Kuomintang's 2020 candidate Han Guoyu announced his deputy today, and the candidate is Zhang Shanzheng. Geng Jiwen, chairman of the Taiwan Retired Police Federation, pointed out on a radio program today that there will always be 33,000 retired police officers because they are dis

Kuomintang’s 2020 candidate Han Guoyu announced his deputy today, and the candidate is Zhang Shanzheng. Geng Jiwen, chairman of the Taiwan Retired Police Federation, pointed out on a radio program today that there will always be 33,000 retired police officers because they are dissatisfied with the pension reform. The proportion of retired police officers supporting Han Guoyu is very high. More than 95% support Han. Han wants Zhang Shanzheng to be the leader. Deputy, they are optimistic about the outcome.

Geng Jiwen

Senior media person Huang Weihan invited Geng Jiwen to appear on his radio program this morning. Geng Jiwen said that there are more than 70,000 police officers in Taiwan, more than 50,000 police officers have retired, and there will always be 33,000 people participating in the police withdrawal.

There are always 33,000 people who have retired from the police. The support for South Korea is very high. More than 95% support South Korea. Geng Jiwen said that because we have gone through the pension reform, this is chaos and unfair. The military, police and public education are said to be rice. Chong, everyone is uncomfortable and unhappy. It is okay to reform, but the proportion is too heavy and the cuts are so severe that it makes people feel that it is not a reform but a struggle, and it is depriving property rights.

Geng Jiwen said that at the beginning, it was a legal grant from the "government" and a contractual act. After the work was completed, he retired, but the "government" did not acknowledge the debt. Is this okay?

Huang Weihan asked him about the impact. He said that in the end, he only received 60% of his pension, and 40% was cut. He is the retired director of the third-line and third-level inspection office. The grassroots are very pitiful and their basic salary is not high. Some people have retired due to illness and work-related disabilities, and their basic salary is very low. When they encounter unreasonable pension reforms, their lives are difficult.

Huang Weihan asked, if Han Guoyu is elected, will the annuity be expected to be adjusted? Geng Jihuo asked in turn, if Tsai Ing-wen continues to be the leader, the sword may strike again, and the more severe the strike, the more serious it will be, and everyone will have problems looking for care and medical treatment in their old age.

Source: United News Network