the diverse needs of customers. The "South China Sea Dream" ship has a certified capacity of 721 people. In order to ensure the comfort of tourists, the actual number of people is controlled at around 400.

Ke Wendong, marketing director of Sansha Nanhai Dream Cruise Co., Ltd. Photo by reporter Li Hao

"During the 4 days and 3 nights of the Xisha tourist route, our life at sea will never be boring. From the time of boarding, we have a professional team leader to accompany the passengers throughout the journey and spend their time with them. An unforgettable trip to Xisha." Following Ke Wendong's words, my thoughts went around one deck after another: a sea singing party at the Starry Sky Theater, watching an old movie about the Xisha naval battle at the Hongkouluo Cinema, and on the sea. The post office hand-mails a postcard, drinks a cup of green tea at Ganquan Tea Café, reads a book at Xinhua Bookstore , has a seafood feast at Haitang Bay Restaurant, or bask in the sun all day on the sun deck. ...The trip to Xisha is so colorful.

"Plum", "Mango", "Coconut"... Each team leader has an exclusive nickname named after Hainan tropical fruits. The fruity aroma mixed with the smell of the sea breeze combine to form the exclusive taste of the "South China Sea Dream" ship, making it permeate the hearts of tourists for a long time. This young team, with an average age of only 25 or 26 years old, explains the service tenet of Nanhai Cruises - "Tolerance gathers wisdom, innovation achieves value; details highlight quality, and heart creates happiness." "Our team leaders will carry out marine environmental protection on every voyage Promote and carry out environmental protection activities after landing on the island to promote the environmental protection concept of Xisha Tour of "taking away photos and memories, leaving only footprints".In addition, ships will regularly assist Xisha residents on the island to clean up domestic garbage and bring the garbage back to the port. "Ke Wendong said.

Deluxe sea view suite on the Sansha South China Sea Dream Cruise. Photographed by reporter Li Hao

"By viewing the four units of this exhibition hall, 'South China Sea Memory', 'South China Sea Garden', 'South China Sea Treasures' and 'South China Sea Storm', you will You will learn about the natural geographical environment, diverse tropical biological resources, rich mineral resources and other aspects of the fertile sea area in southern China..." On the cruise ship, the team leader started the theme exhibition of "Beautiful and Rich South China Sea" Explain. On the 7th deck of the cruise ship, a dark blue sign is very eye-catching. This is the Maritime Mobile Museum.

In 2019, the "South China Sea Dream" ship and the China South China Sea Museum reached an agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in cultural tourism and establish a cruise ship. The Mobile Maritime Museum is open to the public free of charge during the berthing time. Tourists can visit and learn about the magnificent scenery and long history and culture of the South China Sea at the dock. This is the first maritime museum in the country and the only one in the South China Sea of ​​China (Hainan). Museum branch.

Superior sea view room on Sansha Nanhai Dream Cruise. Photo by reporter Li Hao.

Currently, the Maritime Mobile Museum is on display on decks 7, 8 and 9 of the cruise ship. The actual exhibition area is 516 square meters. Facilities include themed exhibition boards, exhibition walls, LED electronic screens, electronic sand tables, maritime post offices, cultural and creative product areas, etc. The Maritime Mobile Museum launches the theme exhibition "Beautiful and Rich South China Sea" around the theme of the "Belt and Road" initiative. It is divided into four main lines: "Natural Ecology of the South China Sea", "Humanities and History of the South China Sea", "The Silk Road on the Tip of the Tongue" and "South China Sea Gengluo". It reviews the long history of the South China Sea with detailed information and a large number of historical pictures, pictures and texts. , introduces the production, trade and life of the Chinese people on the South China Sea Islands and related waters from ancient times to the present, and displays the cultural and natural features of the South China Sea and the historical and cultural connotation of the Maritime Silk Road in an all-round and multi-angle manner. The red gene

The blue ocean carries the red gene. As the only central enterprise with tourism as its main business, China National Tourism Administration, together with COSCO Shipping Group and China Communications Construction Group , actively responded to the “Belt and Road” initiative and promoted Hainan. The construction of the free trade port is guided by party building, adhering to the purpose of complementary advantages and win-win cooperation, overcoming difficulties and working together to create high-quality Xisha cruise tourism products, inheriting red genes and continuing the red bloodline

Sansha South China Sea Dream. Journey Cruise Restaurant. Photo by reporter Li Hao

After being named the Sanya City Patriotism Education Base and the Sanya City Study and Travel Practice Education Base, in 2021, the "South China Sea Dream" ship (South China Sea Museum Maritime Mobile Museum) was selected to be named by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The first batch of 100 central enterprise patriotic education bases. These honors fully reflect China Tourism Group’s achievements in the construction, management and service of patriotic education bases.

