On June 30, the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia issued an emergency reminder; on June 30, the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia issued an emergency reminder stating that today, the "Starting from July 1, 2022" forwarded on Mongolian Facebook and other media "The information that all people

Each editor: Zhang Jinhe

On June 30, the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia issued an emergency reminder; The Chinese Embassy in Vietnam Published from Vietnam Instructions for people taking flights to China to apply for health codes ; The Chinese Embassy in Ireland Release updated requirements for applying for health code/health status declaration QR code.

Image source: Visual China-VCG111297529308

The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia issued an emergency reminder

html On June 30, the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia issued an emergency reminder stating that today, "July 1, 2022" was forwarded on Mongolian Facebook and other media. The information that "all persons traveling to China from Mongolia will no longer be quarantined" is false news. For details on the latest policies for traveling to China, please see the official website of our embassy, ​​"About Update of Health Code\Health Declaration Application Requirements for Personnel Going to China" (June 28, 2022 version). People traveling to China will be quarantined in accordance with local government epidemic prevention regulations after arriving in China.

Instructions for applying for a health code for people taking flights from Vietnam to China

htmlOn June 30, the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam issued a message stating:

1. General requirements

In order to prevent and control the new coronavirus epidemic and ensure the orderly and safe cross-border travel of people, The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Vietnam will adjust the pre-departure COVID-19 nucleic acid testing time limit for passengers taking flights from Vietnam to China to 48 hours and 24 hours before boarding. All persons taking flights to China must apply for a green health code at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in Vietnam with a negative "double nucleic acid" test report. related measures are arranged in accordance with the principles of scientific precision, flexibility and convenience, and based on multiple factors such as the epidemic situation and the characteristics of virus mutations and . They will be dynamically adjusted depending on the epidemic situation and input conditions.

2. Basic materials for health code application

(1) "Dual Nucleic Acid" negative certificate + COVID-19 vaccination certificate (if any);

Passengers departing from Vietnam must go to different testing institutions in the same consular district within 48 hours before boarding. (Legal testing agency recognized by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam) Complete two nucleic acid tests and . The two tests must be separated by more than 24 hours, and the second sampling must be within 24 hours before boarding the flight. Relevant personnel should apply for a health code from the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, the Chinese Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, and the Chinese Consulate General in Da Nang based on the negative certificate of the "double nucleic acid" test.

Taking flight China Southern Airlines CZ3070 on May 15 as an example, the sampling time for nucleic acid testing within 48 hours before boarding should be after 9:00 on May 13, and the sampling time for nucleic acid testing within 24 hours before boarding should be on May 14. After 9:00 and the time interval between the first detection and sampling shall not be less than 24 hours.

(2) Air ticket itinerary;

(3) Visa and other residence certification materials, details are as follows:

3. Application requirements for persons with past infection history

Those who have been diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia or whose nucleic acid test results have been positive will be deemed to have the past Persons with a history of infection. If such people need to travel to China, they should first take two nucleic acid tests more than 24 hours apart. If the results are both negative, they should undergo 14 days of health monitoring. If there are no abnormalities during the period, they should present the negative "double nucleic acid" test certificate before boarding and other materials. Apply for a health code.

4. Application requirements for persons with a history of close contact

Starting from 2 days before the onset of symptoms of suspected and confirmed cases, or 2 days before the sampling of specimens from asymptomatic infected persons People who have close contact with them and do not have effective protection are required to apply. Considered as close contacts. People in close contact, people with suspected symptoms, people with "uncertain" nucleic acid test results, and people with nucleic acid test Ct values ​​in the "grey zone" are required to conduct health monitoring for 5 days. If there are no abnormalities during the period, they must present a negative "double nucleic acid" test certificate before boarding. Wait for materials to apply for health code.

5. How to apply for the health code

(1) Chinese citizens should visit the international version of the Chinese Citizen Epidemic Prevention Health Code WeChat mini program or the website https://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov after obtaining the negative "dual nucleic acid" test report. .cn/H5/, after registering and logging in, select the consular district where the testing institution is located, declare your personal situation and upload the "dual nucleic acid" negative test report and other materials. After review and approval by the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam, the person concerned can obtain a green health code with the "HS" logo.

(2) After obtaining the negative report of the "dual nucleic acid" test, foreign citizens should visit the website https://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov.cn/H5/, register and log in, select the consular district where the testing agency is located, and declare personal information And upload the "double nucleic acid" negative test report and other materials. After review and approval by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in Vietnam, the person concerned can obtain a green health code with the "HDC" logo.

