"Some netizens replied that the poor people who had been "led" by highly educated elites in the past suddenly found that there were still people who cared about them, so they regarded Hanguo Yu as a spokesperson and outlet, thus forming the "Korean Wave".

The picture on the left shows the rally held in Fengshan before the election. Everyone sat on chairs, one by one, and the density was relatively high. The picture on the right is an aerial photo of the "Support Korea Conference" on the 27th, which is also very popular. (Picture source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News")

China Taiwan Network May 2 According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News" report, Kaohsiung Mayor Han Guoyu polls reached a new high. The consistently high polls also shocked netizens, who asked: "I'm curious, you said no one around you is Korean, what kind of occupation and environment are they in?" Some netizens replied that in the past, they were "led by highly educated elites" "Those who were in hardship suddenly discovered that there were still people who cared about them, so they regarded Han Guoyu as a spokesperson and outlet, thus forming the "Korean Wave".

According to the latest Taiwan TVBS poll, if the KMT sends Han Kuo-yu, it will gain 42% support, far ahead of Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je 's 25% and Tsai Ing-wen's 23%.

This phenomenon made many netizens call it incredible, and also made many "Korean blacks" dumbfounded. A netizen posted on the forum PTT: "I'm very curious. You said that no one around you is Korean. What kind of occupation and environment do they have? 1. White-collar workers, college graduates, good income, talk and laugh with scholars, and have no white people in their dealings. ;2. Blue collar, high school vocational education, hardworking people; 3. Farmers and fishermen; 4. Others. Since you are on PTT, even if you have different opinions on politics and gossip, the environment should be mostly 1. If this is the case, no one around you will support you? Isn’t Han normal?”

Some netizens analyzed the reply and said that this question really hit home the key point. As far as the people from all walks of life that he has come into contact with in his work, “the ethnic group in the past 1 was the so-called ‘discourse speaker’ because they could Discussion, and the diplomatism of Taiwanese society, people think you are awesome if you read more, and they will listen to you more or less. Then, especially those in the 2nd and 3rd grades, they have low self-esteem. In the past, they were waiting to be led. The supporters are 2 and 3, and some of the awakened 1. As the party age increases, the second generation of politicians, and the second generation of rich people enter politics, 2 and 3 are gradually ignored, and the "leaders" of 1 also look down on them, so they have always been It’s hard to get a vote for 2.”

The netizen further pointed out: “But suddenly a Han (Korean Yu) appeared. Whether you like him or not, he really comes from a family similar to 2 and 3. , and did some achievements in Beinong (Taipei Agricultural Products Transportation and Marketing Company), and spoke completely in the language of the common people. "This group of ethnic groups who have been ignored for a long time suddenly discovered that there are still people who care about them, and Guo Yu also told them that they are. Those who have "other choices" no longer need to be kidnapped by the "elites". Netizens went on to analyze that this concept was spread through various media, arousing recognition, and the DPP's various "creation opportunities", such as the "bumpkin incident" and " Bai Bingbing is vulgar", "This is why South Korea ranks high in the polls" No, because his base is simply bigger than others.” (China Taiwan Network Jia Ruolan)
