▲DPP 2016 candidate Tsai Ing-wen announced her deputy Chen Jianren on the 16th. In the race for the 2016 Taiwan election, Tsai Ing-wen, the “elderly leftover woman,” took the lead in finding her “other half.” Objectively speaking, the “English-Benevolent Couple” is indeed eye-cat

DPP 2016 candidate Tsai Ing-wen announced her deputy Chen Jianren on the 16th.

In the race for the 2016 Taiwanese general election, Tsai Ing-wen, the "elderly leftover woman", took the lead in finding her "other half". Objectively speaking, the "English couple" is really eye-catching. Some people even joked that the two of them are very "matching". "Don't choose, just go home and live your life hand in hand!

Indeed, there is indeed a saying that Chen Jianren is the "male version of Tsai Ing-wen". From the perspective of life experience, Chen Jianren and Tsai Ing-wen are almost the same -

  • They are also "returnees" with Ph.D. and have been university professors;

  • He is also an "atypical" political figure with little connection to the Democratic Progressive Party. Tsai Ing-wen has only been in the party for 11 years, while Chen Jianren still has no party membership.

Judging from these similar resumes, it does make some sense to say that Chen Jianren is the "male version of Tsai Ing-wen."

had similar experiences, and they also cherished each other at work -

  • Starting from 2006, Tsai and Chen had a professional intersection. At that time, Tsai Ing-wen was the "Deputy of the Executive Yuan Agency" and Chen Jianren was the "Chairman of the National Science Council". Her subordinate, but this superior-subordinate relationship only lasted for more than a year. After Tsai stepped down, he became the chairman of Yuchang Biotechnology. The important promoter of the company was Chen Jianren.

  • On the eve of the 2012 "election", it was rumored that Chen Jianren would serve as Tsai Ing-wen's deputy, but in the end it was Su Jiaquan who made the cut.

  • After Tsai Ing-wen lost the election in 2012, she resigned as party chairman. The young and strong faction within the party once planned to copy the "Tsai Ing-wen model" and recommended Chen Jianren to run for party leader. Chen declined on the grounds that he was "not a party member and has no intention of participating in politics."

It is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Jianren is Tsai Ing-wen's "other half" who has long been attracted to him. Although this "male number one" has always been Peng Huainan in the pocket list stage, but I am interested and Lang is ruthless, but I can't help it. After much struggle, Chen Jianren finally came to the front desk.

"Yingren Pei" officially debuted. Chen Jianren explained his mental journey, saying that he had a lot of reluctance to abandon his beloved academic research, but 2016 will be the critical moment to decide whether Taiwan will go to heaven or hell. For the sake of Taiwan's 23 million people It was his duty to ensure people's long-term happiness, so he decided to give up academia and devote himself to caring for the people of Taiwan.

Chen Jianren made his first public appearance as a deputy. He responded to reporters' sharp questions with ease and was not nervous. Tsai Ing-wen sighed, "His eloquence is better than mine." This is not Tsai Ing-wen pretending to be modest. The two stood on the stage at the same time, facing reporters' questions. Tsai Ing-wen often needed time to think, answered slowly, and sometimes had some unclear sentences and stuttering; while Chen Jianren spoke well, answered questions fluently, and even matched his facial expressions. , without any stage fright.

Taiwan's "Economic Daily" said that Chen Jianren always greets people with a smiling face, which is the first impression Chen Jianren gives. In February this year, he was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma and underwent minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital. He was discharged after 4 days of hospitalization. But this incident did not freeze Chen Jianren's smiling face, but gave him positive energy. He is determined to promote lung cancer screening, hoping to effectively reduce the number of lung cancer deaths in Taiwan. Prior to this, in 2003, he was appointed as the "Director of Health" at the critical moment and successfully fought against SARS. At that time, Tsai Ing-wen was serving as the "Vice President of the Executive Yuan" and was quite positive about him; in 2012, Tsai Ing-wen proposed the "Ten Major Political Platforms" for the election, and the science and technology part was Operated by Chen. In addition, since Tsai Ing-wen regards the biotech and pharmaceutical industry as the most forward-looking industry, Chen Jianren serves as his deputy, which will greatly help her policy in the future.

The outside world is mostly positive about the "Ying Ren Pei". People from the Democratic Progressive Party said that Chen Jianren's performance during the SARS period showed that he has strong administrative and coordination abilities. Anyone who has come into contact with Chen Jianren knows that "he is very eloquent and very humorous". Kuomintang "legislator" Wu Yusheng also rarely praised Tsai Ing-wen's decision to choose Chen Jianren as his deputy. He said that Taiwan needs positive energy, and Chen Jianren is such a person, and he believes it will be helpful to Taiwan.

However, Cai Zhengyuan, the "legislator" of the Kuomintang, believes that although Chen Jianren has been an official, his performance is mediocre and his reputation is mediocre. The "hero of the fight against SARS" was clearly Ye Jinchuan. "How can Chen Jianren have any merit in fighting SARS?" Cai Zhengyuan believes that the reason why Tsai Ing-wen chose Chen Jianren as his deputy is because the "Yuchang case" made NT$20 million. Chen Jianren is Tsai Ing-wen’s “close comrade.”

