The skeptic is Cao Changqing, a famous Green Camp speaker who often appears on Taiwanese political commentary programs. "Posted a long article, which stated that some people had questioned Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral thesis at the London School of Economics as early as before the las

Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen’s doctorate degree is fake? Recently, such doubts have been heard on the island. The skeptic is Cao Changqing, a famous Green Camp speaker who often appears on Taiwanese political commentary programs.

Cao Changqing Facebook screenshot

On the 10th, Cao Changqing posted a long article on his Facebook titled "Is Tsai Ing-wen's doctorate degree fake?". The article stated that regarding Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral thesis at the London School of Economics (LSE), as early as Before the last Taiwan leader election, some people questioned it because the website of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) at the University of London, which is also a thesis collection center in the UK, said: Tsai’s thesis is “missing” (missing). ).

Cao Changqing said that papers can be uploaded countless times. The "missing" is inexplicable, why can't it be "fixed" (submitted again)? With the convenience of email nowadays, papers can be put online again in a few minutes. He questioned why it had been 35 years since Cai obtained her degree from LSE in 1984. Why had she not resubmitted or re-provided this thesis? Especially during the last leadership election in Taiwan, it was questioned. Isn't it too strange and unreasonable to leave such an important issue related to personal credibility unresolved and ignored?

Cao Changqing also attached two replies from LSE library staff:

The first letter stated that during the period when Tsai Ing-wen obtained her degree, all LSE doctoral dissertations would first be sent to the Senate House Library, London. , according to regulations, and then sent to IALS. But the library of the School of Political Science and Economics has never had Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis, so of course IALS can’t find it. When Tsai Ing-wen was selecting the leader of Taiwan, LSE put a lot of effort into searching, but the results were “disheartening.”

The second reply showed: LSE tried hard to check its library, the University of London Library, and the Institute of Advanced Law, but unfortunately, Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis could not be found.

Screenshot of Cao Changqing’s Facebook text

According to Tsai Ing-wen’s personal resume on the official website of the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai Ing-wen “obtained a master’s degree in law from Cornell University in the United States, and then moved to the United Kingdom, where she majored in law and minored in international trade at LSE. Doctor of Laws". And marked in the academic achievement column: "The doctoral thesis is titled Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions, exploring how the local market can establish a protective mechanism in the rapid changes of the international market."

Regarding Cao Changqing’s doubts, Taiwan’s “Dongsen News Cloud” and other media published an article on the afternoon of the 11th to refute Cao Changqing’s doubts, saying that there are two URLs that can “slap him in the face.” The article stated that the official website of LSE has a page congratulating alumni "Dr. Tsai Ing-wen" on being elected leader of Taiwan; the paper search system of the British Library website also contains Tsai Ing-wen's paper data.

However, Cao Changqing also questioned in the post about Tsai Ing-wen’s paper on the British Library website. In the Electronic Document Search Center (EThOS) of the British Library (British Library), although the title of Tsai’s paper is available, “guidance” The "Professor" column is blank. This shows that Tsai Ing-wen "never submitted a doctoral thesis" and never announced the name of her supervisor. How could she pass her doctoral thesis without a supervisor?

Some netizens on the island also raised the same question. In addition to the disappearance of the paper, what is even more outrageous is that even the name of the supervisor is missing.

In addition, Cao Changqing also mentioned that the London School of Economics and Political Science was found to be "selling degrees." , "If you give me money, I'll give you a doctorate." The director of the college at the time resigned, which became a scandal in Western academic circles. The British " Guardian " has done a special report on this. He also attached links to relevant reports at the end of the article.

Finally, Cao Changqing also proposed ways for Tsai Ing-wen to prove her innocence: publicly publish her doctoral thesis; announce the name of the professor who advised her doctoral thesis; and announce the selection of the one who Tsai boasted about giving her "two doctorates" in her autobiography. Professor's name; explain his doctoral thesis, when publishing the abstract in Chinese, why should he add the name of Wu Zhaoxie, the head of the Taiwan authorities' foreign affairs department, and put Wu's name first.

In response to Cao Changqing's doubts, Green Camp host Peng Wenzheng, who once coined such bizarre terms as "Taiken" and "Ancient and modern Taiwanese", also posted on Facebook today (11th) that he did what he could. After all the verification, the conclusion is that we agree with Cao Changqing’s verification.

