According to the British "Mirror" report on June 19, a short video shot three years ago has been widely circulated on the Spanish Internet. In the video, a fishing boat was attacked by a giant shark. Tuna eaten by shark.

According to a report by the British "Mirror" on June 19, a short video shot three years ago has been widely circulated on the Spanish Internet. In the video, a fishing boat was attacked by a giant shark and hung on the side of the boat. The tuna was eaten by a shark.

The 3-meter-long shark, possibly a gray whale shark, swam up from the clear water depths and kept approaching the tuna. Before the people on the boat could react, the tuna was already bitten by the shark. It tore the tuna viciously, trying to tear it in half. Everyone was frightened. Someone on the boat said: "It swam up from the deep sea. What a beast."

Earlier this month, a huge great white shark was photographed swimming near a family who were on vacation. The family was on a boating trip near Cape Cod, Massachusetts, when the shark suddenly appeared, causing panic among beachgoers. At that time, the family of five rented a fishing boat to catch lobsters, and they found the 4-meter-long shark under the boat. A passenger on the boat was very surprised by the size of the shark. In the video, he kept repeating: "Oh my god, that thing is too big! It is more than 4 meters long! It is simply too big."

Charter a boat Company owner David Stamatis said he moved the boat closer to the shark to give tourists a better view. "They were so excited and it made their trip worthwhile. Not only did they catch fish and lobster for dinner, but they also saw a huge shark up close. I think sharks are majestic, beautiful and huge animals that can be so Seeing it up close is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for tourists.” (Compiled and reported by China Youth Network )

Source: China Youth Network
