It is understood that according to our province's measures to relieve small, medium and micro enterprises, the provincial finance will allocate 50 million yuan in funds specifically to stabilize the tourism consumption market. In order to make full use of the special funds and su

It is understood that according to our province’s measures to alleviate the difficulties of small, medium and micro enterprises, the provincial finance will allocate 50 million yuan in funds specifically to stabilize the tourism consumption market. In order to make full use of the special funds and support the province's key tourism enterprises in relieving and resolving difficulties, the Provincial Department of Tourism and Culture has specially formulated the "Implementation Plan for Hainan Province's Tourism Enterprises to Relieve and Relieve Difficulties and Stabilize the Tourism Consumption Market" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). According to the "Plan", our province will provide relief subsidies to tourism enterprises such as A-level scenic spots, coconut-level rural tourist spots, travel agencies, star-rated hotels, and rural homestays that have been severely affected by the epidemic to promote the effective recovery of the tourism consumption market.

Refined support methods

5 types of tourism enterprises can apply

It is understood that our province will refine the support methods and classify qualified A-level scenic spots, coconut-level rural tourist spots, travel agencies, star hotels, rural B&Bs and other tourism enterprises into different categories. Provide support. For example, A-level scenic spots and coconut-level rural tourist spots will receive a one-time job stabilization relief subsidy at the standard of 1,600 yuan per person based on the number of employees employed by the enterprise. Among them, the maximum subsidy for each family in A-level scenic spots shall not exceed 1.8 million yuan, and the maximum subsidy for each family in coconut-level rural tourist spots shall not exceed 300,000 yuan.

The Wuye-level rural tourist spot Zhongliao Village, Jiyang Town, Sanya City

will provide relief subsidies to the top 100 travel agencies in terms of reception volume. According to the tourist reception data of the Hainan Province Tourism Electronic Itinerary Supervision Service Platform from June 2021 to May 31, 2022, the 1st to 30th place will receive a subsidy of 150,000 yuan, the 31st to 60th place will receive a subsidy of 110,000 yuan, and the 61st to 60th place will receive a subsidy of 110,000 yuan. 100 people receive a subsidy of 90,000 yuan. At the same time, relief subsidies will be provided to travel agencies with outstanding performance in developing the inbound tourism market, and relief subsidies of 300,000 yuan will be provided to travel agencies that meet relevant conditions.

-star hotels will issue a one-time subsidy of 300 yuan per bed based on the data from the -star hotel management system of the national tourism supervision service platform (as of March 31, 2022). At the same time, relief subsidies will also be provided to rural B&Bs at the Jinsu and Silver level in the province that are registered and online in the Hainan Hotel Industry Management Information System (as of March 31, 2022), of which Jinsu and Yinsu will each receive a subsidy of 50,000 yuan. , 30,000 yuan.

The same applicant

can only apply for and enjoy a category of subsidies

It is understood that tourism enterprises that apply for special relief subsidy funds (hereinafter referred to as special funds) should be registered in Hainan Province and have independent legal person status; operate with integrity and law. , Not included in the list of seriously untrustworthy entities; declare and pay taxes in accordance with the law, there is no tax arrears, the tax credit level is not D, or other serious violations of tax laws and administrative regulations. Applicants for the special relief subsidy funds for A-level scenic spots and coconut-level rural tourist spots must be enterprises operating in a market-oriented manner. The same reporting entity can only apply for and enjoy one type of relief subsidy.

Aerial photography of Hainan Boundary Island Tourist Area

Fund declaration will be carried out in four steps: enterprise declaration, city and county preliminary review, provincial review, and public announcement and allocation. The declaration and review of funds will be carried out in the Hainan Province Enterprise Benefit Policy Fulfillment Service System (hereinafter referred to as "Hainan Province") "Easy Exchange"). Qualified tourism enterprises must register and log in to the "Hai Yi Dui" platform and submit application materials online before June 26. After receiving the fund application materials, the city or county tourism bureau where the applicant is located should promptly work with the relevant local departments to review the authenticity and compliance of the application materials through the "Hai Yi Dui" platform, and make recommendations before June 30 And submit it online to the Provincial Department of Tourism and Culture.

"Tourism and culture authorities at all levels should effectively complete the application and review work to improve the efficiency of fund use. At the same time, the Provincial Department of Tourism and Culture will work with the Provincial Department of Finance to speed up the progress of special fund allocation and strengthen financial fund performance management and supervision and inspection." Provincial Tourism The relevant person in charge of the Department of Literature reminded that the applying enterprises must be responsible for the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of the application materials, and promised that all the award and subsidy funds received will be used for production and business activities.For reporting enterprises that violate regulations by making multiple declarations, arbitrage, and defraud fiscal funds, or misappropriate funds for financial management and other arbitrage activities, fiscal policy support will be cancelled, and provincial funds will be recovered by the Provincial Department of Tourism and Culture. At the same time, they will be investigated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations related responsibilities.

Hainan Province Enterprise Benefit Policy Cashing Service System (Hai Yi Dui) link:

Consultation phone number: 65227375

A-level scenic spots and coconut-level rural tourist spots declaration Consultation phone number: 65331723

Inbound travel agency declaration consultation phone number: 65200561

Travel agency, star-rated hotel, country B&B declaration consultation phone number: 65200152

Haiyidian website technical consultation Phone: 60827008

Source: Sunshine Hainan Network public account