6. Special reminder

(1) Currently, there are no testing institutions in the transit areas of Vietnam’s airports. Persons going to China are advised to carefully plan their transit trips in Vietnam. When entering Vietnam, they must hold a visa that matches the purpose of their visit. After conducting pre-travel testing, be sure to strengthen self-health monitoring before travel, reduce unnecessary outings, take personal protection, strictly prevent the risk of infection after testing and during travel, and avoid being blocked from boarding or being stranded at transit locations due to infection.

(2) The above information that needs to be reported by yourself (such as: past infection history, close contact history with confirmed patients or asymptomatic infected persons, etc.) must be filled in truthfully. If you fail to declare as required and cause the risk of epidemic spread or serious consequences after traveling to China, you may be held accountable for corresponding legal liability in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.

(3) Applicants are requested to submit a health code application as soon as possible after obtaining the report, fill in the information correctly and upload complete materials according to the above announcement. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Vietnam allocate dedicated personnel to conduct health code review every day, including weekends and holidays. Applicants will generally obtain the health code within 12 hours after successfully uploading it. There is no need to repeatedly ask by phone or email to avoid occupying work resources. Interfering with the review progress and ultimately affecting the schedule of myself or others.

Update requirements for applying for health code/health declaration form QR code

html On June 30, the Chinese Embassy in Ireland announced that according to the latest domestic epidemic prevention and control arrangements , our embassy has issued health codes and measures for Chinese passengers. The application requirements for the QR code of the health status declaration form for foreign passengers (hereinafter collectively referred to as the health code) are updated as follows and will be implemented from now on:

1. Testing requirements

Within 48 hours and 24 hours before the flight departure, respectively in Ireland (not Two different testing institutions (including Northern Ireland) each completed a new coronavirus nucleic acid test, and the interval between the two tests was more than 24 hours. The two nucleic acid test results are negative, and our library will issue a health code .

"Within xx hours before flight departure" is strictly calculated in hours. For example, the flight departure time is 19:00 on July 25, then the 48 hours before the flight departure is 19:00 on July 23.

Materials required to apply for a health code

1. Two nucleic acid test reports or certificates that meet the above requirements.

2. Air ticket itinerary.

3. Passport (or travel certificate ) home page.

2. Testing institutions

Our library does not designate testing institutions and accepts nucleic acid testing reports issued by qualified hospitals and other testing institutions in Ireland.

3. Those who are transiting back to China/going to China

Please undergo nucleic acid testing at the place of flight departure (Ireland) and transit place (the departure point of direct flights to China), and apply for health codes respectively. For the relevant requirements for nucleic acid testing and health code application at the transit place, please check the official website or WeChat official account of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the local area.

4. Persons with a history of infection apply for a health code

A history of infection refers to those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have not been diagnosed but have had positive nucleic acid, IgM antibody, or IgG antibody test results (due to vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine IgM, IgG antibody positive except).

If the above-mentioned people have recovered for more than 14 days before boarding the plane, please apply for a health code according to the first requirement above. If the patient has recovered for less than 14 days, he or she must apply for a health code in accordance with the requirements of Article 1 above after 14 days.

5. Close contacts and those with suspected symptoms apply for a health code

Close contact means: having had close contact with a person who tested positive for nucleic acid in the past 14 days.

People with suspected symptoms refer to people who have had fever, cough, diarrhea and other suspected symptoms in the past 14 days, or who have been refused boarding by airlines due to high body temperature or suspected symptoms.

The above-mentioned persons should conduct self-health monitoring for 5 days from the date of discovery of close contact or suspected symptoms. If there is no abnormality during the period, they can apply for a health code according to the first requirement above after the 5-day monitoring period.

6. Important reminder

1. Review time: Our review staff are aware of the passenger’s flight departure time and will review the application as soon as possible after receiving the application, including weekends and holidays. Please upload the nucleic acid test report in time after getting it. There is no need to call to urge it, so as not to affect the review efficiency.

2. Accurate declaration: After receiving the nucleic acid test certificate, please be sure to check whether the personal information is correct. The test report must at least show the personal name, date of birth, sampling time, test results and testing institution information.

3. Declaration truthfully: To protect the health of you and other passengers, please declare truthfully. If any fraud or concealment of information is discovered, our embassy will notify the relevant domestic departments to pursue serious responsibilities.

4. If you have other questions, you can view the "Epidemic Prevention Health Code International Version" application instructions and FAQs for help: https://hr.cs.mfa.gov.cn/help_two/help-two/hs. html

5. The above measures are dynamically adjusted based on factors such as the epidemic situation and virus mutation characteristics. People who plan to go to China must take precautions before traveling and self-health monitoring, and take precautions before boarding and throughout the journey to avoid testing positive during the journey.

Daily Economic News Comprehensive from the Chinese Embassy in Ireland, the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia

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