Now, the professional data research institution Xuri Big Data has released the top 25 domestic mobile phone shipments in the first quarter of 2018. This can at least provide feedback on the current situation of domestic mobile phone manufacturers from the side.

Unknowingly, the second quarter of 2018 is almost over. For domestic mobile phone manufacturers, what was their shipment volume in the past first quarter? Maybe some are happy and some are sad.

Now, the professional data research organization Rising Sun Big Data has released the TOP25 domestic mobile phone shipments in the first quarter of 2018. This can at least provide feedback on the current situation of domestic mobile phone manufacturers from the side. There are two things to pay attention to in this list. In this place, firstly, they are all domestic mobile phone manufacturers, and secondly, they include smartphones and feature phones, as well as domestic and overseas markets.

After understanding this, let’s take a look at this list. The top three in the list are Huawei (including Honor ), Transsion and Xiaomi. The corresponding shipments are 36.38 million units and 25.38 million units respectively. million units and 23.36 million units, followed by OPPO and vivo with 18.09 million units and 15.13 million units respectively.

Lenovo , ZTE , Meizu, Gionee, Nubia, Hammer shipped 9.56 million units, 7.59 million units, 3.26 million units, Gionee 2.71 million units, and 740,000 units respectively in the first quarter of this year. and 570,000 units.

We are not usually familiar with pepper , Bailifeng, Duowei , Hisense and other mobile phone shipments. The most eye-catching one in the entire list is undoubtedly the King of Africa. A domestic mobile phone manufacturer with roots in Africa has been able to maintain its second position mainly because of its high demand for feature phones, which account for more than 70% of total shipments.

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