Luo Zhiqiang's team spokesman He Yuankai said that Luo Zhiqiang received a call from the clerk surnamed Chen last night and attached an apology statement via text message, hoping to get Luo Zhiqiang's forgiveness. Luo believed that since he apologized within 24 hours, he would no

According to Taiwanese media reports, former Taipei City Councilor Luo Zhiqiang was called a "dog" by unknown people on the Internet. City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin tracked the forum and found that the person who scolded Luo was actually Chen, a clerk in the Political Style Office of the New Taipei District Yuan. Luo Zhiqiang stated yesterday (17th) morning that he would sue within 24 hours if he did not apologize. Last night, he received an apology call and text message from the clerk surnamed Chen.

He Yuankai, spokesman for Luo Zhiqiang's team, said that Luo Zhiqiang received a call from the department member surnamed Chen last night and attached an apology statement via text message, hoping to get Luo Zhiqiang's forgiveness. Luo Zhiqiang believed that since he apologized within 24 hours, he would not pursue it, but hoped that the department Members should be careful in their words and deeds in the future.

Luo Zhiqiang also issued an ultimatum 4 days ago to former Taoyuan assemblyman Wang Haoyu within 24 hours, otherwise he would file a lawsuit. The reason was that Luo accused Wang Haoyu of using the picture card he sent last year to replace the original statement that "if Ma Ying-jeou is in power today, he will definitely get the vaccine." Changing it to "We will definitely get the Chinese vaccine" was a red-hot trick to confuse the public.

It’s not surprising that Luo Zhiqiang believes that smearing people with celebrities is a consistent style of the Democratic Progressive Party. However, Wang Haoyu used this malicious method of changing the picture to make others mistakenly think that it was Luo Zhiqiang’s picture, which constituted real malicious intent.

He Yuankai said that after Luo Zhiqiang issued the statement that day, Wang Haoyu apologized seven minutes later, and Luo decided not to file a lawsuit. Ho Yuan-kai stressed that when facing different positions, one should adopt a respectful and inclusive attitude and would not like to see remarks like this tear Taiwan apart.
