In May 2020, the bright sunshine lights up the early summer moment. Atelier Cologne, the top salon perfume brand originating from France, also welcomes a new brand ambassador-the powerful and popular actor Xu Guanghan. We invite you to meet Xu Guanghan in a gentle and "fragrant"

Atelier Cologne of France joins hands with Xu Guanghan as the new brand ambassador

Vitality meets your gentle "fragrance"

In May 2020, the bright sunshine lights up the early summer moment, and Atelier Cologne, the top salon perfume brand from France, also welcomes a new brand Ambassador - Xu Guanghan, a powerful and popular actor, invites you to meet Xu Guanghan gently and "fragrantly", feel the warm power from the bright young man in the citrus fragrance, light up the moment of laughter and vitality, and go on a journey of full of vitality together. Fragrance journey.

Concentrate on honing his acting skills to create diverse roles

As a capable actor who has been in the industry for many years, Xu Guanghan has always followed his inner enthusiasm for interpretation and polished his acting skills through hard work. With his perfect performance in " Want to See You ", he has engraved his name in the hearts of countless audiences. His highlight moment. Xu Guanghan, who shines solely by his strength, is always dazzling, just like Oulon, which insists on extraordinary quality in the field of perfume. Since its establishment, it has continuously created outstanding and innovative fine colognes, with long-lasting refreshing fragrance, Capturing the hearts of fragrance lovers around the world.

breaks limitations and inspires infinite possibilities, which is also the motto that guides him in the entertainment industry. Xu Guanghan constantly tries new and completely different roles to interpret those elusive and complex emotions, from the elegant and affectionate Wen Tangsheng, the righteous and evil Lin Jizi, to the warm and cheerful Li Ziwei, and the inner conflict Wang Quansheng... With his unique With his plasticity, Xu Guanghan vividly created impressive characters on the screen, hoping to use diverse characters to lead the audience into different stages of life, just like Atelier Cologne, France, hopes to tell unique emotions with wisps of fragrance. Fragrance paints love, blending love in the heart, leading fragrance lovers to review the different memories and passionate and romantic stories behind each scent.

Citrus scents come to your dreams and light up your fragrance journey.

This time, Atelier Cologne will join hands with its new brand ambassador Xu Guanghan to awaken the memories treasured deep in your heart with three star citrus scents. When I want to see you, I always think of the afternoon garden stained by the fine sunshine, and those moments when I met you along with the sparkling citrus fragrance - in the warm orange sun of "red glow", Yuan Qi slowly walks with a bright smile The young man hides every ray of sunshine in every smile. The air is filled with the sweetness of Sicilian oranges, and his mood becomes brighter. In the pink throbbing of "Love Pomelo", his eyes follow the most dazzling among the crowd. The boy's first love, his mood is like the sweet and sour fragrance of Florida pink grapefruit , ripples in the coral light; in the lingering smoke of "Wuji Oolong", a simple and pure boy in a white shirt stands on the campus rooftop , the breeze blew through the young man's clothes, bringing with it a refreshing scent of tea from the oolong leaves, as fresh and clear as ever.

In the citrus-scented garden, I fall into a dream, and the cheerful young man meets you "fragrantly". In the early summer of May, Atelier Cologne joins hands with Xu Guanghan to give you and me warmth at all times. It will also accompany every fragrance lover to engrave the endless fragrance of French fragrance in this wonderful time and explore the infinite possibilities of the future. , interpreting a new chapter of Oulong Radio.

product information

star fragrance raw materials

Italian blood orange

Chinese geranium

Indonesian sandalwood

auxiliary fragrance raw materials

Seville bitter orange

Italian red orange

Egypt jasmine

Madagascar black pepper

Brazilian black tonka bean

Dirk Saas cedar

Oulon "Red Red Orange Light" refined cologne

30ML/100ML/200ML – RMB 680/ 1280 / 1680

Star fragrance raw material

Florida pink grapefruit

Italian citrus

Haitian rock orchid

Auxiliary fragrance raw material

Burgundy Blackcurrant buds

Moroccan orange blossom

Tuscan iris

Bulgarian rose essence

Chinese mint


Oulong "Love Pomelo" refined cologne

Oolong tea

Italian bergamot

Central American guaiac wood

Auxiliary fragrance Raw materials

Tunisian Neroli oil

Egyptian jasmine

Balkan Tobacco flower

Golden leather



Oulon "Wuji Oolong" Fine Cologne

30ML/100ML/200ML – RMB 680/ 1280 / 1680

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