Are the two women behind Jackie Chan, Lin Fengjiao who persisted until the end, better than Teresa Teng? Speaking of the name Lin Fengjiao, everyone may be unfamiliar with it, but when it comes to Jackie Chan, everyone should know that he is the famous "Kung Fu Superstar".

The two women behind Jackie Chan , and Lin Fengjiao who persisted to the end, are they better than Teresa Teng?

Speaking of the name Lin Fengjiao, everyone may be unfamiliar with it, but when it comes to Jackie Chan, everyone should know that he is the famous "Kung Fu Superstar".

Lin Fengjiao is the woman standing behind Jackie Chan. They have been married for 37 years.

But these 37 years have not been as smooth as we imagined.

red rose Lin Fengjiao.

Lin Fengjiao was born into a poor family with many sisters. She was the second eldest child. She dropped out of school when she was in junior high school to support her family and worked everywhere to make money.

In order to make money, Lin Fengjiao did almost any job, working as a backup dancer, a restaurant waiter, and helping people farm. Lin Fengjiao was only about 12 years old at the time.

Lin Fengjiao's extremely difficult life taught her very early on how to observe people's emotions, understand the ways of the world, and learn to play both sides. Because of his outstanding appearance,

acted by chance and played a small role in "The Angry Man of Chaozhou", thus entering the entertainment industry.

Lin Fengjiao, who has tasted the hardships of life, never misses any opportunity when she enters the entertainment industry. Within ten years, 70 films were shot, and the high-density workload did not affect the quality at all.

Finally, in 1978, she played the thin and stubborn Shen Baifu vividly in "The Love Can Ask Heaven". With this role, she was recognized by the public and nominated for the Golden Horse Award for the female lead.

" Small Town Story " was released in 1979, which directly won Lin Fengjiao the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress.

This shows that Lin Fengjiao's career is at its peak. At that time, she was as famous as Brigitte Lin, and was hailed as "Two Qin and Two Lins" by people in the industry.

Li Ao once said that in Taiwan, there are 100,000 men who want to marry Lin Fengjiao.

But what is unexpected is that when her career was booming, "The Stormy Night" became her last work. Lin Fengjiao chose Xiying.

She was supposed to have a bright future, but she chose to be the woman behind Jackie Chan. The two got married in the United States, and Lin Fengjiao began a life of raising her husband and raising children.

What Lin Fengjiao didn't expect was that it was still another woman who occupied Jackie Chan's heart - Teresa Teng.

White Rose Teresa Teng.

Jackie Chan and Teresa Teng became acquainted in the United States. At this time, Teresa Teng was already a singing superstar. She came to the United States to escape the turmoil due to the passport forgery incident.

Teresa Teng's family is not as wealthy as Lin Fengjiao's. As the only daughter in the family, she should have been loved by all, but because of the large number of children, the 13-year-old Teresa Teng had to go to a dance hall to support the family.

When she was young, Teresa Teng performed well in singing and was regarded as a popular figure in the school.

won the championship with a piece of "Visiting Yingtai" in the "Huangmei Tune Song Contest" held by Taiwan's "China Radio". The following year, he won the first prize with his song " Picking the Red Lings ". Became a little singer.

Because she sang in the dance hall, the school expelled Teresa Teng for "not doing her job properly." So far, Teresa Teng has not been able to receive formal school education.

Before meeting Jackie Chan, Teresa Teng had two love experiences .

It was Zhu Jian who brought Teresa Teng her success. When Teresa Teng first met Zhu Jian, she was still in the dance hall and making a living by singing for people. Zhu Jian claimed to be Teresa Teng's fan.

Although Zhu Jian came from a wealthy family, he was not a playboy, and he was loyal and reliable. He had already achieved some success when he met Teresa Teng.

Zhu Jian appreciated Teresa Teng's talent and believed that Teresa Teng was a promising artist. He used his own abilities to help Teresa Teng record her first album in her life.

helped Teresa Teng spend the most difficult period of her life. It paved a road to fame for Teresa Teng.

Teresa Teng was only 17 years old at that time. The encounter between a beautiful young girl and a gentleman who knew how to appreciate her helped her through the most critical moment. It is hard to say that Teresa Teng would not be moved.

There is no doubt that everything is developing in a good direction, but God gave Teresa Teng a fatal blow.

One day in 1972, on the way to meet Teresa Teng, Zhu Jian's plane crashed unexpectedly, and God recalled this young life.

