The S&P 500 index fell 20.58% in the first half of the year, the worst record for the same period since 1970. Wind data shows that on the final day of the first half of 2022, the S&P 500 index closed down 33.45 points, or 0.88%, at 3785.38 points. It fell 8.39% in June and fell 1

On the last trading day of June, and , the three major U.S. stock indexes fell across the board. The S&P 500 index fell 20.58% in the first half of the year, the worst record in the same period since 1970.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and CCTV news reported that on June 30, local time, Russian Ministry of Defense spokesperson Konashenkov said that the Russian army had ended its mission on Snake Island and withdrew its troops that day; Konashenkov also said that Russia and Ukraine conducted a large-scale exchange of captured personnel on the 29th, and 144 soldiers from Russia and Ukraine were released.

U.S. stocks fell across the board

Wind Data show that on the closing day of the first half of 2022, the S&P 500 index closed down 33.45 points, or 0.88%, to 3785.38 points. It fell 8.39% in June and fell 16.45% in the second quarter, the second consecutive time. It fell for the first half of the year, falling 20.58%, the worst record for the same period since 1970. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 253.88 points, or 0.82%, at 30775.43 points. It fell 6.91% in June and 11.25% in the second quarter. , fell 15.31% in the first half; Nasdaq Composite Index closed down 149.16 points, or 1.33%, to 11028.74 points. It fell 8.71% in June, fell 22.44% in the second quarter, and fell 29.51% in the first half of the year.

Source: Wind

Popular star Technology stocks overall performed poorly in the first half of the year: Tesla fell 36% in the first half of the year, Apple fell 23%, Microsoft fell 24%, Google A fell 25%, Meta fell 52% and Netflix fell 71%.

Industry insiders said that the remarks of European and American central banks about insisting on raising interest rates to curb inflation even if they cause an economic slowdown, the Swedish central bank suddenly raising interest rates, and the home furnishings company RH issuing a profit warning, all intensified the downward pressure on U.S. stocks.

George Ball, chairman of Sanders Morris Harris Institution, said: "We believe that the U.S. stock market has not yet bottomed out, and there will be further downside in the future. Investors should hold higher levels of cash now."

He said that the S&P 500 Index will A bottom was found near 3100, as aggressive but necessary anti-inflation measures by the Federal Reserve could depress corporate earnings and cause stocks to fall.

Russian troops withdrew from Snake Island

Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konashenkov said in a Ministry of Defense announcement on the 30th that the Russian troops had ended their mission on Snake Island and withdrew their troops from Snake Island. This move showed to the international community , Russia will not hinder the efforts of the United Nations to ensure the export of agricultural products from Ukraine. Konashenkov emphasized that this decision will prevent "Ukraine from hyping up the topic of a food crisis on the pretext that Russia's control of the northwestern waters of the Black Sea prevents the shipment of food." He said: "Everything now depends on the Uzbek side. Uzbekistan has not demined its Black Sea coast and port waters yet."

Russia said it only takes a few days to control the entire Lischichansk

According to Russian media reports on the 30th, Russia The U.S. Army and the Luhansk armed forces have completely taken control of the Lisichansk Oil Refinery, and the Ukrainian troops in the plant area have been fully repulsed. Luhansk The armed forces said that they are currently launching an active offensive into the city of Lisichansk. The Ukrainian army is trying to escape from Lisichansk into small groups. It may only take a few days to control the entire Lisichansk.

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated on social media on the 30th that the Russian army continued to try to surround the city of Lischichansk and control the Lischichansk-Bakhmut highway section with artillery support that day. Currently, fighting is raging near the Kamenka and Lischichansk refineries. At the same time, the Russian army continued large-scale shelling of Kharkiv, Bakhmut, Kramatorsk and other places.

Russian Ministry of Agriculture: Starting from July 1, Russia

will temporarily restrict the export of amino acid feed and rice

On June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture issued a statement saying that from July 1 to December 31, Russia will Exports of amino acid feed and rice are temporarily restricted.

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture stated that the purpose of this decision is to ensure Russia’s food security, ensure the price stability of these products in Russia, and support the Russian livestock industry and processing industry.

Putin: Russia will not block Ukrainian grain exports

Russian President Vladimir Putin said when meeting visiting Indonesian President Joko at the Kremlin on June 30 that Russia would not block Ukrainian grain exports, and no one would stop it. The Ukrainian army will clear mines at the port and release grain-carrying ships. Russia will ensure the safety of the grain transportation process.

Putin said that sanctions have caused difficulties in the transportation of goods, which in turn has brought a series of problems to the world's grain and fertilizer markets. Russia is willing to fully meet the needs of friendly countries such as Indonesia and Indonesia for nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, etc. Russia supports Indonesia’s efforts to prepare for and host the Group of Twenty (G20) Bali Summit.

Jokowi said that restoring global food supply would be impossible without the participation of Russia and Ukraine. When he met with the leaders of the Group of Seven countries not long ago, he requested that grain and fertilizers be excluded from sanctions.

The EU informal summit will be held in Prague, Czech Republic in October

On June 30, European Council President Michel met with Czech Prime Minister Fiala in Prague . On July 1, the Czech Republic will succeed France as the rotating EU presidency. At the press conference after the meeting, Michel announced that the EU informal summit will be held on October 6-7. The theme is expected to be wider cooperation between the EU and non-member states. Fiala said that broader cooperation between the EU and non-member states stems from the concept of the European Political Community proposed by French President Macron. Michel did not specify which non-EU leaders could come to Prague for the summit. Fiala announced that the informal summit could resolve Ukraine's reconstruction issues. He expressed the hope that Ukrainian President Zelensky would attend in person.

The United States announced the freezing of a Russian billionaire

More than $1 billion trust fund

On June 30, local time, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the freezing of Russian billionaire Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov. Over $1 billion in trust funds in Delaware, USA. The U.S. Treasury Department said that Russian Federation Council (Upper House of Representatives ) member Suleyman Absadovich Klimov was found to have hidden funds through shell companies, violating U.S. sanctions laws. Since 2018, Kerimov has been sanctioned by the United States for incidents such as Crimea and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Editor: Zhang Nan Wang Yin