Share "Youth" to spread culture and bibliophile Siegfried Lenz Translated by Lin Qianwei My grandfather Hamika Xerx, he was - let's just say - a seventy-one-year-old young man. He was learning to read when it happened.

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Siegfried Lenz

translated by Lin Qianwei

My grandfather Hamika Xerx, he was - let's say roughly - seven Eleven-year-old young master. He was learning to read when it happened. What happened was this: General Valira suddenly came to attack our village. He led his soldiers from the Rochno Swamp, fought, stole and looted all the way to Mazury, or rather, to Sule Ken Village covets this place. He, damn it, was getting closer and closer, so close that people could almost smell the bad wine he and the soldiers drank. The roosters in Suleken Village were running around excitedly, the bulls were picking at their collars, and the famous Suleken sheep were also huddled together. Looking around, everyone is running around, and the whole village is shrouded in all kinds of panic - isn't this the case with all such incidents in history? !

At this time, as I just said, Hamika Xerx, my grandfather, was learning to read without a teacher. He has read this and that. "This" is an old Masurian calendar with many Christmas recipes; and "that" is the notes that a livestock trader left in the village of Suleken many years ago. Hamicah Xerx read these books over and over again, and every time he made a new discovery, he would clap his hands and let out a unique, low cheer. In short, he was extremely obsessed with reading. Yes, Hamika Shears was very addicted, to the point of being extremely selfless. He only obeyed one ruler, whom Masurians called Zatang Zitai, which means "book-loving devil", or to put it more clearly, "book-loving Satan" ".

Everyone and every animal in the village of Sulaikeng was frightened and panicked, except Hamika Shears, my grandfather, who remained indifferent to the threat from General Walira. Just as his huge index finger slid between the lines on the Masurian calendar, his eyes lit up and he read out each word. His fingers moved along the order of the words, as if he was copying the garland ribbon, trembling with happiness. .

While he was reading this, a thin, obviously frightened man came in. This man's name was Adolf Ablohmet. The only thing he was praised for in his life was his pair of big pink eyes. ear. He carried an oversized shotgun, brandished it as he walked up to Hamicah Shears, and said the following words: "Hamika Shears, you'd better put your research aside." Go aside, otherwise, judging from the situation, that Hualira can easily use you for his research. By then, I think your end may be even more embarrassing than this book. "

Hamika. •Xerx, my grandfather, looked at his guest in surprise, then in anger. He was so fascinated by the reading that he could not answer for a while. But then when he came to his senses, he stood up, massaged his toes, and said:

"Adolf Aberlomet, I feel that even you don't understand etiquette. How can you do this to me?" "Interrupt me while you read!"

"It's not because of the war!" said Abromet. "Believe me, this notorious guy must be too bored in the swamp." Brutal approach to the village. The sweaty drunkard was quite close to us, so we decided to use our shotguns to wake him up. So, Hamika Shays, every shotgun we need, you. We especially need the one."

"It's useless for you to say that," Hamika Xuesi said. "Adolf Ablohmet, even if it's a war, you can't use it as rude. Excuse. But if it is as serious as you say, then count my shotgun, I will go."

Then Hamika Shears kissed his book and put it in a compartment. He put the fire in the heat-resistant stone kettle, then picked up his shotgun and carried a huge piece of bacon on his back, and then the two of them walked out of the house.A few smart white Suleken horses, unrided, galloped by on the road, their eyes wide open in fear; dogs whined, and pigeons flapped their wings in panic and flew north - such unfortunate events in history Isn't this the case? !

The two armed gentlemen stopped and waited until the road was empty, and then Adolf Ablohmet said: "The place of battle, Hamika Xerx, has been decided. My friend, We will be stationed in a hunting house owned by Mr. Gonsh, a former Gonsul nobleman. It is about fourteen miles away from here, on the road that Hualila must pass. ""I have no objection. . ” said my grandfather.