Teresa Teng was heartbroken. The person who brought her out of the pain was Lin Zhenfa, , a wealthy businessman from Malaysia.

He is five years older than Teresa Teng. Like Zhu Jian, he is a young and promising entrepreneur. The two even came to the stage of discussing marriage.

Teresa Teng told reporters at that time that she would never marry anyone other than Lin Zhenfa in this life, and the two had been in love for six years.

What is dramatic is that before the two could get married, God once again recalled a young life, and Lin Zhenfa died suddenly of a heart attack.

This is undoubtedly cruel to a 26-year-old young woman.

Compared with being frustrated in love, Teresa Teng's career continues to rise and she has become a music superstar. Teresa Teng was shocked and disappeared for a while.

It was not until 1979 that Teresa Teng became active again, which unexpectedly triggered a "passport controversy." At that time, the passport was given to Teresa Teng by the Indonesian government, but it was framed by people with malicious intentions, saying that Teresa Teng used a fake passport, and even believed that there was a criminal gang behind Teresa Teng.

In Hong Kong, Teresa Teng was depressed due to malicious reports by the Taiwanese media, and she came to the United States.

In the United States, Teresa Teng met the third person who left a lasting mark in her life - Jackie Chan.

And several years after the two broke up, Teresa Teng called Jackie Chan before her death. Unfortunately, Jackie Chan failed to pick up the call, and we have no way of knowing what Teresa Teng wanted to say to Jackie Chan in the end.

Jackie Chan is in a dilemma.

Teresa Teng and Jackie Chan met unexpectedly when they came to the United States. The two people, both famous in China, recognized each other at a glance and had a great conversation.

It didn't take long for two people who were wandering in a foreign land to get together.

They ate together, played together, and fell in love quietly in a foreign country where no one knew anyone and there was no media harassment.

She thought she had finally met the person she could trust for the rest of her life, but due to different ideas and lifestyles, the two failed to make it to the end.

Teresa Teng likes to be quiet. Although she was born in poverty, Teresa Teng, who has been a child star since she was a child, is full of elegance, knowledgeable and sensible, and proficient in six languages.

As a "nouveau riche" Jackie Chan is a rough guy in life.

In Jackie Chan's eyes, Teresa Teng is as noble as a swan, and she inevitably feels inferior.

And Jackie Chan's brothers don't like Teresa Teng. As long as Teresa Teng comes to Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan's brothers will calm down and stay away from Teresa Teng, and the atmosphere can't hide the unfamiliarity and embarrassment.

The difference between Teresa Teng and Teresa Teng is Lin Fengjiao. Lin Fengjiao knows very well that if she wants to be with Jackie Chan for a long time, she must have a good relationship with Jackie Chan's brothers and find ways to integrate into Jackie Chan's life.

This directly led to Jackie Chan's brothers taking the initiative to favor Lin Fengjiao. As soon as Lin Fengjiao came, they would take the initiative to surround her.

Teresa Teng and Lin Fengjiao are both extremely elegant and gentle, making it difficult for Jackie Chan to choose.

Lin Fengjiao is gentle and meticulous. She knows exactly what Jackie Chan needs. There is no guarantee that Jackie Chan will not waver at this time.

Teresa Teng once asked Jackie Chan to dine at a French restaurant, but Jackie Chan couldn't even understand the menu and mistakenly thought that Teresa Teng was humiliating her for being uneducated.

Teresa Teng just wanted a romance between two people, but Jackie Chan couldn't give it.

As soon as he left the restaurant, Jackie Chan became very angry and told Teresa Teng that he should never be brought to a place like this.

At an awards ceremony, the program team arranged for Jackie Chan to present an award to Teresa Teng, but Teresa Teng refused to accept it. In the end, the host's persuasion prevented the situation from becoming very embarrassing.

Under various barriers, Teresa Teng and Jackie Chan drifted apart. Furthermore, Jackie Chan was born as a martial arts star and was surrounded by brothers. In the end, Jackie Chan married Lin Fengjiao, whom his brothers were more inclined to.

But everything about Teresa Teng can only be buried in the bottom of my heart. Maybe they are in love, but Teresa Teng and Jackie Chan, who have had a tragic life, are not destined to be separated.

Cinnabar mole and mosquito blood.

Although Jackie Chan married Lin Fengjiao, he also guarded against Lin Fengjiao for 20 years. Because his brother was defrauded of money by a woman, in Jackie Chan's eyes, he believed that Lin Fengjiao, the woman who took the initiative to approach him, was a greedy woman. There is another purpose for getting close to him. In the final analysis, it's just because we don't love him.

