Ingredients: Canned tuna, appropriate amount of eggs, 1 bowl of rice, 2 bowls of sesame oil, appropriate amount of white sesame oil, appropriate amount of cucumber, 1 ham sausage, 1 carrot, 1 seaweed, 4 yellow radish strips, a little salt. Step 1. Add appropriate amount of sesame

By Wen_jun [Douguo Food Officially Certified Master]


  • Canned tuna Appropriate amount
  • Egg 1
  • Rice 2 bowls
  • Appropriate amount of sesame oil
  • Appropriate amount of white sesame seeds
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 ham sausage
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 pieces of seaweed
  • 4 yellow radish strips
  • A little salt

Recipe steps

. Add an appropriate amount of sesame oil, white sesame seeds and salt to the rice and mix evenly. If the rice is freshly stewed, let it cool before use!

. After the eggs are spread into pancakes in a pan, bake them on both sides until golden brown. Take them out and cut them into strips. The width should not be too wide, just about 0.8cm. If you like to eat rolls, you can put 2 strips.

. Put a little in the pot Just add enough oil, not too much, put in cucumber shreds and carrot shreds, stir-fry evenly until soft, take it out and let it cool, then use

. Lay out the sushi curtain, put a piece of nori, and then put Serve the rice and spread it flat. It must be flat for the sake of texture. The thickness is optional. I added some millet when steaming the rice. You can use it as you like.

. Place the ham sausage, yellow pickled radish strips, cucumber shreds, and carrots in order. shredded, canned tuna. The radish strips are crispy and refreshing, a little sweet. The canned tuna is also bought in a Korean restaurant. The children like to eat these two ingredients.

. Roll up the seaweed from the bottom. When rolling, be careful to make it as tight as possible. If it is too loose, it will not be easy to roll later.

. After everything is rolled, use the sushi curtain to roll it up as well. Pay attention to this when rolling. It is not just a simple roll. When rolling, you can roll the sushi with your hands alternately from left to right, and use the sushi curtain to tighten the sushi. The shape of the sushi produced in this way will be better after cutting, and it will not be so thin. It is easy to disperse, and the strength should be moderate at that time!

. Just cut the rolled sushi with a knife. Pay attention to the interface of the sushi as close to the cutting board as possible when cutting. Holding the sushi in your left hand will make the cut look better.

. The sushi you make yourself is very rich in ingredients. It is mainly convenient and healthy for the children to eat. Especially if you bring one to school activities or outings, you will definitely be full!

Nutritional benefits of canned tuna

Beauty, weight loss, liver protection, prevention of arteriosclerosis, and lowering cholesterol

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