According to the British "Mirror" report on June 30, a heroic zoo worker in Vietnam was recently photographed jumping into the water to rescue a gorilla that was about to drown.

According to the British "Mirror" report on June 30, recently, a heroic zoo worker in Vietnam was photographed jumping into the water to rescue a gorilla that was about to drown.

It is reported that the gorilla climbed down a concrete slope and fell into the water in order to eat food fed by a tourist. Then it began to panic and finally disappeared into the water. Moments later, a staff member threw the life preserver into the water, jumped in, and dived repeatedly before finally finding the gorilla and pulling it back to the surface. He then performed CPR on the gorilla on the shore, and it eventually revived. A zoo spokesman said the gorilla was in stable condition.

Zoos have signs prohibiting feeding animals, but they are often ignored. This is a very dangerous behavior. Earlier this month, a man was attacked by a gorilla. The animal dragged the man across the cage, nearly breaking his leg. ( China Youth Network compiled report)

Source: China Youth Network