(File map) [Australian Network Gao Jiawen compiled and reported on December 2] "You raised me and I will grow old with you." As more and more Chinese settle in Australia, the issue of parents' elderly care has also become a focus of their concern. . Australia's "unique" elderly c

(data map)

[Compiled and reported by Gao Jiawen of Australian Network on December 2] "You raised me and I will accompany you to grow old." As more and more Chinese settle in Australia, the issue of parents' elderly care has also become their concern. the key of. Australia's "unique" elderly care environment has led nearly 60% of Chinese immigrants to choose to apply for visas for their parents to come to Australia. In Australia, there are three main ways to provide elderly care: nursing homes, retirement villages and home care. At the same time, the Australian government's strong subsidies for elderly care also allow people who live in or come to Australia to enjoy their old age.

▲ Gu Chunhua (left), who has worked in the elderly care industry in Australia, hopes to alleviate the urgent needs of Chinese elderly care through the new concept of "Chinese-style elderly care community".

It has recently become a craze for Chinese to come to Australia for retirement.

0-year-old grandma Zeng Shuwen turned on the TV in the nursing home room and skillfully played her favorite songs. Singing and reading newspapers were her favorite things to do. Grandma Zeng has been in Australia for more than 30 years. Her daughter works at Melbourne . And she is just one of many Chinese elderly people in Australia who choose to spend their remaining years in nursing homes. As the number of Chinese immigrants increases day by day, the group of elderly Chinese in Australia is also becoming larger and larger. At the same time, as more and more new immigrant parents come to live with their children, elderly care has become a topic of increasing concern to Chinese immigrants.

Comprehensive Australia Network and ABC Network reported that as the federal government recently announced a commitment to invest 537 million yuan to solve problems in the field of care for the elderly in Australia, the topic of Australian elderly care has once again attracted public attention. Data show that the 2016 census found that about 46,000 Australians over the age of 65 were born in China. At the same time, as the number of Chinese immigrants to Australia increases, helping parents apply for visas to come to Australia for retirement has become the choice of nearly 60% of Chinese immigrants.

Why did you choose to live in Australia for retirement? Australian media pointed out that Australia’s elderly care industry is more mature than China’s and its elderly care system is more complete. Australia's healthcare industry is very developed. At the same time, Australia’s climate and environment are more suitable for elderly care. In the 2017 Global Population Survey, Australia’s average life expectancy was 82 years, ranking among the top ten in the world. In addition, retirement in Australia can ensure that you have a source of care and support for your old age.

However, for Chinese immigrants who want to bring their parents to Australia for retirement, the guarantor must meet certain requirements before they can apply for a parent visa, including: meeting the relationship requirements between the guarantor and their parents, and being over 18 years old; Australian citizens ; No adverse background information; No federal or public health debt arrears; Meet the minimum household income threshold, etc. Specific information can be found on the official website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

For the majority of Chinese elderly in Australia and those who are preparing to bring their parents to Australia, which kind of elderly care method is the most suitable for Chinese elderly? It is reported that in Australia, if the elderly need help in their daily lives and need more care services, they can seek different ways. There are three most common types, namely Residential Aged Care, Retirement Village and Home Care.

Nursing homes: government subsidies + personal partial payment

Australian nursing homes are residences for the elderly who are unable to live independently due to health reasons. Before the elderly can enter the nursing home, they need to undergo a government health test and confirm the level of care.

The official website of the Federal Ministry of Health reported that nursing home expenses are mainly divided into three categories. The current basic care fee is 18,844 yuan/year, which is used to pay for daily service expenses for the elderly, such as food, cleaning, facility management, laundry and other matters. Asset and income tested care fees are up to $252.20 per day. Housing costs depend on factors such as facility location, room size and eligibility for government assistance. Specifically, for applicants whose income is less than 27,460 yuan and whose assets are less than 49,500 yuan, the government will pay all accommodation fees; applicants whose income exceeds 69,430 yuan or whose assets exceed 169,079 yuan need to pay all accommodation fees. If the applicant needs to pay part of the accommodation fee, the Australian government will pay the rest. Specific information can be found on the official website of the Federal Ministry of Health.

