On the occasion of the anniversary of the re-election of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen, the British-sent "legislator" Luo Zhizheng, New Taipei City Councilor Zhang Zhihao and others have been bombarding New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi for "advanced deployment instead of backward dep

Source: New Fujian

On the occasion of the anniversary of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's re-election, the British-sent "legislator" Luo Zhizheng, New Taipei City Councilor Zhang Zhihao and others have been bombarding New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi's "advanced deployment changes" in epidemic prevention. "Backward deployment", there is not even a centralized quarantine center so far, triggering the discussion of "Lakoda Hou". When interviewed yesterday, Hou Youyi echoed Tsai Ing-wen's repeated calls for the people to "unite to fight the epidemic", emphasizing that we are facing a great crisis and that we must work together to prevent the epidemic. Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe emphasized that we must first control the epidemic and then talk about it. "We need to repair Ke Wenzhe and come back later."

Local cases have increased sharply in the Shuangbei region (Taipei and New Taipei City). New Taipei City announced on the 19th that it would requisition anti-epidemic hotels and transform them into "concentrated quarantine centers" to treat people with mild or asymptomatic confirmed cases. It will be available on the 21st Enable. However, Luo Zhizheng was the first to question. In March last year, the Taipei City Government set up a safe quarantine center that could accommodate 230 people, but New Taipei City did nothing. It did not apply for the establishment until May this year. "Mayor Hou lags behind Mayor Ke by 1 "Taipei can, why can't New Taipei?"

Zhang Zhihao also said that the DPP authorities have set up 39 centralized quarantine facilities across Taiwan since last year, but there is no one in New Taipei, and they still have to get subsidies, "I hope The city government needs to be tough and don’t let news strategies replace epidemic prevention strategies.”

New Taipei City Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Qiqiang refuted yesterday that the “central government” will find sites and local assistance to support the “centralized quarantine centers”. There are currently three in New Taipei City. None. Centralized quarantine centers are uniformly dispatched by superiors and are not exclusive to the county or city where they are located. The "centralized quarantine center" recently added by New Taipei City is in response to the increase in confirmed cases in New Taipei City. If there is room, the "central" deployment will be opened to assist those in need. County and city.

Regarding the outside world’s doubts about the Green Camp’s “Lakoda Hou”, Hou stressed in an interview yesterday that epidemic prevention is regarded as a battle, and the only enemy is the virus. During this period, no matter what the external disturbances are, it is not good for him, the citizens of New Taipei City, and the partners on the front line. , unity is the most important. Ke was interviewed and said that the epidemic is still so tense. Don't talk about who to pull and beat whom. "No eggs are left behind when the nest is overturned." Let's control the epidemic first. He must concentrate on controlling the epidemic and repair Ke Wenzhe later.

According to Taiwan's "China Times" report, as the epidemic on the island escalates, it is reported that the Green Camp cyber army attacks Ke Wenzhe and Hou Youyi through various channels, and even "attacks Ke Wenzhe". However, Chen Guanan, director of the youth department of the Chinese Kuomintang, analyzed Facebook big data and found that despite the overwhelming attacks from the green camp, Hou Ke's negative voice was still not as negative as that of green camp politicians. "The attacks from the green camp can be said to be in vain."

Chen Guanan statistics from April 29 to May On the 19th, the "anger ratio" of politicians on Facebook (the ratio of anger to the mood of posts), Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe, who were heavily attacked by the green camp, were far behind Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang and Chen Shizhong, showing that the public's anger is still Politicians gathered at Green Camp.

He said that in the face of public complaints, the Green Camp has always chosen to ignore it. After the pictures and words failed, it tried to put a scarecrow on it and used smear and red methods to shift the focus. In the past few days, it can be clearly seen that there is a pro-Green flank. They attacked Hou Youyi in a "central kitchen style", and there was even the incredible phenomenon of "taking a shot from Hou".

Chen Guanan pointed out that even if Hou Youyi was smeared and attacked, judging from Facebook's big data, the Green Camp's attack was in vain. From a long perspective, it even looks like the 2018 election, when Hou was attacked by the Democratic Progressive Party in the Wennan University dormitory case. The offensive was fierce, but in the end, Hou defeated Su Zhenchang by 300,000 votes.