So they set off, almost in silence until they reached the sturdy hunting lodge. They set up their hunting lodges as defense posts and stood guard smoking tobacco. They sat in front of a wooden window, using the thick square wooden boards as cover to observe the muddy road that Hualila must pass. They sat like this for - let's say probably - eight hours. At this time, Hamika Shires, who was thinking about the book, began to freeze his toes so much that even massaging them was useless, so he stood up and looked around, hoping to find something to light a small fire. He pushed things around, looked over them, and pushed some things down. It was in the midst of this search that he discovered—what the hell—a book, a beautiful, lightweight little book. His body trembled, and his heart rumbled with utter joy. Hastily, as if he was addicted to drugs, he leaned the shotgun on a chair, rushed over, picked up the book, and started reading. He had long forgotten the pain caused by the frozen toes, as well as Adolf Ablohmet in front of the wooden window and Walira from the swamp. Hamika Shears, who stood guard, is long gone. 

At this point, as you must imagine, the danger is taking on as annoying a form as possible: it is getting closer and closer. It took the form of General Valira and his assistants, approaching. They, it can be said, are very happy to follow this path that they must take. This Valira, oh my God, he looks like he came from the swamp and he's not even shaved. This man's voice was deep and hoarse, and he certainly didn't show fear like every honest and honest person. He walked with his drunken escorts carrying shotguns, and, well, everyone wanted to know what he did - he thought he was the chief executive of Ripin, Sksk, and that's what he did. Moreover, he didn't even wear boots, he just walked around with rags wrapped around his feet, this Walira.

Adolf Ablohmet, who was on guard by the wooden window, saw the swamp villains approaching and pulled the trigger of his shotgun.

"Hamicah Xerx," he cried, "I have set my sights on Satan."

And Hamicah Xerx, as everyone expected, could not hear his cry at all. After a while - during which Valira definitely did not stay still - Adolf Ablohmet called again: "Hamika Xerx, Satan from the swamp has arrived."

"Okay. ," said Hamika Xerx, my grandfather. "Okay, Adolf Ablohmet, I'll go to the wooden window right away, and then everything will be settled. Just let me read a little chapter. "

Adolf Ablohmet put the shotgun on the ground, lay down behind it, aimed at the target, and waited impatiently. His impatience, to put it more clearly, was actually a growing agitation as Valira got closer and closer. At last, almost on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Adolf Ablohmet jumped up, walked up to my grandfather, kicked him - a reasonable person would forgive him - and exclaimed: "Ha! Micah Xerx, the Satan Valera has arrived. "Everything," my grandfather said, "will be done in time. But please, let me read the last five pages." Seeing that he didn't intend to get up, Bromet had to walk back to his wooden window alone, stood behind his shotgun, and started shooting desperately.The commotion caused by this firing was so great that the Masurians had never heard of it. Although he didn't hit even half of the swamp thugs, he forced them to take cover. This situation made Adolf Ablohmet even more reckless. He emerged at the wooden window and fired with all his might. He shot for a long time until suddenly he felt a sharp, searing pain. He was extremely surprised to find that one of his big pink ears had been shot through by a bullet.

You think, what else can he do at this time? He dropped his shotgun and ran towards Hamika Shears, my grandfather. This time, Adolf Ablohmet said this: "Hamika Xuesi, I am injured. I am bleeding. If you don't come to the wooden window, that Satan Valila, believe me, ten seconds You will be here within a few days. By then, judging from the situation, you will probably be made into an ink print by him."

My grandfather replied without raising his head: "Everything will be taken care of, Adolf Ablohmet. But please, this chapter ends in two pages."

Adolf Ablohmet, holding his injured ear with one hand, quickly looked around, Then he opened a window with force, jumped outside, and disappeared without a trace among the bushes of the forest. 

Just as everyone expected: Hamika Sheth could barely read a few lines before the door was pried open. Who is coming in? Of course General Walira. As you and I expected, he immediately went over to my grandfather, growled in his hoarse voice and laughed triumphantly, just like he always did, and then he said, "You frog, jump on my hand. Come up here and I'll blow you up." This sentence undoubtedly alludes to his background and hobbies. But Hamicah Shears retorted, "Okay, but I still have a page and a half to finish." Valilaco got angry. He punched my grandfather and said the following angrily: 

"You old lizard, I'm going to split you in half right now, and I'm going to split you slowly."