But the queen in our hearts suddenly became a hot search topic today. The reason is that Hunan Satellite TV recently announced that the queen Faye Wong will make her debut in the reality show "City of Fantasy".

Everyone is probably familiar with and Faye Wong . But the queen in our hearts suddenly became a hot search topic today. The reason is that Hunan Satellite TV recently announced that the queen Faye Wong will make her debut in the reality show " Fantasy City ", and this time Faye Wong's appearance fee Up to 300 million.

There have been rumors that Faye Wong's commercial performances are "seafood prices", starting from at least 8 million yuan. When Faye Wong returned to the music scene in 2009, she endorsed a shampoo commercial, earning 20 million yuan. In 2010, she held a concert tour, and it was rumored that she was worth as much as 6.5 million yuan per tour. In 2016, Faye Wong held a personal "Fantasy Music" concert in Shanghai, China, which was broadcast online and used VR technology in the live broadcast, which once again aroused public attention. It is reported that the remuneration for this concert was as high as 1 100 million.

"City of Fantasy" is a new original variety show jointly created by Hunan Satellite TV and Kubot Culture. The host is He Jiong , the program production team is led by Andersen, Liang Qiaobai , Hong Tao serves as the producer. The

program creates an immersive viewing stage, with music performance as the main form. Guests provide inspiration, professionals integrate creation, and finally jointly complete a short music story. There are a total of 12 episodes of the program, with 5 guests in each episode, including well-known singers or actors. Faye Wong serves as the "experience officer" in this show. It is known that the tentative production cost of the show is 300 million, and 20 groups of top directors and artists will form "phantom music partners" to conduct 12 movie-level live music competitions. Regarding the news that Faye Wong's remuneration for participating in "City of Fantasy" is as high as 300 million, his manager Chen Jiaying said: "The format of the program has not yet been finalized."

It is reported that the guests participating in the singing include Kitty Chan, Xu Jiaying , Sun Honglei and Tan Weiwei , etc. Chen Jiaying said: "I don't know if there are any guests participating at all. You can ask the TV station. I can only say that we are in negotiation."

As early as the end of April this year, Faye Wong was caught by reporters at a cocktail reception held by a friend in Hong Kong. When asked, "According to insiders, it is reported that you will participate in a variety show on Hunan Satellite TV. Is it true?" Faye Wong just smiled and asked: "Who is the insider? Why didn't I know?"

A reporter asked Faye Wong: "Why are you considering participating in this variety show? Is it to help your friends?" Faye Wong laughed and said: "I didn't know that variety shows were so profitable before."

Faye Wong is going to make a comeback and appear on variety shows? Faye Wong, who has been clamoring to quit the music industry, now actually wants to participate in a singing variety show. When the editor saw this news, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Faye Wong, who has never liked participating in variety show recordings, also wanted to do it for money this time. Lowered your noble waist? Is there anything in the entertainment industry that money can't do? And this kind of thing quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens. Netizens left messages one after another, "What kind of world is this!" "Invite Dou Wei , Li Yapeng , Nicholas Tse , Cecilia Cheung together, so the show will be good." "Why is money so easy to earn?"

But this news is undoubtedly a huge benefit for Faye Wong's fans! The editor is also looking forward to Sister Fei's performance in "City of Fantasy"!

Faye Wong is always a god-like existence in the minds of many people, which also confirms the saying: "People are not in the world, and there are legends about her everywhere in the world."

Faye Wong, born in Beijing on August 8, 1969, has a The mother of a soprano and the father of a coal engineer. Her mother, Xia Guiying, is very strict with Faye Wong and does not allow her to make any mistakes, even if she comes home one minute late. Faye Wong has loved music since she was a child. After her mother learned that she wanted to pursue a career as a singer, she was firmly opposed to it. On the one hand, Faye Wong obeyed her mother very much. If her mother did not allow her to join the school band, she would not join; but on the other hand, she followed her inner preferences and practiced singing secretly at home alone. In the end, he gave up the opportunity to study in the biology department of Xiamen University in order to sing.

And there are two most exciting and well-known points in her life: first, there is no doubt that she is a diva-level singer; second, her emotional experience is indeed rich and colorful, attracting everyone's attention. All of this can be explained in detail.

In July 1996, Faye Wong and Dou Wei got married. On January 3, 1997, Faye Wong gave birth to a daughter - Dou Jingtong . In August 1999, Faye Wong and Dou Wei officially divorced. In June 2000, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse's relationship was made public. On March 28, 2002, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse broke up. In June 2003, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse reunited; in November of the same year, the two broke up again.

In July 2004, the relationship between Faye Wong and Li Yapeng was officially made public. On July 29, 2005, Faye Wong and Li Yapeng got married. On May 27, 2006, Faye Wong gave birth to her daughter Li Yan. On September 13, 2013, Faye Wong and Li Yapeng divorced in Urumqi. In September 2014, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse finally got back together after years of separation.

Speaking of Faye Wong, what I have to say is her achievements that cannot be replicated in the Chinese music scene.

Faye Wong's peak was probably in the decade 1994-2003. This was arguably the most prosperous decade for traditional media before it was reconstructed by the Internet. There are developed media that can spread and expand her influence, but at the same time, there is not a strong enough self-media to eliminate the necessary distance between her and the public. The record company will have enough resources to create her flagship record, but at the same time, there will be no subcultures such as Internet singers and spoofs of Divine Comedy to distract fans. This is another decade in which fans who are not satisfied with vulgar Chinese ballads have become more and more aware of the outside music world. Musical elements previously unheard of by the public have gradually penetrated into our lives, but at the same time there is no system or direction. On the eve of the Internet boom that would suddenly bring almost all types of music in the world to users' desktops, it was Faye Wong who personally ignited our imagination of music.

As a result, she ascended the throne and became a god. She changed the people of an era. She was the pinnacle of Chinese pop music before the Internet destroyed the record industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that after Faye Wong, there will be no more queens.

Even after many years, the queen’s voice still has an ethereal quality, but the situation at the car accident scene is not inevitable. But the Queen is still the Queen, and her name is enough to shock everyone.

Although as a generation queen, she has countless halos: the first Chinese-speaking singer to be featured in Time Magazine; the Cantonese female singer with the highest album sales in Guinness World Records; the Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Best Mandarin Female Singer... But under the halo She is real, free and easy, and full of personality.

Some netizens once summarized "15 Faye Wong quotes that can make reporters mad to death." Those seemingly witty, funny, and joke-like answers often hide a person who is loyal to the truth. Her truth lies in the fact that she doesn't bother to understand the ways of the world and won't make herself smooth for the sake of other people. And this kind of reality is already rare in today's entertainment industry.

And in this year's Spring Festival Gala, Faye Wong and Na Ying reunited and sang together after twenty years after singing " Meet in 1998" in the 1998 Spring Festival Gala. " years ", meet again in 2018.