(CCTV Finance's "Economic Half Hour") In recent years, the development of rural B&Bs is attracting urbanites to go to the countryside and rural residents to return to their hometowns, promoting rural revitalization. However, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has posed considera

(CCTV Finance "Economic Half Hour") In recent years, the development of rural B&Bs is attracting urbanites to go to the countryside and rural people to return to their hometowns, promoting rural revitalization. However, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has posed considerable challenges to the economic development of B&Bs. How can rural B&Bs better achieve "poetry and distance"?

Rent a small farmhouse for a long term, with a book and a cup of tea, your pastoral song!

Tianxianyu Village is located at the foot of the Jiankou Great Wall in Beijing, surrounded by mountains. A small river formed by two springs passes through the village. With its unique geographical advantage, nearly 100 of the more than 290 farmhouses in the village are used for cooking. Got a B&B.

Winter is the off-season for tourism in Tianxianyu Village. Coupled with the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the homestay business has pressed the pause button. Guoao Village has 44 farmhouses here, making it the largest B&B in the village.

In order to increase revenue and stop losses, owner Sun Kaiyang and the chef worked together to develop a New Year gift box, which contains Huairou specialty rainbow trout, chestnuts, self-pickled sauerkraut, soy sauce beef, etc. A New Year gift box with six special dishes.

However, selling New Year’s goods can only subsidize part of the daily expenses. If you want to survive, you still have to find a way through B&B. In 2015, when Guoao Xiangju transferred its homestead in Tianxianyu Village, it signed a 20-year lease contract, and now there are still 15 years left. But fortunately, 18 of the 44 B&Bs in circulation have been rented out on a long-term basis, accounting for more than 40%.

Zhang Bin became the new owner of this yard at the end of October 2020. The pastoral life has always been her dream. She rented two yards at once, each with a 15-year lease term. One yard is used to entertain friends, and the other is reserved for family members. In just over two months, Zhang Bin has become very familiar with his neighbors.

Hu Yan is a senior designer and B&B owner. In addition to being used as a B&B, this yard is her personal studio most of the time and is also the home of their family of three. From renting the yard to renovation, there was an investment of more than 2 million yuan.

Before coming to Tianxianyu Village, her studio was located in urban Beijing. What made Hu Yan decide to move from the city to the countryside, besides the cost, was the most important thing was the natural environment here. In her opinion, nature has a very powerful healing effect on emotions. It is the best place for people working and living in the city to vent their stress. It is also a business opportunity in Hu Yan's eyes.

Wang Hong runs a themed B&B in Daxing, Beijing. It has seven courtyards and must be booked two months in advance during the peak season. However, due to the current epidemic, the business can only be suspended. The ups and downs of the market made Wang Hong want to try "long-term rental". On this day, he came specifically to study and inspect Sun Kaiyang's long-term rental model.

Under the epidemic, transferred B&Bs have to pay rent even if they close their stores, so losses are certain. However, if they are open, there are daily operating costs in addition to rent. No guests mean greater losses. Long-term rental is undoubtedly a self-help breakthrough under the epidemic.

With the support of long-term rental business, Sun Kaiyang is not worried about the survival of the B&B. He feels that today's B&Bs are no longer just a "bed economy" and must develop more leisure and entertainment projects with the help of special products. He wants to form a partnership with the villagers, allowing them to invest in the company and develop together.

In Tianxianyu Village, there are still many villagers who have not chosen to transfer, but are thinking of opening their own B&Bs.

Mao Xiuwei has been running a farmhouse since 2001. In 2018, she closed the farmhouse and invested more than 2 million yuan to open a B&B. She joked that her family was not willing to buy such expensive things. She firmly believes that as long as it is managed carefully, the homestay business will be able to overcome the trauma and gain new life after the epidemic.

Sichuan explores new ways to operate B&Bs and solves the problem of property rights


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Amid the COVID-19 epidemic, the B&B industry is facing challenges. These rural B&B operators have difficulty obtaining housing because they mainly rely on leasing. Once the landlord encounters dishonest property rights, huge investments can easily be wasted. In Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, the local government and the homestay industry jointly explored a way to break the situation.

Yin Kui, who lives in Pengzhou City, Sichuan, fell in love with an old house in Longyuan Village. The old house is backed by the Longmen Mountains and surrounded by dense jungle, just like a paradise. Longyuan Village, where the house is located, is only 40 kilometers away from downtown Chengdu and is a hotspot for summer vacation in the suburbs. As early as 2017, he planned to rent this yard as a B&B. Now three and a half years have passed, but the matter still has not been done.

Originally, Yin Kui wanted to rent the yard for 1.2 million yuan and reached an agreement with the landlord. But when he signed the agreement, he found that things had changed again. The price of

circulation increased by a full 160,000 yuan. Although Yin Kui was a little unhappy, he agreed. But not long after, Yin Kui discovered that the neat woods that attracted his investment the most were suddenly destroyed. The homeowner who had received the money was still unwilling to free up the homestead for him, and the matter of the B&B continued. After a while, their agreement became a piece of paper.

As early as 2017, Chengdu City issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Pilot of Farmers' Voluntary Exit of Homestead Use Rights in Chengdu (Trial)", which stipulates that farmers' homestead voluntarily withdraws with payment, and on the premise of complying with the plan, the use of the original homestead site will be changed. Changed to collective commercial construction land. After the bidding and auction at the Rural Property Exchange, a 40-year "Real Estate Certificate" will be issued.

In 2019, the homestead Yin Kui was interested in was vacated through collective transfer. Now he only needs to participate in the bidding according to the new policy process. However, strict review standards and repeated plan modifications changed Yin Kui's state from a whim to an increasingly rational thinking.

Yin Kui

Property rights issues have always been a major pain point in the development of B&Bs. There are too many uncertainties in the leasing model. Practical issues such as price increases, subletting, and lease renewals need to be faced by B&B operators. The real estate ownership certificate is undoubtedly a reassurance for B&B operators.

Yu Yong was originally a teacher. After resigning in 2016, he started a boutique B&B. In just 5 years, he built 3 Internet celebrity B&Bs. On April 17, 2019, Yu Yong obtained the first "Real Estate Rights Certificate" for registration of rural collective construction land use rights in Southwest China. After getting the 40-year property rights certificate, Yu Yong immediately decided to double his investment.

At present, Yu Yong has obtained the second property rights certificate. He has invited a famous design team from Taiwan and plans to invest 10 million yuan to build a boutique rural B&B. Through his experiences and observations in 2020, Yu Yong noticed that the first thing to pick up was boutique B&Bs.

Half-hour observation: Promoting rural revitalization through rural homestead reform

With the real estate certificate, the development of rural B&Bs is guaranteed, which greatly enhances the appeal to B&B operators and will also effectively promote the rapid development of the local B&B industry. Rural homesteads and houses are the basic means of living and important property for farmers, and are also important resources for rural development.

The "Recommendations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Goals for 2035" clearly stated that it is necessary to "explore the separation of homestead ownership, qualification rights, and use rights. We will protect the land contract rights, homestead use rights, and collective income distribution rights of farmers who settle in cities, and encourage voluntary and paid transfers in accordance with the law."

Revitalizing and utilizing idle rural homesteads and farmhouses plays a positive role in activating rural land resource elements and promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and is conducive to the smooth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. We believe that there will be more innovation and exploration in rural construction in the future, and new rural areas with prosperous industries, beauty and richness are being born.

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(Editor Zhang Caihong)

Source: CCTV Finance