Retirement in nursing homes in Australia has become the norm for locals. For Chinese, going to nursing homes for retirement requires changes both emotionally and in life. Coupled with the high cost, most immigrant children do not choose it. Let parents take care of themselves in a nursing home.

Retirement Village: Providing independent health and leisure services

Retirement Village is a multi-family residential complex specially designed for seniors aged 55 and above, providing living space with independent living, public activities and entertainment facilities.

The official website of the Victoria State Government reported that in Australia, it has become very common for the elderly to live in retirement villages after retirement. It is reported that most retirement villages are single-storey or low-rise villas, providing a range of health, leisure and support services. These include recreational and medical facilities, community halls, bowling alleys and rooms for visiting doctors or allied health staff. Retirement villages have medical clinics, doctors and nurses who can provide medical care services to Australian seniors in need at any time. For Australian seniors, the requirements for settling in a retirement village include: Australian citizens or people holding permanent residence status; and being over 55 years old. Unlike nursing homes, the houses in retirement villages are rented, and residents need to pay monthly rent, services, maintenance management fees and exit fees.

However, retirement villages are not a suitable choice for Chinese immigrants in Australia. Most immigrant children cannot afford the high rent of retirement apartments (the price of a two-bedroom apartment is about 90% of the median house price in the area). The lifestyle It can also make immigrant parents feel uncomfortable.

Home care: Provide targeted services to meet needs

For older Chinese, applying for home care may be the best way to provide for the elderly. Home care can provide targeted services such as convenient language and eating habits according to the individual needs of the elderly, and the cost is relatively cheaper than nursing homes and retirement villages. At the same time, caring for the elderly at home is more in line with the emotional needs of older Chinese people. The federal government is also actively investing more money in home care to provide more options for families in need of services.

The Australian government official website reported that the Home Care Package (HCP) is one of the ways for Australian elderly to obtain affordable home care services. It specializes in serving some elderly people who need help in daily life due to health reasons but want to live at home. In this regard, the government will provide door-to-door nursing services and subsidies.

It is reported that before receiving services, the government's elderly care assessment team will conduct a service assessment on the elderly to confirm whether they meet the conditions. Home care package services are divided into 4 levels:

●Level 1 basic care needs (approximately 8,750 yuan/year).

●Level 2 low-level nursing needs (approximately 15,250 yuan/year).

●Level 3 intermediate care needs (approximately 33,500 yuan/year).

●Level 4 advanced care needs (approximately 50,750 yuan/year).

Service types also include:

● Personal care: Helping seniors with bathing, self-care, hygiene and grooming.

●Nurse care: Wound management or medication assistance.

●Health and therapy services: such as podiatry, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

●Special support: Provide professional support for people with special circumstances, such as the elderly with poor vision, dementia and other symptoms.

●Meal preparation and help support: feeding, meal preparation, and using utensils, etc.

In terms of cost, the Australian government provides different amounts of funding for each level of service, and the elderly only need to pay part of the cost. The basic daily rate is set by the government. As of June 30, 2019, the basic daily rate for the home care package was 17.5% of the personal pension. The income-tested care is an additional cost determined through an income assessment and varies from person to person. The federal Ministry of the Interior will evaluate the financial situation of the elderly. If an elderly person believes that the payment of expenses will make their life difficult, they can apply for subsidies from the government.

▲The picture shows Chinese elderly people coming to Australia participating in chess and card entertainment activities in a nursing home.(Australian Broadcasting Network)


Chinese elderly people have unique needs and face difficulties in language and diet

Although more and more Chinese elderly people come to Australia for elderly care, in the view of some Chinese elderly care service industry insiders, the current state of Australian elderly care is far from adequate. To meet the needs of the Chinese people for elderly care services, the Chinese elderly care resources are insufficient. Wu Minsheng, president of the Victorian Elderly Chinese Welfare Society, said that the elderly are worried that they will not be used to living in Western-style nursing homes. Currently, there are not many elderly care institutions serving the Chinese community. At the same time, the Chinese elderly have unique needs for elderly care and also face some difficulties, namely language barriers and different living habits. The most important aspect of living habits is diet. He said: "What the Chinese elderly need most when they can move independently is a place for activities, so that they can have a place to eat, sing, dance, talk to friends, and enjoy their old age. Let them feel like home, so that they can will be happy.”