In 1982, pregnant Lin Fengjiao and Jackie Chan held a hasty wedding in a small church in the United States. There were only four people present at the time. It was extremely simple. Lin Fengjiao didn't care, thinking that as long as she could marry Jackie Chan, everything would be no problem.

Soon after, Lin Fengjiao gave birth to a child to Jackie Chan in the United States - Jaycee Chan.

But Jackie Chan did not allow his son to say that he was his father outside. And the two of them only had one meal together in ten years.

If a child has a father, it means that he does not have a father; if Lin Fengjiao has a husband, it means that she does not have a husband. Lin Fengjiao and her son have lived incognito for 17 years.

Lin Fengjiao is raising children for Jackie Chan in the United States and trying her best to be a wife and mother. But Jackie Chan is busy flirting with women and causing trouble outside. Only Lin Fengjiao knows the pain in it.

Is it because I care more about it because I can't get it? Jackie Chan has always been thinking about Teresa Teng in his heart.

Teresa Teng called Jackie Chan on the eve of her death, but Jackie Chan failed to answer the phone in time.

The news of Teresa Teng's death came not long after. It may be because of Teresa Teng's sudden death that people were caught off guard, and Jackie Chan was still worried about it for many years.

Seven years after Teresa Teng's death, Jackie Chan sang a song by Teresa Teng and sang "I Only Care About You" with Teresa Teng in the album.

I don’t know how Lin Fengjiao, who is in the United States at this time, feels. I guess all kinds of sadness can only be tasted by oneself.

That’s not all. Although Jackie Chan has had scandals with many actresses, whether they are true or not remains unresolved.

And the appearance of Little Dragon Girl undoubtedly gave Jackie Chan a heavy blow. This matter has caused such a stir that it is difficult for Lin Fengjiao in the United States not to know about it.

Jackie Chan has been pushed to the forefront by major media. Compared with the media's "crusade", it is Lin Fengjiao who should question Jackie Chan the most.

However, not only did Lin Fengjiao not break up with Jackie Chan, she also told Jackie Chan very generously that there was no need to explain, and said that she would always stand behind Jackie Chan.

Lin Fengjiao acted wisely. Jackie Chan and Lin Fengjiao not only did not divorce, but also made Jackie Chan put down his guard. After this incident, Jackie Chan handed over his property to Lin Fengjiao for safekeeping and comforted Lin Fengjiao with practical actions.

After this incident, Jackie Chan will take Lin Fengjiao to travel around the world and announce to others that Lin Fengjiao is his wife.

There are reviews on the Internet that Lin Fengjiao is an elegant, dignified, simple, modest and loyal woman, and what she says is true.

From the beginning of the difficult choice between red roses and white roses, through the reality gap between cinnabar moles and mosquito blood, Lin Fengjiao did not give up.

Many people don’t understand why Lin Fengjiao, who had so many people wanting to marry her, chose Jackie Chan in the end, and stubbornly married him despite the strong dissuasion of her friends.

The author believes that for Lin Fengjiao, it may be that she grew up in a poor family and worked hard everywhere. She is used to the ups and downs of life, so she wants to find a harbor as a refuge.

Lin Fengjiao, who was finally moved by her heart, gambled on her youth, but the reality was much more difficult than imagined. It actually took 20 years to become a "prodigal son".

Whatever the reason, fortunately he looked back and did not let Lin Fengjiao regret it for the rest of her life, but there are only a few 20 years in life.

Not long ago, someone photographed Lin Fengjiao visiting the set and visiting Jackie Chan. When going down the stairs, Jackie Chan very naturally stretched out his arms for Lin Fengjiao to lean on.

The two of them dressed simply, traveled low-key, talked to each other, and looked like a happy couple. Maybe this was the best ending for the two of them.


To sum up, Teresa Teng won the sincerity but lost to the reality.Lin Fengjiao had a bumpy journey, but she persisted until the end regardless of past grudges. She may be considered a winner as the person who spends the rest of her life with Jackie Chan.

It may be that after experiencing all kinds of things, Jackie Chan finally fell in love with Lin Fengjiao. After he came into contact with many women, he discovered that the best and most suitable one was actually by his side.

It's just a little late for Lin Fengjiao. Love has always been difficult to figure out, and it doesn't necessarily mean who will win or lose. what you think?