From milk banquets to climbing Jinshan Mountains, five generations living under one roof, spring rolls made with oil, and so on, my index finger was excited and I always wanted to go there. When I came to Zhuhai this time, I learned that Shawan belongs to Panyu District of Guangz

Original title: 2016 Spring Festival Zhuhai-Macao Gourmet Tour - Shawan Ancient Town Never Get Tired of Food (2016-2-11/12)

Original Author: cuih19079

A few years ago, I occasionally saw CCTV's "Walk" while traveling The column "Across China - Ancient Towns of China" introduces Guangzhou Shawan , from milk banquets to climbing Jinshan Mountains, five generations living under one roof, online oil spring rolls, etc., my index finger was excited, and I always wanted to go there.

When I came to Zhuhai this time, I learned that Shawan belongs to Panyu District of Guangzhou and is only 65 kilometers away from Zhuhai. It couldn't be better. We had planned to go to Shawan after returning from Macau early in the morning, so a friend and his family accompanied us to drive there.

According to the Cantonese custom, when you get up early, you always have to drink your morning tea before doing what you should do. In fact, we refused at first, but we couldn’t resist the fact that although our friends live in Guangdong, they still have the warmth and hospitality of Northeastern people. Therefore, even if we haven’t finished digesting the seafood last night, even if we are still thinking about the delicious food in Shawan, and even if we repeatedly insist that we don’t want it, The morning tea in Zhuhai is not exempt either.

I’m used to having porridge in the morning, so I ordered the most classic preserved egg and lean meat porridge, on time! As well as shrimp dumplings , quicksand buns and walnut buns, the taste is also excellent. Especially the walnut buns. The filling seems to be condensed milk and walnut meat, and the shape is also made into a walnut shape. No wonder it is my friend's favorite.

After having morning tea, we picked up the car and headed to Shawan. It was already noon when we arrived at Shawan. After settling in the hotel, we headed to Shawan.

It is said that there were many tourists in the past few days. Today, the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the number of tourists has decreased, and parking spaces can still be found in the parking lot.

Shawan is most famous for its buffalo milk and various dairy products. It is said that ginger milk first came from here. Although it was noon, I wasn’t hungry, so I went to Dairy Queen to try Shawan’s famous ginger milk (locally called ginger milk) and double skin milk. The taste was amazing! It's smoother and sweeter than what I've had before. It's the best double-skinned milk I've ever tasted, beating Shunyi in Macau. It is said that the buffaloes here eat the heads and tails of sugar cane, so the milk has a sweet taste - we did see many sugar cane fields along the way.

There is not much difference between the ginger buried milk and the double skin milk in the photos. The real ginger buried milk is a bit yellow

Walking around the ancient town and taking pictures, we slowly arrived at the He family ancestral hall in the core of Shawan ancient town. Like many ancient villages, there is a pond in front of the ancestral hall, and there is a dairy next to the pond. I wonder if the double skin milk in Shawan is very delicious? Seeing that it wasn't too crowded, I walked in and ordered double skin milk and ginger milk. Then I discovered that this store also had secret salted milk and unique flower rolls. I ordered a coconut milk red bean cake that I had always liked. .

It must be said that the double skin milk and ginger buried milk are still as delicious as the Dairy Queen; although the salty milk is weird, you can drink it, but you won’t like it very much; He’s Hanamaki is not a noodle Hanamaki steamed bun in the conventional sense, but a dish The desserts, made of water chestnut powder or some other starch, tasted pretty good; the coconut milk red bean cake was more ordinary, of course because I was too stuffed.

I wanted to go to Jinshan Mountain for dinner. In this dish, local dace fish is cut into thin strips and beaten repeatedly to get out the isinglass. Then the fish meat is piled on a flat plate, boiled water is added, and it is placed on the fire. When eating, peel off the fish and cook it in the water while eating, like a different kind of hot pot. The craftsmanship of this dish is relatively complicated, not every restaurant has it, and the hotel waiter has never heard of it. On the contrary, there is a business card of "Chengji Jinshan Climbing" at the entrance of the ancient town, which is also quite famous on the Internet. I followed the route map to find it, but was disappointed - they were on holiday during the Spring Festival, so work didn't start until the twelfth day of the first lunar month... A nearby belly-stuffed chicken restaurant was also closed.

had no choice but to return to the hotel and have some dinner at a nearby restaurant. But there was also a surprise: a stir-fry dish included the famous local fish skin corner, although it was super mini, and I also had a kind of cuttlefish cake, which I really liked!

After dinner, I decided to go to Shawan Ancient Town for a walk to eat and take a look at the night view.

The night view of the ancient town was lackluster, but I was overjoyed when I saw a sign in the square after the tourists had dispersed indicating that you could eat fried spring rolls! Net oil spring rolls use a layer of net oil on lard. The ingredients inside are relatively light. They are not greasy when eaten together. They are delicious when dipped in seasonings.

This small shop called "Aunt Needle" not only sells local delicacies such as spring rolls, fish skin angles, and dog head porridge, but also an amazing stuffed dace. I thought that the so-called stuffed dace was just stuffing some ingredients into the belly of the fish and frying it. I discovered at the entrance that except for the fish skin, the whole fish had been hollowed out and stuffed with the prepared fish meat. There was not a single fish bone. It was as convenient as eating fish meatballs. . The appearance of the fish is not missing even a single fin, and I don’t know how it is done. It really lives up to the evaluation of “you can’t get enough of food”! Unfortunately, I ate too much for dinner and could not experience its deliciousness more deeply.

It is said that I have eaten very much every day recently, which is a state of overeating, but the strange thing is that my stomach and intestines are very peaceful and lawful, and I don't have the usual arrogance at all. I have to agree with the saying "eat in Guangdong". Not only does it taste good, but the combination is also reasonable and easy to digest.

So in fact, after eating the snacks at Aunt Zhen’s house, I went out by the wall, but after walking around the ancient town, before returning to the hotel, I went to the Dairy Queen’s house to eat a bowl of double-skinned milk...

The next morning I resolutely declined the invitation from my friends to have morning tea together, but unexpectedly they didn’t forget to pack a copy for us when they came back. Looking at the shiny buns and dumplings, they were really tempting. Although I wasn't hungry, I couldn't help but finish them again. I comforted myself by saying that I didn't want to waste it and it wasn't because I had a great appetite.

Chestnut stuffing

Tea tree mushroom stuffing

Coriander stuffing

Back to Zhuhai, I planned to go to the airport early and didn’t plan to have lunch. Unable to resist my friend's enthusiasm, I went to a restaurant near their community. A dish of stewed mussels with old lotus root ribs and pork ribs is really a delicious soup. I also like the Sheng Gua , which is a kind of loofah.

I arrived at the airport in a good mood and was ready to go home. Unexpectedly, the flight was canceled due to heavy fog. The flight at 6pm did not take off until around 2pm the next day. During this period, China Eastern Airlines had no idea of ​​​​solving meals for us, but it made me feel hungry after being full all day long. Watching with helpless eyes, West Airlines and China Southern Airlines called everyone to get lunch boxes as soon as it was meal time, so we had to buy KFC to satisfy our hunger. Our last meal in Zhuhai ended with a not-so-delicious pork ribs lunch box worth 46 yuan.

Since I didn’t climb Jinshan Mountain, nor did I have a milk feast, nor did I experience that magical dish of shredded chicken embedded in bean sprouts... I made up my mind to go to Shawan again!

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belongs to cuih19079 all