51. Apply tiēlao lǎo ointment ɡāo medicinal yào on a yì day. Rough meaning: Someone is completely under the control of another person. For example, when he sees his wife, she is just wearing an old plaster and is afraid.

51. Yiyìtietiē老lǎocreamɡāomedicineyào

The general meaning is: someone is completely subordinate to another person's control.

For example, when he sees his wife, he is just wearing a plaster and is afraid.

Similar words: obedience, admiration, one thing down, one thing

52, one yìgenɡēnjin jīn

Rough meaning: very stubborn, stubborn.

For example, it is useless to ask Gou to be reasonable. Gou is a stubborn person who will not look back until he hits the wall.

Similar words: get into a dead end, get into a dead end, because of persistence

53, a yí aɡè粿gǔoyinyìnyinyìnchulailái de

General meaning: very similar meaning.

For example, this kid looks like Zhang Sanga’s son at first glance.

Similar words: like, copy, clone, develop out of a model

54, night yě rice fán

The general meaning is: dinner.

For example, in Nanxiang, She County, eating breakfast is called eating Tianguang, and eating dinner is called eating night meal.

Similar words: dinner

55, wild yě ghost ɡuǐ wild yě lonely ɡū唷yō

Rough meaning: naughty child.

Like, well, a wild ghost ran up behind me and screamed, which scared me to the core.

Similar words: naughty, naughty


Hui culture is known as the living fossil of Chinese culture, Hui language is the living fossil of the Chinese language. Anhui opera with Hui dialect as the carrier came to Beijing to form Peking opera . Hui dialect and Beijing dialect were combined to form Beijing accent , which affected the formation of Mandarin . After research, Hui language is the mother tongue of the Wu language family in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Hui language is due to the migration of various clans from the Central Plains in history. Each clan brought different intonations, so there are differences in the intonations in Huizhou villages where people live in groups with surnames, and over time With the development of Chinese culture, these differences have been solidified by region and become the source of complex pronunciation and intonation. The rest of this public account will mainly focus on the dialects in Nanxiang, She County, and introduce some commonly used Anhui dialects to friends, for reference only.

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[About the author] Lao Wan, whose real name is Wu Yesheng, is a member of the Anhui Artists Association, a member of the Provincial Photographers Association, and an intangible inheritor of traditional Chinese art, Huangshan City A grassroots calligraphy and painting enthusiast, photography enthusiast, and promoter of Huangshan Mountain Village, he advocates "painting mountain villages, photographing mountain villages, writing about mountain villages, and promoting mountain villages."