Peng Wenzheng’s Facebook screenshot

Peng Wenzheng said that it is easy to check whether Tsai Ing-wen’s degree is fake and whether the thesis exists. You only need to show it to know the authenticity. As for whether someone wrote Tsai Ing-wen's thesis, how could someone rewrite it with his own doctoral thesis but name it as the second author? It will never be checked and can only be speculated, making it a "millennial unsolved case." What he can be sure of is: after exhausting all channels, including his friends in the British and American academic circles, and in all public academic databases, Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis cannot be found.

In his post, Peng Wenzheng satirized Tsai Ing-wen as the "most mysterious scholar" in the world. He also said that publishing the electronic files of all academic works will stop Youyou's mouth. Other than that, there is no excuse.

Regarding Tsai Ing-wen’s “real and fake doctorate degree”, some netizens on the island said that they can’t find the doctoral thesis? There is still this kind of thing in the 21st century. Take out the paper first

"If you dare not take out the paper, there must be a reason." If you can't take it out, don't blame others for suspicion.

Regarding this "doctoral degree fraud" scandal, the deadline for publishing the manuscript is, There is still no news of Tsai Ing-wen’s response to this matter.

Extended reading:

The Democratic Progressive Party strongly passed Tsai Ing-wen's 2020 primary election plan. Taiwanese netizens can't stand it.

According to Taiwan's " China Times Electronic News " report, on May 29, the Democratic Progressive Party held a central executive meeting. The version of the 2020 primary election plan proposed by Tsai Ing-wen's department Weng Zhangliang was strongly passed. The polls were divided equally between mobile phones and local languages, and included Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe comparison. This approach was not only bombarded by Lai Qingde, the former head of the Taiwan authorities' administrative agency, but also triggered criticism from all walks of life. Netizens even bluntly said that Tsai Ing-wen "will do any despicable thing" in order to get ahead.

The Democratic Progressive Party passed Weng Zhangliang’s primary election proposal without a vote on the 29th. The poll was divided equally between mobile phones and local calls, and included Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe for comparison. The political opinion presentation will be changed to one, and the poll will be held from June 10 to 14.

Lai Qingde complained in an article late at night, "What was revised was not the 'methods' but 'democracy'", "It was not the 'primary' but the 'DPP' that was harmed." He also criticized the Central Executive Committee for setting a record for the Democratic Progressive Party that day. In an unprecedented bad example since the founding of the party, the party not only violently overturned the announced primary election method, but also pointed the finger at Zhuo Rongtai, chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Taiwanese netizens also bluntly said: "It's disgusting. After the 'Lai-Ying Meeting', Tsai Ing-wen immediately released false news that Lai agreed to 50%, and then asked the Central Executive Committee to pass it through. Lai Qingde only knew about it and criticized it late at night. "The comment said that Tsai Ing-wen would do anything despicable and shameless in order to stand out.

Some netizens also said: "It's really ugly. Looking back, when Lai Qingde could register for the primary election on the first day, he ran to collect the form, but the Tsai camp said that Lai Qingde raided them." and asked Tsai Ing-wen, "True?" Are Taiwan’s leaders still so ungraceful?

Tsai Ing-wen shouted to give her another 4 years. Taiwanese netizens responded angrily: Not even a day!

According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News", Tsai Ing-wen attended a Pingtung hometown dinner party on May 25. During the dinner, in addition to detailing her "political achievements" in the past three years, she also said that it takes time for reforms to be successful. She hoped that If everyone gives Tsai Ing-wen another term, Taiwan will be completely transformed. In response to Tsai Ing-wen's remarks, netizens responded angrily, "The people will give you another four years, who wants to give the common people four more years?" "If I give you another term, half of Taiwan will die." "Not even for a day!"

According to reports, Tsai Ing-wen declared, She has been the leader of Taiwan for three years. She is really serious, but she is often too busy doing things and forgets to explain what she is doing. She also invited everyone to join her line, "I will report my political achievements to everyone one by one."She also said that it takes time for reforms to be successful. She hopes that everyone will give Tsai Ing-wen another term. Taiwan will be reborn, the economy will be strong, employment will continue to grow, and the next generation will have a better living environment. She also emphasized that Taiwan has There is a slang saying, "Half the time has passed, the master cannot be replaced." Now this master is standing here, please everyone.

Netizens disagreed with Tsai Ing-wen's remarks and said, "The people will give you another 4 years. Who wants to give the common people 4 more years?" "If I give you another term, half of Taiwan will die." 4 years? Pay me 4 years first!” “Let’s go to the primary election first.” “If she had been on the front line like this in the past and stopped talking nonsense like Facebook’s young people, how could she compete with her until now? Just proclaiming himself king”.

Source: Beiwan New Vision Comprehensive Global Network China News Network China Taiwan Network

Process Editor: TF021