Hello friends, welcome to the cat witch tarot divination channel. Today I will share with you the fortunes of the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in the coming week.

Hello friends, welcome to the cat witch tarot divination channel. Today I will share with you the fortunes of the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in the coming week.

Let’s take a look at the situation of each constellation separately

Cancer: The Moon Card Four of Cups reversed

Cancer friends and your significant other may have a certain amount of financial pressure recently. It may be that your current financial situation is not enough to support you. Regarding future planning, it is also possible that you encountered some unexpected situations before, which caused you to have some unexpected expenses. No matter what, you should focus on the long-term planning for the future, and don't just care about how you feel at the moment. At present, the relationship between Cancer and the person you care about should be quite stable, but some of you will always be hindered by some practical aspects. This is also a test that you must pass. Seeking stability in everything may bring you more security. .

Many single Cancers may still be more inclined to choose someone with a stable temperament and a relatively stable material foundation when choosing a partner. Overall, they will be more pragmatic. It is still possible to meet such a person in the near future, but when choosing Everyone should keep their eyes open and be careful not to be deceived.

Office workers need to pay more attention to future-related planning and positioning during this period. While taking a long-term view, they must also be down-to-earth in doing their current work. Student parties are likely to get better rewards for their recent efforts, but they must also pay attention to emotional issues.

Scorpio: The Hanged Man, The Waiter of Wands

Recently, many Scorpio friends will focus on their career and studies. At this time, it will be easy to ignore the feelings of the other half, and communication is particularly important for you. Then I can feel that the person you care about really wants to have the same plan with you. In fact, this period of time is very suitable for you to plan a trip together. This is also a good opportunity for your relationship to heat up. At the same time, everyone should also be careful about financial pressure. There are signs of excessive spending in this set of cards. For the future of the two of them, more caution is needed.

The love fortune of single Scorpios is very good. You will have the opportunity to get into new circles in the near future, and it is easy to meet people who can make your heart beat. Scorpios should avoid having too much financial interaction with each other at the beginning. Try to figure out whether this person really likes you or if he has other intentions for you.

For Scorpios who are working, the workload and difficulty of work will increase in the near future. Everyone needs to be more patient, and at the same time, they should be prepared with both hands when making plans. Student parties may encounter some emotional problems in the near future and must learn to express their feelings with those around them.

Pisces: Five of Wands and Six of Swords

Some Pisces friends may have had some differences with their significant other before. Most of these differences seem to be related to your future development. Both parties should consider each other's feelings when communicating. Appropriate It’s time to make some concessions, and don’t take everything too seriously. There is no perfect answer to many choices. At the same time, some Pisces may settle down and have the idea of ​​getting married. However, many Pisces' current situations are not very stable, and many ideas are still limited by financial pressure. Everyone should pay attention to their own tolerance when planning.

For single Pisces, they may be introduced to new people by family and friends in the near future. Under the current situation, it is not a bad idea to try to get in touch first, but don’t make a decision easily before getting to know them deeply. The overall love fortune looks like Still pretty good.

Pisces who are working may face some long-standing problems in the near future, so now is the time to deal with them, and at the same time, they should also pay attention to improving their work mentality. For the student party, independence awareness is very important. Recently, it is easier to be influenced by others. When encountering problems, try to deal with them independently first.

Today’s divination will be shared here first. If you have spiritual needs or encounter difficulties and need advice, the teacher is very happy to help you. Thank you for watching and listening. I look forward to seeing you next time. Bye!