00:00 Red Net Moment January 28th (Reporters Zhou Man and Chen Yanan) “I had no discomfort at all after the operation, and the medical staff’s service was also very good.


Red Net Moment January 28th (Reporter Zhou Man and Chen Yanan) "I had no discomfort at all after the operation, and the medical service was also very good. Dr. Ouyang Zhuo's superb medical skills and the good medical environment of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital made me I feel that it is very worthwhile to travel from Beijing to Changsha for this surgery.” Recently, Sister Wu underwent transvaginal single-port laparoscopic surgery at Hunan Women and Children’s Hospital to remove an ovarian teratoma that had been with her for 20 years. Discharged.

Beijing "fan" patient came to Changsha to remove teratoma

Sister Wu, who lives in Beijing, is 49 years old. In 2001, she discovered a 3 cm benign ovarian tumor during a physical examination, but it has not been treated. In 2020, it was found that the tumor had grown It was 11 centimeters in size and was diagnosed as an ovarian teratoma, which was equivalent to the size of a 16-week-old fetus. It had compressed other internal organs and had to be removed. Sister Wu, who is 160 centimeters tall and weighs as much as 190 kilograms, had undergone radiotherapy for breast cancer. Her physical condition was not good and the surgery was very difficult, so she was declined by many hospitals. She found the gynecological team of Ouyang Zhuo of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital. After much consideration, she rushed all the way from Beijing to Changsha and underwent surgery at Hunan Women and Children's Hospital. She recovered well after the operation.

"Teratoma is a tumor produced by abnormal differentiation of ovarian germ cells. It can grow by itself without sperm and eggs, so it is not pregnant. It usually grows in the ovary, sacrococcygeal bone, testis, peritoneum, mediastinum and other locations. Sister Wu's is It grows in the ovary. Teratomas cannot be allowed to grow. Tumors in the body are prone to torsion and rupture. In the emergency department of women with abdominal pain, the most common cause is ectopic pregnancy, followed by teratoma torsion and rupture. Therefore, it is recommended that teratomas larger than 5 cm are torsion and rupture. The tumor needs to be surgically removed, and Sister Wu’s tumor is already 16 weeks pregnant and has compressed the rectum, causing difficulty in defecation. At the same time, the tumor has grown rapidly recently and the risk of malignant transformation has increased significantly, so it needs to be removed anyway," Ouyang Zhuo said.

Minimally invasive surgery is performed from the navel, which can easily contaminate the abdominal cavity with the sticky fat and hair in Sister Wu’s tumor. Moreover, Sister Wu has abdominal obesity and thick abdominal wall, which obviously increases the difficulty of the operation. After evaluation and examination, Ouyang Zhuo's team finally formulated a surgical plan and used single-port laparoscopy to remove the huge ovarian teratoma through the vagina, truly achieving "zero scars" and minimizing surgical trauma. "Surgery performed through the vagina, urethra and other natural cavities of the human body is not only beautiful, but also greatly reduces the postoperative pain of traditional surgery, reduces the interference to the heart, lungs and pelvic and abdominal organs, and recovers quickly. Sister Wu had no fever during the operation, and also There was no abdominal pain and I could get out of bed and move freely on the first day after the operation," Ouyang Zhuo told us.

Scarless single-port laparoscopic surgery brings benefits to patients

Single-ported laparoscopic surgery is the most cutting-edge minimally non-invasive technology in the world. It is a surgery completed through one aperture. It can be done through the navel or vagina, with an incision of about 2cm, and through This incision is used to place operating instruments to complete minimally invasive surgery. Compared with traditional laparoscopic surgery, it has outstanding advantages such as minimally invasiveness, aesthetics, safety, economy, less postoperative pain and faster recovery. You can drink water 2 hours after the operation, you can get out of bed and move about one day after the operation, the wound does not need to be removed, and you can be discharged from the hospital two days after the operation. The hospitalization time is short and the medical cost is low. Because the incision is small and hidden in the navel fold or through the vagina, the abdominal wall and other body surfaces are as smooth as before after the operation, and no incision is visible, which satisfies modern women's unremitting pursuit of beauty. Therefore, it is also known as "no surgical scars on the body surface." Surgery at its most perfect."

"Although single-port laparoscopic surgery has good surgical results, surgical instruments and equipment enter the abdominal cavity through the same surgical incision during the operation. During the operation, there are difficulties such as reduced range of movement of the instruments, frequent collisions, zero angle, and chopstick effect. It is more difficult than traditional laparoscopic surgery and poses new challenges to the experience and skills of the surgeon. This surgery has developed rapidly in recent years, and the scope of surgery has expanded from the previous benign tumor resection to malignant tumor resection," Ouyang Zhuo said.

Hunan Women and Children's Hospital is a tertiary maternal and child specialty hospital based on the scale of a tertiary medical institution and the JCI international standard of "high starting point construction, high-quality operation, and high-level service". It is one of the top ten key livelihood projects in Hunan Province. The hospital focuses on "full life cycle" medical care services for women and children, and is committed to building a "regional maternal and child medical center" in Central and South China.

Hunan Women and Children’s Hospital currently performs two single-port laparoscopic techniques, transumbilical and transvaginal, for all benign gynecological diseases. The cost is similar to traditional laparoscopy, and it has been included in the medical insurance coverage of Changsha City. The hospital has recently launched an activity to provide free treatment to the top five patients who are suitable for single-port laparoscopic surgery. The consultation hotline is: 0731-82107777, 0713-82107818.