Each party member has one flag, and the sea is red. Wherever the flowing party flag floats, the red fortress is built. "The company currently has 13 party members. It adheres to party building and mass group building, gives full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, unites and leads the young members to play a vital role in normalized epidemic prevention and control and business operations, and guides the young members to gather under the banner of the party. Cultivate loyal assistants and reliable reserves of the party. The company has 17 young employees under the age of 28, 16 members, and the proportion of league members is 94%. The company has a solid foundation for youth work and has strong youth team vitality.

"In 2020, we held two series of patriotic education activities. After the 'Dream of the South China Sea' was listed as a patriotic education base, it added a new place for the people of the province, especially the citizens of Sanya, to receive patriotic education, further It has enhanced the visibility of the cruise ship’s patriotic education base,” Ke Wendong said.

"In the 2020 patriotism education series of activities, we have two innovations.First, the ship 'South China Sea Dream' was opened to the outside world for the first time. Combining the ship's patriotic education base, South China Sea themed maritime mobile museum and other resource advantages, a 'Let's Go Shopping' themed public day event was held, free to the public in Hainan Island open. Second, the open-air deck market was launched for the first time, and the company’s cultural and creative products designed by the company were experimentally displayed and sold in conjunction with the ‘street stall economy’, which to a certain extent drove related consumption on board. "Ke Wendong said.

Sansha South China Sea Dream Cruise Cruise Party Building Corridor. Photo by reporter Li Hao

He said that through this party building activity, on the one hand, it helped people from all walks of life in local government and enterprise units in Sanya to further understand the history, culture and sovereignty of the South China Sea. Geography and current situation, etc., further enhanced the awareness of patriotism and marine protection, and strengthened the confidence and determination to build the Hainan Free Trade Port. On the other hand, we further promoted the construction of grassroots party organizations, strengthened the education and management of party members, and comprehensively carried out review . A series of party member activities such as the oath to join the party, commending the advanced, and revolutionary traditional education, show the style of party members, strengthen ideals and beliefs, enhance party spirit, strengthen mission responsibility, further demonstrate the political functions of grassroots party organizations, and let employees feel the party The organization's cohesion, leadership and combat effectiveness have attracted a group of advanced elements to actively apply to join the party and build a "reservoir" for party member development.

In order to continuously and vividly carry out patriotism education activities, patriotism has become the key to the South China Sea Cruise Xisha Tourism. Features: South China Sea Cruises will organize a public open day event with the theme of "Thanksgiving to the Party, Listen to the Party, and Follow the Party" in 2021 to popularize the knowledge of Party history; create a July themed sailing season of "At the peak of prosperity, embark on a journey of building dreams and forge ahead" , allowing tourists to consciously accept the influence of patriotism in joy; creating Shangri-La Shangri-La and Deqin "Star of Hope" Xisha summer camp activities to let children in the mountains experience marine culture and patriotism, and promote the unity of the nation. According to reports. , so far, the company has received a total of 73 government and enterprise units, with 2,073 people.

In order to realize the party building to lead the development of the industry and promote the high integration of party building and business, on June 23, 2022, Sanya Maritime Safety Bureau, Sansha Maritime Safety Bureau, Sansha Nanhai. Four units, Dream Cruise Co., Ltd. and Hainan Strait Shipping Co., Ltd. Sanya Branch, held a party-building alliance signing ceremony on the "South China Sea Dream" cruise ship to fully promote the high-quality development of the Hainan Free Trade Port cruise industry. The next step is for the four companies. The unit will establish an information exchange mechanism through the party building alliance to realize the sharing of party building resources and create a pattern of joint construction and governance of cruise safety. At the same time, it will deepen party members’ awareness of identity, purpose and dedication through Xisha red resources, and actively organize various themed party day activities. .

From December 2016 to February 2022, the "Nanhai Dream" safely operated 258 voyages and received 85,000 passengers. During the May Fourth Movement in 2022, two teams of Nanhai Cruise won the "Hainan Province Youth Civilization". ", the "South China Sea Dream" ship won the "2022 Hainan Province Worker Pioneer Award". "Currently, the company is ready to resume sailing. After sailing in July, it will increase the number of theme voyages such as patriotic education, popularization of marine culture, and summer study and education, actively fulfill its responsibilities as a patriotic education base open to the public, and establish a good image of central enterprises in Qiong. " Ke Wendong said.

Digging deep into red tourism resources to play the role of state-owned tourism enterprises

The cruise industry is known as the "gold industry floating on the golden waterway." The cruise industry is an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry, and it also promotes the supply-side structural reform of An important area of ​​.

As a high-end tourism industry for leisure and vacation, cruise tourism is a happy industry that improves the quality of people’s lives. In 2015, China Tourism Group officially established the cruise business department to actively explore the cruise business. Relying on the shareholders' professional advantages in tourism, ship management, port operations and other fields, the Cruise Line Co., Ltd. has launched its "South China Sea Dream" Sanya-Xisha route to lock in Xisha's scarce resources and start building a local cruise brand with differentiation.From the "Nanhai Dream" to the "Gulangyu", from the opening of the Sanya-Xisha commercial route to the creation of the first mobile maritime museum...China Tourism Group has always focused on improving the cruise industry integration and technological innovation capabilities, and constantly improving products and services Quality provides a solid foundation for the development of the nation’s first cruise brand.

