Next week is Thailand’s most important annual festival, the Songkran Festival. Two years after the Songkran Festival was interrupted due to the epidemic, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has confirmed that all related celebrations and activities will be allowed during the fe

Next week is Thailand's most important annual festival - the Songkran Festival. After the Songkran Festival was interrupted for two years due to the epidemic, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has confirmed that all activities will be allowed during the festival from April 13 to 15. Related celebrations and inter-provincial travel , but the public must strictly abide by the government's epidemic prevention guidance.

Thailand restarts Songkran Festival

On April 5, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) announced the details of this year’s Water Songkran Festival: “Amazing Songkran Celebrations 2022” will be held at 10 temples in Bangkok, and Hosting the Songkran Music Heritage Festival 2022 in Ayutthaya and Songkhla, and supporting other celebrations in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Samut Prakan. As a country with the tourism industry as its pillar, liberalization is undoubtedly aimed at quickly restoring the tourism economy that has been damaged by the epidemic.

Bangkok night market before the epidemic

In order to attract more foreign tourists to Thailand and promote economic recovery, Thailand has been adjusting epidemic prevention policies and relaxing entry restrictions. Starting from April 1, passengers no longer need a 72-hour PCR nucleic acid test certificate when entering the country. Instead, they will undergo a PCR nucleic acid test after landing, and conduct an ATK rapid screening test on the fifth day after landing. The resumption of the Songkran Festival this time is in preparation for further relaxing restrictions.

The Bangkok Post reported that Thailand’s Tourism and Sports Minister Pippa said that If the number of confirmed cases does not increase before and after the Songkran Festival in April, the Test and Go plan and Thailand Pass will be canceled from June. In other words, the entry of international tourists will be canceled by then. There are no epidemic prevention restrictions as before the epidemic.

Southeast Asia has relaxed entry restrictions

It is not just Thailand that has been liberalizing. Myanmar This year also resumed the Songkran Festival, which had been interrupted for two years. Recently, municipal departments in Yangon , Mandalay and other places have successively issued statements, sincerely inviting domestic people to go to designated locations to splash water and have a carnival. Since April, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc. have also relaxed entry restrictions in order to resume tourism.

Lankayan Island, Malaysia

It is foreseeable that as consumption expectations improve, order demand in Southeast Asian countries will rebound "retaliatively", Southeast Asia's export transportation market will become even more prosperous. In fact, the market reaction is always faster than various judgments. The most direct manifestation is that since Vietnam opened entry to the country in mid-March, after half a month of demand brewing, the shipping route from North China to Ho Chi Minh is now , part Box freight rates have increased by more than 50% ; prices from South China to the Philippines are also on the rise; shipping space in Thailand is also very tight. How can

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overseas branches, destination port service support

Yunqunar has branches in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines, stably undertaking local import and export business.


Overseas Branch

Thailand Special Service

Thailand Branch


company is located in Bangkok and can provide local order exchange, customs clearance, trailers, warehousing (including bonded warehouses), inland distribution, and e-commerce warehouses ( dropshipping ) , entrepot trade (Myanmar, Cambodia, , Laos, , etc.), Chinese butler service.

Vietnam Special Service

Vietnam Branch

The company is located in Ho Chi Minh City , which can provide local order exchange, customs clearance, inland distribution, and Chinese butler services.


Check the price and book space online, place an order with one click and fulfill the contract

Relevant routes, voyages and prices can be found at . Check the official website of Yunqunar and the mini program . If you make an inquiry, there will be exclusive sales docking. If the product inventory is sufficient, you can quickly do so with one click. Booking.

Online price check

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