Text丨Fuguo’s mother washes dishes in the kitchen every day, but her back hurts not long after washing. She told her husband several times, but he doesn’t believe it. It only takes a few minutes to wash the dishes, but her back hurts so quickly? I never really took it to heart. Af

Text丨Fuguo’s mother

washes dishes in the kitchen every day, but her back hurts not long after washing. I have told my husband several times, but he doesn’t believe it. It only takes a few minutes to wash the dishes, but my back hurts so quickly?

I never really took it to heart. After all, every time my back hurts, the dishes are washed quickly.

I was communicating with a group of mother friends today, and I realized that many of them are just like me. Only then did I start thinking about this issue.

Although washing dishes does not take longer than cooking, you need to bend down when washing dishes. Because the kitchen sink is lower than the cabinet surface, when washing dishes, you have to wash them lower to prevent water from splashing out. Unlike cooking and cutting vegetables, you only need to move your arms.

This is how we feel about body parts. When it doesn't hurt, it will be ignored by us. Once we feel that a certain part exists, there is probably something wrong with that part. After giving birth to a baby, many mothers feel the pain in their waist.

Many people think that this is a postpartum disease caused by not sitting down properly during confinement. Some people think that this is due to the long needle in the back during caesarean section anesthesia. In fact, from the enlargement of the belly during pregnancy to holding the baby every day after giving birth, these are all challenges to women's lumbar spine.


Postpartum low back pain is due to not sitting up during confinement?

Although the term "postpartum disease" is not scientific, the postpartum back pain commonly felt by mothers is indeed real. The back pain at this stage is indeed inseparable from the condition of giving birth just now.

After giving birth to a baby, mothers’ internal secretion system has not been adjusted well, and various parts of the body are still in the recovery period, such as the pelvis, uterus, and abdominal muscles. At this time, mothers feel back pain. A large part of the reason is due to various parts of the body. The muscles in the uterus are in a relaxed state and the uterus has not been reset, causing reflex pain in the waist.

So even if you do nothing but have a baby, you will feel back pain. Of course, this generally has nothing to do with anesthesia being injected into the waist during a caesarean section.

Secondly, it is caused by sitting for a long time, standing for a long time and squatting for a long time, and not paying attention to rest. After giving birth to the baby, the mother needs to take care of the baby. Although she knows that she also needs rest, she often puts the baby first. Breastfeeding and coaxing to sleep require the mother to hold the baby all the time. Even sitting and holding the baby is very tiring. Over time, it is easy to cause muscle strain.

In addition, the most important thing during traditional confinement is to keep warm and not catch cold. Many mothers feel that their back pain is related to exposure to wind and cold. This is not groundless. Postpartum women are easily invaded by dampness and cold, which can lead to blocked blood vessels and low back pain. If the lochia is not discharged smoothly after delivery, it can also cause back pain.

For postpartum back pain, it is important to pay attention to postpartum recovery.

Whether it is the radiation pain in the waist caused directly by childbirth, or the back pain caused by strain, or the back pain caused by poor blood circulation, physiological calcium deficiency and other problems, mothers are reminded not to be careless during the postpartum recovery period. I feel that the so-called confinement period is unscientific, and we should pay attention to what we should pay attention to, not just to avoid back pain.


In addition to the special postpartum period, mothers are also prone to back pain in daily life.

The first is that you often bend down when doing housework, resulting in excessive weight bearing on the waist or muscle strain injuries.

Wiping the table, sweeping and mopping the floor, and doing laundry are all household chores that involve bending down. People who are not often responsible for a complete set of housework at home may not understand it and think that housework is very easy. However, as long as you do it yourself, you will know that housework is a physical labor.

We often use the extended meaning of the phrase "standing and talking without back pain", but don't forget its original meaning. When you don't bend over, you won't feel back pain.

Because everyone’s body constitution is different, for example, some mothers’ peripheral muscles are relatively weak, and the probability and degree of back pain will be higher. In addition, the postures of some other movements are incorrect and the force on the waist is uneven, which is also the reason for aggravating back pain. Therefore Some mothers have severe back pain.

In addition, if the mother has other physical diseases, it may also cause low back pain. For example, we are familiar with diseases such as lumbar disc herniation and bone hyperplasia, as well as gynecological diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease , uterine fibroids , and some urinary system diseases.


In fact, waist protection is needed in many places in life.

After giving birth, specifically, you should pay attention to getting more rest. You can change positions regularly when breastfeeding. You can also prepare a nursing pillow to raise the baby's height so that the mother can avoid bending over.

Or like this father, he saw his wife hugging the child in the middle of the night and was worried about her back pain, so he went over to sit behind his wife and let her relax against him.

In addition, you can pay attention to your posture when doing housework. For some tasks that do not require bending, try not to bend down. You can choose to squat, or find a suitable table and stool and sit down to work.

When washing dishes, you can also change your posture. Spread your legs, straighten your back, lift your chest and draw in your abdomen. Lift your buttocks instead of bending down. This will lower the height and make it easier to operate. At the same time, this position also has the effect of raising your buttocks. It just doesn’t look very nice, but at home, you just get used to it.

If your waist is particularly painful after a busy day, you can try applying warm water on your waist at night and combine it with massage to help relax your muscles and relieve fatigue. But if the pain has become more obvious and affects your life, in this case it is still recommended that you go to the hospital to see a doctor for manual rehabilitation treatment.