The Mekong River connects six countries in the basin, namely: China, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia. The Greater Mekong Subregion has a vast area and is a land bridge connecting China with Southeast Asia and South Asia. Therefore, it has an important strategic posi

The Mekong River connects 6 countries in the basin, namely: China (Yunnan Province), Thailand, Laos , Myanmar , Vietnam and Cambodia . The Greater Mekong River sub-region covers a vast area and is a land bridge connecting China with Southeast Asia and South Asia, so it has an important strategic position.

Japanese companies have been investing in Southeast Asia since the 1970s. Faced with the rapid rise of China after the 1990s, they actively invested in the "Greater Mekong Economic Cooperation Framework" led by the Asian Development Bank, and gradually achieved results.

The annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) was held in Da Nang, Vietnam, on November 6, 2017. Representatives from the 21 member economies were present. As the most important leaders’ meeting, it was also held between the 10th and 11th. held. As the host country of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference, Vietnam has attracted the most attention. Not only is its increasingly obvious presence on the international stage, but its substantial economic strength growth is also the key to Vietnam being regarded as a rising star in Southeast Asia.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) Annual Meeting was held in Da Nang, Vietnam on November 6, 2017

In recent years, labor costs in China have gradually increased, and foreign investment from Japan and South Korea have gradually chosen to open new production bases in Vietnam, in order to carry out global layout and Diversify investment risks. Among them, Vietnam's hub status is an important factor for foreign investment to choose Vietnam. Vietnam is not only an important coastal area of ​​ Indochina Peninsula , but also borders the Greater Mekong Subregion, which also makes Vietnam important in the geopolitics of Indochina Peninsula.



The Greater Mekong Subregion at the intersection of national borders

The four countries of Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos on the Indochina Peninsula are located at the intersection of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Geographically, they also belong to the scope of the Mekong River Basin. Geographically, the Mekong River The basin and the Lancang River -Mekong River basin pass through China's Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, plus Thailand, and are called the "Greater Mekong Sub-region".

Southeast Asia

This region covers a vast area, covering a total population of about 350 million people. It is a land bridge connecting China with Southeast Asia and South Asia. Therefore, it has an important strategic position. Various countries have emerged along the Mekong River Basin. This inadequate sub-regional cooperation model, or the "Growth Triangle" to compensate for border growth problems, are all mechanisms derived from the governance of this basin.

As early as 1957, four countries including Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam established the "Lower Mekong River Survey and Coordination Committee." In 1995, the four countries of Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia signed an agreement in Chiang Rai to rename the "Lower Mekong River Survey and Coordination Committee" as the "Mekong River Commission", opening a new stage for sustainable development cooperation in the Mekong Basin.

In 1993, Thailand proposed the "Southeast Asia Golden Four Corners Economic Plan", hoping to transform the "Golden Triangle" area between China, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, and strive to promote the agricultural development of the "Golden Four Corners" to replace illegal trafficking. In 1995, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations proposed the "Association of Southeast Asian Nations-Mekong River Basin Development Cooperation Organization" under Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir , hoping to introduce forces such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and bring it closer to Thailand and Myanmar. , Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos.

From this perspective, the emergence of economic cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion really highlights the reality of the rise in political and economic strength of countries in the Mekong River Basin.

In 1992, the Asian Development Bank led six countries along the Lancang-Mekong River to jointly participate in the "Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation Plan", aiming to accelerate infrastructure construction in the sub-region, promote economic and social development, and improve overall competitiveness. Since then, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Mechanism has held a ministerial meeting every year.

Up to now, the scope of cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion covers transportation, energy, communications, human resources development, environment, tourism, trade, investment and the fight against illegality.In the process of promoting cooperation, although there have been problems such as sluggish progress in cooperation after the Asian financial crisis in 1997, generally speaking, countries in the region have actively promoted economic cooperation and have demonstrated substantial results in many fields.

In November 2002, the first leaders' meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and approved the "Ten-Year Strategic Framework for the Development of the Greater Mekong Subregion 2002-2012", symbolizing that cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion has been elevated to the leadership level.

Economic cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

The Mekong River Basin runs through Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Yunnan Province in China. As the most important river in Southeast Asia, the countries in the Mekong Sub-region established the "Greater Mekong Sub-region" in 1992. The original intention of the "Regional Economic Cooperation Plan" is to assist the four new members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam) to develop trade, investment, tourism, and combat poverty through cooperation among the countries in the Mekong River Basin.

Among them, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Corridor is regarded as a symbol of initial integration. It is expected that through the construction of east-west and north-south transportation, the corridor area will be built into an economic belt integrating industry, trade and infrastructure.

The economic potential of the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Plan is huge. Therefore, various plans surrounding this region are being rapidly promoted. The most eye-catching one is the establishment of north-south, east-west, and south highway and rail transportation across the Greater Mekong River Basin. The transportation network consists of infrastructure such as the "North-South Corridor", "East-West Corridor" and "Southern Corridor". In addition, it also includes the development of infrastructure projects such as water power, electricity, telecommunications and communications to develop the economic development of the above three corridors.

In the future, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Plan will include a land and water transportation network to unleash the economic potential of the Greater Mekong River Basin. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and China have officially signed the Mekong River Merchant Ship Navigation Agreement, which allows commercial ships to sail across the border. 14 river ports along the Mekong River have benefited, which is of great help to the circulation of goods and people in the basin and the development of tourism.

Japan "wades" in the Mekong River

Japanese companies have invested in Southeast Asia since the 1970s. Faced with the rapid rise of China after the 1990s, Japan has also responded. In addition to using its connection with Thailand to strengthen economic exchanges with Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and other countries, it also leverages the "official development assistance" policy and direct investment, as well as Japan's influence in the Asian Development Bank, to actively invest in the Asian Development Bank. The “Greater Mekong Economic Cooperation Framework” led by China has gradually achieved results.

For example, the "Vertical Economic Corridor" in the Greater Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation was originally planned with the downward extension of Kunming City as the construction axis. However, after several revisions, it was switched to the east-west economic corridor connecting Thailand to Vietnam. Spindle.

In 2007, Japan launched the "Mekong-Japan Partnership Plan" and held a meeting of the foreign ministers of Japan and the five Mekong countries in Tokyo to promote the common development and partnership between Japan and the Greater Mekong region to ensure that government development assistance investment in the region can meet the needs of Countries need it.

Extended reading:

Mekong River: How has one river and six countries become the focus of geopolitical competition?