According to the Taiwanese media "China Times", the Kuomintang held a press conference on the "Top Ten Misgovernances of 2020" by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to announce the Tsai administration's incompetence and governance incidents that have attracted the most

According to the Taiwanese media "China Times", the Kuomintang held a press conference on the "Top Ten Misgovernances of 2020" by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to announce the Tsai administration's incompetence and governance incidents that attracted the most attention on Facebook this year, including the "mask chaos", "Opening up U.S. pork imports" and "Zhongtian Guantai", etc.

[The Kuomintang held a press conference on the "Top Ten Misgovernances of the Democratic Progressive Party Administration in 2020"]

Chairman Wang Yumin, deputy chairmen Huang Zizhe, and Zhong Peijun of the Kuomintang Cultural Communication Committee held a press conference in the morning to announce the results of the network analysis of the top ten mismanagements of the Tsai Ing-wen administration this year.

The Kuomintang emphasized that Tsai Ing-wen’s administration announced at the end of August that Taiwan would open imports of U.S. pork containing clenbuterol and ractopamine. In just four months, it accumulated more than 30 million posts on Facebook and received the most angry expressions, ranking first "The chief of public grievances." He also called on Tsai Ing-wen to publicly apologize to the people of Taiwan.

[Ranking list of the top ten political failures of the Tsai Ing-wen administration]

According to the posts of each incident, the top 5 political failures: No. 1 is "Mask Chaos" with more than 32 million posts; No. 2 is "Open Lai Zhu". More than 30 million; No. 3 "Zhongtian Guantai" and No. 4 "Zhonghuo Coal Controversy" also received more than 10 million posts; No. 5 is the dispute over Japan's Diaoyu Islands and fishing rights.

ranked 6th to 10th in order of Su Zhenchang's "coordinated chaos", the sex scandal of former Tsai Ing-wen office spokesperson Ding Yungong; China Airlines changed its name and livery, Xiao Ming was unable to return home during the epidemic, and the labor fund stock trading fraud case, etc.

Wang Yumin pointed out that the chaos of mask grabbing at the beginning of the epidemic was a personal pain for the whole people. "Xiao Ming can't go home" ranked 9th shows that the DPP authorities are cold-blooded in their governance and lack humane considerations. They have two sets of standards for immigration control for mainland Chinese people and for other regions, using epidemic prevention as an excuse to engage in politics.

[Ranking of the top ten “angry expressions” of the Tsai Ing-wen administration]

As for the ranking of the top ten “angry expressions” of the administration’s mismanagement. Netizens gave the most angry expressions to "Opening up the import of U.S. pork," which shows that the public has become intolerable to Tsai Ing-wen's administration's opening of the import of U.S. pork containing clenbuterol. The second place was "Mask Chaos," including mask grabbing and long queues at various channels. The so-called "national mask team" frequently sells masks and other chaos, which has aroused strong public resentment; the third place, "Zhongtian Guantai", shows that the people are deeply indignant at the Tsai Ing-wen authorities' suppression of press and freedom of speech.

Wang Yumin pointed out that although "Open Laizhu" ranks second in the number of sentiments posted, in just four months since the policy was announced, it has received more than 30 million sentiment symbols, which is close to the number one "Mask" which has been in the first place for more than half a year. "Chaos" and received more than 2 million angry expressions, ranking first, nearly twice as high as the second place, and definitely "the number one public complaint".

Huang Zizhe said that this year is the "First Year of the Emperor", and every Asian weekly uses "Tsai Ing-wen in dragon robe" as the cover, which shows the reappearance of the authority of green terror. As for Zhongtian News being shut down, it can be seen from the secret documents in Tsai Ing-wen’s office that it was completely a DPP scheme. Both incidents made the people of Taiwan angry and dissatisfied.

(Editor: HX)