4. Vietnam’s openbus departs relatively on time, but its arrival time is basically late. Openbus is basically 1 hour late.

Do you need to prepare tens of thousands for traveling? Is it better to travel abroad in a group or to travel independently? If your English is not good and you don’t know the way, you can’t travel freely?

If you don’t have a lot of money on hand, and you want to experience the dual experience of outbound travel and independent travel, Southeast Asian countries must be your first choice. And Vietnam is definitely the first stop for novices traveling abroad!

Why choose Vietnam?

1. Geographical location: Close to China, the terrain is long and narrow, the scenic spots are relatively concentrated, the route is relatively simple, and the journey is easier.

2. Consumption level: Consumption level is low, tropical fruits are abundant and very cheap! Food galore!

3. Local characteristics: Once a French colony, the customs and customs are very unique.

4. Temperature and climate: Tropical monsoon climate, warm and comfortable in winter.

In summary, Vietnam is well deserved as the first choice for beginners to experience when traveling abroad!

Today Dafei will take you on a trip to Vietnam where you can not only experience a beachside mansion, but also enjoy luxury and freedom with a total consumption of less than 3,000 in 10 days.

Preparation and precautions before leaving the country

1. Visa: It is not difficult to apply for a visa in Vietnam. It supports visa on arrival and (but you need to apply for the visa on arrival approval document in advance, which can be done by a certain treasure), but the queue for customs is relatively long. It is recommended to apply for it in China in advance. The price of a single-month tourist visa is within 250rmb.

2. Booking and app recommendations: Comparison of three booking software in Vietnam - Airbnb : The development of homestays in Vietnam is slow, and some areas are relatively lacking in safety. It is not recommended for friends traveling alone.

Booking: often has large discounts, regular listings, and high security, but it only supports credit card payment.

Agoda: There are discounts for new users of , regular housing, high security, and supports Alipay and WeChat payment. recommend!

3. Navigation app: Download Google Maps in advance, a must for outbound travel!

4. Taxi-hailing app: GRAB, which acquired Uber’s taxi-hailing software in Southeast Asia. It has accurate positioning and supports Alipay payment. You can ask the driver to use the meter.

5. Phone card: It is recommended to buy the phone card at a local small shop on the roadside. VINAPHONE’s network speed is more stable.

6. Exchange money: must not be exchanged at the airport or hotel! Be sure not to change at the airport or hotel! Be sure not to change at the airport or hotel! The exchange rate is extremely low, so it’s not worth spending money here on Qiongyou.com (unless we really don’t have cash). When you arrive in Vietnam, look for a sign that says change money. Compare several stores and find the one with the highest exchange rate. You can also exchange a small amount of money at gold shops in Vietnam.

7. Bring an two-hole socket . There are very few three-hole plugs in Vietnam. If the camera needs to be charged, you need to bring your own power strip.

8. Sunscreen, mosquito repellent, Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid, sandals, and diarrhea medicine.

TIPS How to pass Vietnam Customs without tipping

As rumored, Vietnam Customs loves to collect tips. We travel on a budget so as not to waste money. We put a note in our pocket in advance and write in English "I need to give it to my embassy" Make a call, Dafei personally tested it and it works!


DAY1 Chengdu-- Hanoi

Chengdu flies directly to Hanoi. The air ticket is booked in advance. The cheapest time is about 700rmb. Fly directly to Hanoi and play from north to south.

Before departure, it is recommended that you book airport pick-up in advance on Taobao. After getting off the plane, you will see a sign with your name waiting for you.

-Hanoi - Silently telling you, this is Vietnam

As the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi has a profound cultural heritage and a history of more than 1,000 years. It has experienced a romantic French style and a war with roaring artillery fire. The bricks and tiles on the walls are covered with revolutionary slogans, silently telling you that you are now in Vietnam.

recommends staying in the 36-row Street area. It is very convenient to go anywhere and has an excellent experience of the local customs and customs.

Length of stay: 1 day

Estimated cost: 300 yuan

DAY2 Hanoi-- Da Nang

Hanoi direct flight to Da Nang, only about 100rmb!

Right! You heard it right! 100rmb to fly!

-Da Nang - There is no place in Vietnam that changes faster than here

Danang is the cleanest city hidden in the country of Vietnam. It has a 30-kilometer long beach and is one of the best seaside venues in Vietnam that is like spring all year round. , one of the best summer resort areas in Southeast Asia, with the title of "the most beautiful coastline", very suitable for vacation.

Duration of stay: 1 day

Estimated cost: 300 yuan

Novels should have a certain realm, either simple and ethereal, or mysterious and profound, or in a humanistic sense, or in a philosophical sense. They don't matter whether they are high or low, they are all The soul that supports the novel.

- "The Secret of the River" by Su Tong

DAY3 Da Nang - Hoi An

The distance from Da Nang to Hoi An is very close. You can share a car with your friends and just take a taxi. The per capita fare is less than 30rmb.

-Hoi An - charming historical style

Going further south from Da Nang is Hoi An. Known as the "Lijiang of Vietnam", it was once Vietnam's main trading port and has stood for many years without any pollution from the outside world. In the ancient town of Hoi An , the century-old Japanese covered bridge, the nearly half-century-old Fujian Guild Hall and the two-century old Chin Kee old house exude charming historical charm.

