Cantonese Cuisine Chaoshan Food (Cooking) Author @ Cai Huiquan English Mister CAI @ Toutiao Food @ Watermelon Food @ Toutiao Local Pass @ Toutiao Hot Search Chaoshan (Shantou City) Chaofu Cantonese Food Welcome to the Qingming Festival on April 4, 2021 Dear fans and friends, plea

Cantonese Chaoshan cuisine (cooking)


(1) Introduction Original name. Qingtuan (糍粑团) (Cijiao cotton cake)

1: Local dialect glutinous rice dumpling: Every household makes delicacies during the Qingming Festival. This dessert is difficult to make In the Chinese and Western cooking of Guangdong and Cantonese cuisine, the place where dough is kneaded is to explain the cooking method. Only by making the dough smooth can you cook delicious special dishes.

2: The most difficult-to-find ingredient for Qingtuan glutinous rice cake (Qingtuan glutinous rice cake). Tuan Ye) (Cijiao Mian) is steamed and steamed for 35 minutes to complete the original Cantonese cuisine. The original flavor is the original taste.

3: Cantonese cooking, the most important bonus in cooking is the combination of real grass and leaf vegetables. Pay attention to the combination of cooking. The main methods are cooking, stir-frying, stewing, flattening, steaming, boiling, drawing, frying, color, aroma, taste and eating.

(2) Material introduction (Qingtuan glutinous rice dumplings) Ingredients: green leafy vegetables, zijiao cotton, fillings, sugar, glutinous rice flour, tapioca flour, oil paper, steamer

2 glutinous rice dumplings: English name baThe green ball of zi ba

Nuomizi : English name Nuomici

1: Introducing the local local food characteristics of Chaoshan

2: Ingredients glutinous rice flour, white sugar, white sesame grass, peanuts, brown sugar and meat floss

Anti-sand black beans: English name CAOHEUDOU

(1) Introduction: Ingredients, black beans, brown sugar.

thin rolls: original name pizza: English name BAOBIN

(1) Introduction to Chaoshan local specialties, spring rolls, meat rolls, Chaoshan local food local specialties spring roll meat balls

(2) Ingredients spring roll skin sauce, olive oil, peanut oil, eggs Yellow, meat-stuffed vegetables, sweet stuffing, radish and greens. Add whatever you like to your personal taste. Guangdong cuisine, Cantonese, Cantonese and Cantonese cuisine. Finally, thank you all fans for your support and attention. If you see this, repost it, collect it, like and comment! Making videos is not as easy as writing articles. It relies on your brain to create original works. Please enjoy [a flash of inspiration]. I am new here, please give me some advice. [People who eat melons] Follow me

Author of the article: @cai huiquan April 2021