After Sun Junjia retired from the Linxi County Party School in 2002, he returned to the village to contribute his remaining energy and founded Linxi County's first "Rural Morality and Legal Broadcasting Station" and opened "Moral Commentary", "Currently Farming", "Legal Bits" and

Sun Junjia, 72 years old, is from Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province. After Sun Junjia retired from the Linxi County Party School in 2002, he returned to the village to contribute his remaining energy and founded Linxi County's first "Rural Morality and Legal Broadcasting Station" and opened "Moral Commentary", "Currently Farming", "Legal Bits" and "Explanations from Cases" and other columns, patriotic songs are played every morning, news from the Central People's Broadcasting Station and newspaper summaries are broadcast, and news from the village is broadcast.

Sun Junjia insists on collecting and researching the spirit of policies, policies and regulations at all levels, often writing articles until late at night, using "vernacular" that ordinary people can understand, and broadcasting and interpreting them every day, rain or shine. In the past 18 years, he has volunteered to write and broadcast 1,359 issues. Sun Junjia's broadcast script talked about the affairs of the village and the people around him. It had profound educational significance and was well received by the villagers. It guided the people to be good villagers who understand and abide by the law, and promoted rural civilization in the new era.

↑On May 30, 2020, Sun Junjia was writing a radio script to be broadcast the next day at his home in Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province. Photo by CICPHOTO/He Lianbin

↑On May 30, 2020, Sun Junjia was writing a radio script to be broadcast the next day at his home in Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province. Photo by CICPHOTO/He Lianbin

↑On May 30, 2020, Sun Junjia was writing a radio script to be broadcast the next day at his home in Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province. Photo by CICPHOTO/He Lianbin

↑On May 30, 2020, at the radio station in Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province, Sun Junjia (back) guided his disabled students (village broadcasters) to broadcast the broadcast script. Photo by CICPHOTO/He Lianbin

↑On May 30, 2020, some of the broadcast manuscripts he had written and broadcast in the past 18 years were filmed at the home of Sun Junjia in Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province. Photo by CICPHOTO/He Lianbin

↑On May 30, 2020, Sun Junjia was organizing broadcast manuscripts at his home in Dongliu Shangu Village, Linxi County, Hebei Province. CICPHOTO/He Lianbin photo

editor: Hu Huawei