Cover News Reporter Luo Xuan "Compared with last year, there are 47 more centenarians in Dazhou this year. There are currently 312 centenarians alive, with the oldest being 114 years old." On the afternoon of October 11, the Double Ninth Festival is coming. On the occasion, Wang

2024/06/2103:40:32 hotcomm 1159

cover news reporter Luo Xuan

"Compared with last year, there are 47 more centenarians in Dazhou this year. There are currently 312 centenarians alive, with the oldest being 114 years old." On the afternoon of October 11, during the Double Ninth Festival, On the occasion of the upcoming event, Wang Guangsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Dazhou Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor, led a team to Tongchuan District to visit the centenarians and send them holiday greetings and blessings.

Cover News Reporter Luo Xuan

Wang Guangsheng and his party visited and expressed condolences to three centenarians including Tang Shijie in Fenling Jinxiu Community, Tianheng Garden Community and Renhe Spring Community, and sent condolence money to the elderly. At Tang Shijie's home, Wang Guangsheng was very pleased to learn that the old man was in good health, had a good appetite, and had a regular diet and daily routine. He hoped that her family would take good care of the old woman and let her enjoy her old age.

Wang Guangsheng said: "The longevity of the elderly is closely related to the living atmosphere in which the whole family respects the elderly and loves the young, the family is happy, and the neighborhood is harmonious. The elderly are precious assets to the family and society. We must build a Chinese nation that respects the elderly, loves the elderly and helps the elderly." Traditional virtues are passed down from generation to generation, creating a good atmosphere of caring for the elderly in the whole society, so that every elderly person can live a happy, contented and comfortable life. "

Cover News Reporter Luo Xuan

It is understood that in recent years, the Dazhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to the elderly. In terms of care services, the "Implementation Opinions of the Dazhou Municipal People's Government Office on the Development and Implementation of Care Service Projects for the Elderly" has been issued, and the elderly allowance and centenarian care systems have been continuously improved. Innovatively, the province has established a "one plaque and two gold" care system for centenarians. The municipal government provides a centenarian plaque to each elderly person who is over 100 years old. Every October is the "Respect for the Aged Month", which is for those who are 100 years old and above. Each of the above-mentioned elderly people will receive an annual pension of 2,000 yuan and a family bonus of 2,000 yuan.

With the economic and social development and the continuous improvement of living standards, the number of centenarians in Dazhou City is increasing year by year. According to statistics, there are currently 312 centenarians in Dazhou City, 47 more than in 2020 (128 new and 81 less), including 96 males and 216 females; 38 in urban areas and 274 in rural areas (some live in City). Qu County has the largest number of centenarians, with a total of 116 people, accounting for 37.2% of the total number of centenarians in the city. The oldest one is Deng Xianyu from Dazhu County, 114 years old. This year, 128 longevity plaques will be distributed to new centenarians, and 1.248 million yuan in pensions and family incentives will be distributed to all centenarians.

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