On the evening of May 20, the Haikou City Discipline Inspection and Supervision System’s 2022 Top Ten Singers Competition officially opened in the studio of Haikou Radio and Television Station. During the competition, there were familiar red classics such as "My Motherland and Me

"My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment..." On the evening of May 20, the Haikou City Discipline Inspection and Supervision System's 2022 Top Ten Singers Competition officially opened in the Haikou Radio and Television Station studio hall. 25 cadres from the discipline inspection and supervision system participated in the competition. The contestants sang with loud voices the energetic and high-spirited spirit of the discipline inspection and supervision officials in the new era.

In the competition, there were familiar red classics such as "My Motherland and Me" and "Flowing Red Flag", as well as popular songs such as "Moonlight Serenade", "Really Love You" and "Sunshine is Always After the Storm". The contestants took turns. They took the stage and showed off their talents. They used their emotional and explosive singing to win the applause and cheers of the audience time and time again.

After two and a half hours of fierce competition and comprehensive evaluation by the judges, a total of 1 first prize winner, 3 second prize winners, and 6 third prize winners (group) were selected. In addition, the competition also selects awards for the best hit, best typhoon, best appearance, and best popularity.

"It is really meaningful to hold a singer competition on the day of '520'. It not only provides discipline inspection and supervision cadres with an opportunity to exercise and a stage to show themselves, but also relieves stress and relaxes the body and mind. As discipline inspectors, we must Roll up your sleeves and work hard, and truly make your modest contribution to the discipline inspection and supervision work,” said the contestant.

The relevant person in charge of the Haikou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that this competition is composed of cadres from the commission to form a team culture group, serving as executive director, host, etiquette, work team and other roles. On the one hand, it is to train the cadres' organizational coordination ability, solidarity and cooperation ability. , collective cooperation ability; on the other hand, it is to cultivate the sentiment of cadres, shape the culture of the agency, and adopt joint coordination and coordination by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission at the municipal and district levels to form a "game of chess" work pattern, strengthen the overall sense of collaboration, enhance the collective sense of honor and cohesion, and promote cadres Maintaining good physical and mental health, leading cadres to continuously hone their party spirit , strengthen their ideals and beliefs, stick to their original mission, change their work style, forge an iron army of discipline inspection and supervision, and ensure that cadres work in a better spirit in a united, tense, serious and lively atmosphere Invest in the construction of a clean and honest free trade port.

The event is hosted by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee’s Labor Union and the Youth League Branch of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and is hosted by the Haikou Radio and Television Station Labor Union. The District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision is co-organized by the labor union.