Sansha Nanhai Dream Cruise Xinhua Bookstore. Photo by reporter Li Hao

The development of the cruise industry can bring strong industrial correlation capabilities and economic driving capabilities, and it will play a positive role in promoting the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. For Hainan Island, the rich marine resources are a natural advantage for developing the cruise industry, with broad prospects.

Seek strength towards the sea and prosper towards the sea. Hainan occupies a special and important position in the national maritime power strategy. It takes building a "powerful maritime province" as its own responsibility and further enhances the comprehensive strength of the marine economy. Nowadays, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is the "fast lane" for Hainan to become a strong maritime province.

China Tourism Group actively plays the role of a central tourism enterprise and is deeply involved in the construction of a strong maritime province. As the largest state-owned tourism enterprise in China, the headquarters of China Tourism Group moved to Haikou in 2018. The group has comprehensively and deeply deployed the Hainan tourism market, giving full play to the advantages of the entire industry chain, focusing on "food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping, and entertainment" The core elements of the tourism industry chain are rooted in Hainan, deeply cultivated in Hainan, and realized a multi-business layout of tourism retail, travel services, tourism investment and operations, hotel operations, tourism transportation and cruise business in Hainan. In 2021, China Tourism Group will integrate various business resources in Qiong's tourism retail, resort hotels, cruise tourism, travel services, and transportation, and officially launch the whole industry chain strategic brand-"The Whole Island", with richer tourism products and more High-quality tourism services and more diverse preferential activities will bring a new tourism experience to tourists visiting the island, and help the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and international tourism consumption center.

In order to promote the high-quality development of the cruise industry, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Hainan will optimize and upgrade the marine tourism industry, improve the quality of coastal vacation products, expand the scale of cruise tourism, and promote the establishment of duty-free shops on cruise ships and cruise port terminals. In response to the pain points of long distances between major tourist scenes in Sanya and high transportation costs, China Tourism Group launched the travel service one-code project to solve the "last mile" needs of holiday tourists with standardized short-distance transportation services; give full play to the group's Industry and finance combine the advantages of to provide financial support for the development of cruise, duty-free and other businesses in Qiong.

continues to upgrade its products and service levels, and the "South China Sea Dream" ship actively responds to the group's special action of "Integrity Management, Quality Service". CTS Cruises guided Nanhai Cruises to continuously dig into red educational materials, give full play to its own advantages, and serve the center's work. During the voyage, the "South China Sea Dream" ship also demonstrated that China Tourism Group has effectively implemented the new development concept , actively fulfilled its ecological and environmental protection responsibilities, and firmly established and practiced the development concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets".

Overlooking Sanya city from the deck of the Sansha Nanhai Dream Cruise. Photo by reporter Li Hao

China Tourism Group has the strategic goal of building a world-class tourism industry group with international competitiveness. It is not only an important manifestation of actively responding to the country’s call to vigorously develop the cruise economy and further promoting the development of the cruise industry, but also deeply implementing the national maritime policy. The important measures of strengthening the country, promoting the "Belt and Road" initiative, and deepening supply-side reform are of great significance to promoting the upgrading of my country's marine tourism consumption, promoting the high-quality development of my country's local cruise industry, and meeting the people's growing needs for a better life. .

“We must keep pace with the times, promote the iteration of innovative products and the innovation of experience models, and continuously approach the needs of all people, including younger groups. In the future, we will continue to deepen red tourism and continue to promote red education services. Strengthen the leadership of party building, use high-quality party building work to promote marine environmental protection and marine knowledge popularization, discover more red tourism products, play the role of a patriot education base, and promote the history and culture of the South China Sea.As a party member, I want to strengthen my ideological arm, better serve the public, and work with the company team to build the "South China Sea Dream" Xisha tourism product into a beautiful business card for Hainan tourism. " Ke Wendong said.

The relevant person in charge of China Tourism Group said that in the future, the group will continue to deepen its cultivation in Hainan, serve the country's major strategies, fulfill the social responsibilities of central enterprises, focus on the group's key industries in Hainan, deeply participate in the comprehensive construction of Hainan, and promote the group's development foundation in Qiong Be more solid, participate more deeply in the construction of the free trade port, lead the construction of an international tourism consumption center with greater efforts, accelerate the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics in Hainan with world influence, and give Hainan people and Chinese tourism consumers a greater sense of gain. , and actively contribute to writing a wonderful chapter in Hainan, China.

sets sail to cope with the changes, serve the overall situation, and open up a new situation. The giant ship of China Tourism Group continues to move forward and pursues the promise with the deep blue sea.