Length of stay: 1 day

Estimated cost: 260rmb

DAY4-5 Hoi An-- Nha Trang

Hoi An can take open bus, night bus or plane to Nha Trang. It is recommended that you take the night bus and arrive after a good sleep. , the fare is about 100rmb, and you can save one night’s accommodation fee.

-Nha Trang - the Beach City

Nha Trang Beach is 6 kilometers long, and the water is as blue and as clear as sapphire. It attracts many Chinese tourists here every year to enjoy pool parties and natural mud baths, liberating their inner repression in the city!

Duration of stay: 2 days

Estimated consumption: 500rmb

Tips: Da Fei once had two mobile phones stolen here. Remember to take care of your finances when going to the beach in Nha Trang, especially at night! !

DAY6-8 Nha Trang - Dalat

Take the open bus from Nha Trang to Dalat. It is a mountain road all the way. The ride takes about 5 hours and the fare is about 40rmb.

-Da Lat - the "dual personality" of Vietnam

Da Lat is completely different from the hot and hot temperament of Vietnam, with a fresh energy all over the body. As soon as you enter Dalat, you feel refreshed and refreshed, like a spring breeze. A whimsical crazy house, a surreal house connected to an extremely narrow bridge. You can do whatever you want here!

Length of stay: 1 day

Estimated consumption: 270rmb

Tips: Dalat has a high altitude and may be the coldest stop on your trip. It is cold at night, so be sure to bring a sweatshirt! !

Dalat - Mui Ne

Take the open bus from Dalat to Mui Ne. It takes about 5 hours and the fare is 45rmb

- Mui Ne - a lost spirit where desert and oasis coexist!

Throughout my trip to Vietnam, Mui Ne was my favorite. Rent a large seaside villa for two days, lie on the beach, drink coconut juice, and watch the sun rise in the east and set in the west. It's so pleasant! More importantly, the sea view villa costs 62rmb for the first night and 200rmb for the second night! So high!

Length of stay: 2 days

Estimated consumption: 500rmb

Tips: It is recommended to rent a motorcycle in Mui Ne. A motorcycle in Mui Ne can allow you to travel around the city.

DAY9-10 Mui Ne - Ho Chi Minh City

Take the night bus from Mui Ne to Ho Chi Minh City. The car will pick you up at 23:00 and you will arrive in a short sleep. The cost of the sleeper bus is about 60rmb.

-Ho Chi Minh City - the city where "speedsters" are popular

Ho Chi Minh City was once called Saigon . It has a history of thousands of years. It is surrounded by the unyielding Cu Chi Tunnels, the Cao Dai Temple, and you can also choose a beach resort for quiet sunbathing. Bask in the sun and reminisce about this trip to Vietnam. However, you must be careful of "speeders" on the streets. Ho Chi Minh City is a city of opportunity for Vietnamese, with a mixture of good and bad. Everyone must pay attention to safety when visiting and do not carry valuables with you.

Length of stay: 1 day

Estimated consumption: 300rmb

[tips What is open bus]

When traveling in Vietnam to reach various destinations, we usually choose to take the open bus

open bus is a connecting bus for travel. You can travel on different routes within the validity period Travel between cities. The ticket sold to you is within the validity period, and you can sit whenever you want. Usually, you can go to the station or ticket office the day before the ride to reserve a seat for the next day. You don’t have to buy a connecting ticket. There are ticket sales points of various passenger transport companies in every city. You can buy it in advance or ask your hotel to help you book it, but there will be a service fee of more than 10 yuan.

Generally speaking, the route we take is Hanoi - Hue - Da Nang - Hoi An - Nha Trang - Dalat - Mui Ne - Ho Chi Minh City. These cities will have ticket sales points of various bus companies. Buses Most of them are sleeper cars, which are quite comfortable to lie down on.

1. The old models of open buses in Vietnam used to have restrooms, but the new models do not have restrooms. They will stop at rest stops midway, which can solve the problem of going to the toilet. The sanitary conditions of the toilets at rest stops are not as good as those in China, so be mentally prepared. It is strongly recommended to eat and drink as little as possible before and during the open bus ride.

2. There are many companies operating open buses in Vietnam. Sinh Cafe is the one most Chinese people choose in Vietnam. The employees speak good English and a few can speak Chinese, but the buses are relatively old. FUTA bus (FUTA Phong Trang) is mostly used by local Vietnamese. The bus is good, very clean, and the service is very attentive. There is also Hanh Cafe, which serves more Europeans and Americans but fewer Chinese.

3. New Coffee is not only popular with Chinese people, but also many foreigners. Because New Coffee has many outlets and good publicity, and the employees can basically speak some English, the price is relatively high, and the one-day tours are also better than others. The company is more expensive! Moreover, the management is very chaotic, mistakes are always made, and there are many complaints. Most of the complaints are about branches passing the buck.

4, the open bus in Vietnam departs on time, but the arrival time is basically late, and the open bus is basically 1 hour late.

In short, travel and transportation in Vietnam are very convenient. You don’t have to worry about taking a bus between each destination.

The above is the Vietnam guide summarized by Da Fei for everyone. I hope you can have fun in Vietnam. I also hope that you will not be arrogant or impatient in the new year, and dare to cry and laugh.