I always felt that the title of the song "Fallen Angel" was a bit weird. I happened to find his cassette for sale in a video store in a small town. It cost 7 yuan, which was 9 cents cheaper than the ordinary imported version.

Original album cover of Fallen Angel

I knew the name Zheng Zhihua from a music magazine. I always felt that the title of the song "Fallen Angel" was a bit weird. I happened to find his cassette for sale in a video store in a small town. , it cost 7 yuan, which was 9 cents cheaper than the ordinary imported version. When I was young at the time, I couldn't tell the difference between the pirated version and the genuine version. However, I felt very disappointed when I opened the song page. The lyrics were printed a bit blurry and there were typos. Until I listened to his songs, I heard the humanistic will, clear self and thorough true feelings contained in them. For many men who experienced their teenage years in the early 1990s, Zheng Zhihua is an indispensable part of our youth and a cultural symbol in the period when young people's worldview is formed and their emotions are budding.

The pirated cassette

I bought at that time contained a selection of good songs from the two albums "Escape Single" and "Fallen Angel", including "Escape Single", "It Takes Me a Lifetime to Forget", "Collect the Emotions", "Fallen Angel" Angel", "Your Soul", "Lace", "The Goddess of Disillusionment" and so on.

The pirated cassette I bought at that time

The Zheng Zhihua I want should definitely not be the Zheng Zhihua you imagined singing sailor . My Zheng Zhihua should not be the Zheng Zhihua you thought singing about private money. My Zheng Zhihua, in single Escape on the road.

Single Escape original cover

It is undeniable that most fans came into contact with him when "Sailor" and "Star Lights" were popular, but when I really fell in love with him, I heard "Keep the secrets away and let them go" You and I leave a blank, forgetting that the youth we once wasted will never come back again." The singing with a little bit of crying and the desolate acoustic guitar background suddenly touched my nerves. I always thought he was just a singer who made a fuss about his disability. I didn't expect that in the 1990s, he was such a serious and lonely person. This song "Collect the Emotions" has become my favorite. I like to listen to this song when I am alone. From that time on, I also knew that some songs cannot be shared with others anytime and anywhere - if I could share this song with others, I think I would have seen through my fragile heart. . In the repeated collection and "Never" in the song, I found that part of my youth is the same as his song: "The rain has turned into condensed water droplets on the window, and the years have passed from my palms. Who can heal me Now I feel conflicted, and I still suppress myself painfully."

The cover of the youngest album

Zheng Zhihua on the run is the Zheng Zhihua who is the most real and close to the heart of ordinary people. In "Single Escape", the cold atmosphere is created by serious synthesizers. His voice carried some cold and vague pleading: "What a person is running from is not others, but himself... What a person is afraid of is not the cold, but loneliness... What a person wants to pursue is not reality, but an illusion... ...What a person conquers is not the world, but love. "Why are you wandering on the long road with a cane!" You have also seen so many things clearly. On the road of single escape, Zheng Zhihua did not sing about a bright future and direction. He only gave us thoughts and a dark side. It is alienation and loneliness, pain and memories. The sudden repetition of "long street, cold night, cold street, long night, intertwined, entangled time and space, feeling without feeling..." in the song really expresses the desolation of loneliness and the sadness of being single.

"Don't Cry, My Favorite Person" is a song written at the end of life. Maybe he realized something while in pain. Before the song, he wrote: "I am the kind of person who cries twice, once when he is born; once when he is completely desperate for life...". The composition of the song is very simple, but it does not lose a trace of optimism: "Do you remember that I proudly said that I have been in this world before? Don't tell me what eternity is, I am destroyed in the most brilliant moment." Only those who are open-minded about life Only people can write such lyrics and sing such emotions.

"Fallen Angel" is a song; it is also a true story.

"Fallen Angel" is about a worldly woman who is toyed with by reality and love. For reality, she played a prostitute; for love, she played a mother. In this life, she has played children, women, and many roles; but she has never played herself! She is a very good actor, but a terrible screenwriter...

"Fallen Angel" may be a special case or a microcosm, but from her, we can capture a storyboard world and a storyboard era, and Storyboarding of you and me.

Except for "Fallen Angels", the other articles in this book are also written based on the story of my life.

This book is written for young people aged 9 to 99.

- Written before "Fallen Angel" Zheng Zhihua

created this album due to his persistence in life.

I used music to write down the expectations, ups and downs, confusion and crazy love of youth over the past 29 years.

This journey has been a bit uneasy; a bit lonely. However, whenever I am on the verge of despair, there is always a force that supports me.

I thought, that was a dream...

So the dream was written into a poem, and the poem was composed into a song.

I wish to be the troubadour, singing forever...

"Fall", falling to earth because of the boredom of heaven and the pain of hell.

album track

"Angel", because he has a clean face but often does dirty things.

"Fallen Angel" is a song; it's also a true story.

"Fallen Angel" is about a worldly woman who is toyed with by reality and love.

For reality, she played a prostitute;

For love, she played a mother.

In this life, she has played children, women, and many roles; but she has never played herself!

"Fallen Angel" writes about you and me who are confused in this era; it also writes about you and me being confused about this era...

The cover of the private song album contains his most popular sailor