Kuomintang "legislator" Cai Zhengyuan. (File photo)

Cai Zhengyuan also said through Facebook that Chen Jianren was once involved in a "paper plagiarism incident", but it was interpreted as plagiarism by a "co-author" rather than plagiarism by Chen himself. . The same situation applies to Jiang Weining (former "Minister of Education" of the Taiwan authorities) and Yang Nianzu (former head of Taiwan's defense department), but they were beaten half to death by the media. It is really not good. Cai Zhengyuan said that in the past, former "Academia Sinica President" Li Yuanzhe also said, "If you support Chen Shui-bian, you will rise upwards, if you support Lien Chan, you will sink." Now Chen Jianren has mentioned heaven and hell and said, "He is just another Li Yuanzhe."

▲The Kuomintang League held a press conference to criticize Chen Jianren for plagiarizing papers.

Former Kuomintang "legislator" Qiu Yi also pointed out that when Chen Jianren was serving as the "Chairman of the National Science Council", he and a doctor surnamed Chen from National Taiwan University Hospital were co-authors and submitted an article to the international journal "CANCER". The content was found to have quoted other papers and was punished. When the manuscript was rejected, he emphasized that the co-authors at the time were Yang Panchi, the current president of National Taiwan University Hospital, who was the vice president of National Taiwan University Hospital at the time, but he immediately announced his resignation. Only Chen Jianren shied away, saying that he had not read the paper, "He is a top student at all!" Tsai Ing-wen, who serves as the deputy of the administrative agency, also covers up and asks them to make it clear.”

Qiu Yi also exposed on Weibo today (17th) afternoon the irrefutable evidence that Chen Jianren’s paper was falsified. Qiu Yi pointed out in his blog post:

In January 2007, after Chen Jianren was involved in a plagiarism case, Taiwan's China Times commented on it in an editorial, and Chen Jianren filed a "defamation" complaint against the case. On January 31, 2008, Judge Lei Shuwen ruled against Chen Jianren. According to the fifth and sixth pages of the judgment, the reason why Chen Jianren lost the case was based on a letter written by Angela Cochran, executive editor of the internationally renowned journal "Cance", on December 6, 2006. A letter was sent to Professor Cai Kesong, Vice President of the Hospital Affiliated to the National Taiwan University School of Medicine, stating that the magazine recognized the paper "Hormone Replacement Therapy" written by Chen Guanyu, an attending physician in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Affiliated Hospital of the National Taiwan University School of Medicine, under the guidance of Professor Yang Panchi, and with Chen Jianren as the co-author. and Lung Cancer Risk in Taiwan" was suspected of plagiarism and requested the Hospital Affiliated to the National Taiwan University School of Medicine to deal with it.

According to the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Ethics Case Review Committee of the National Taiwan University School of Medicine Hospital: The resolution is as follows: (1) The plagiarism involved in the English case by Chen Guanyu, the first author of this case, was established... Quoted from the "Measures for the Establishment of the Academic Ethics Case Review Committee of our Hospital" Paragraph 3 of Article 8 stipulates that Teacher Chen shall not apply for new (re)appointment or promotion of teachers within five years. …(3)…and should apologize to the person who was plagiarized. (4)... It is recommended that the dean of the medical school and the dean of the affiliated hospital jointly sign a letter to inform the service institutions of other co-authors as a reminder.

Qiu Yi said that Tsai Ing-wen likes people who plagiarize very much. Su Jiaquan also plagiarized his master's thesis in the past. This was the beginning of his downward spiral. In addition, Tsai Ing-wen protected Chen Jianren when he was involved in plagiarism. Later, when the Yuchang case occurred, Chen Jianren was the first Someone jumps out to escort them, this is called "reciprocating a favor, colluding with each other, and creating a nest of snakes and rats"!

Chen Jianren officially became Tsai Ing-wen's deputy, which also triggered a wave of discussion on the Internet in Taiwan. Many people mentioned the plagiarism scandal he had been involved in.

  • PETER: Another "academician"! Don't have another Li Yuanzhe, I've had enough!

  • allen poon: A dozen people wrote a paper, how outrageous!

  • Zheng Sen: I don’t care. assistants are purely paid in Taiwan, they are just a courtesy person. .

  • Step aside: Yang Nianzu + paper plagiarism = step down from the "Ministry of Defense"; Jiang Weining + paper plagiarism = step down from the "Ministry of Education"; Chen Jianren + paper plagiarism = nominated by Tsai Tsai as deputy. There is a big difference between blue and green, a double standard.

  • Jane: I have discovered that the Democratic Progressive Party likes to look for people with moles on their faces! For example, Chen Jianren, Ke Jianming, Qiu Yiren, Wu Zhaoxie...

  • yeh: Chen Jianren said that Taiwan is facing a moment of choice between "going to heaven or hell." Is this advising Tsai Ing-wen on her cross-strait policy?

  • Will C: Everyone who wants to hold a "public office" should be tested on the same basis. Previously, Jiang Weining and Peng Zuokui were tested, so why not the DPP?

  • voters: She protected him from plagiarism, and he protected her from Yu Chang’s disorderly behavior. The two countries will expand cooperation and cheat in the future

  • The sour people are reasonable : It is really useless to choose this kind of deputy, water spinach + water spinach = empty empty empty empty empty...

("Straits TV Today" in-depth Taiwan Strait observation, citing sincerity Please indicate the quote from "Straits Today")