Recently, Starbucks has raised the price of some drinks sold in mainland China by 1 yuan. At the same time, in order to encourage environmental protection, it has increased the discount for consumers who bring their own tumblers. Not using disposable tableware, one of the easiest

Image source/Visual China

Recently, many consumers have discovered that the price of and Starbucks has increased. Recently, Starbucks has raised the price of some drinks sold in mainland China by 1 yuan. At the same time, in order to encourage environmental protection, it has increased the discount for consumers who bring their own tumblers. The discount per cup has increased from 3 yuan to 4 yuan. After seeing this, do you want to bring your own tumbler when you go to Starbucks in the future?

With the promotion of circular economy and LOHAS lifestyle, more and more people are paying attention to the reduction and replacement of disposable catering products. Not using disposable tableware, one of the easiest eating habits to change, is also subtly changing people's disposable living habits and making a contribution to sustainable development. In fact, there are many small things that can be done at home every day. Everyone can do their part to protect the environment and save energy.

1. Refuse excessive packaging

Don’t be fooled by exquisite and gorgeous packaging, let the items return to simplicity and practicality. Express packaging boxes and buy bulk fruits and vegetables instead of fruits and vegetables packaged in plastic bags and crisper boxes.

2. Buy less disposable tableware

Use glass cups and ceramic cups at home, and do not buy disposable paper cups , straws and other supplies.

3. Just the right amount of things

When things are no longer needed, such as toys, clothes, etc., you can first consider donating or transferring them to others, or renovating old items and turning them into treasures for reuse.

4. A thermos cup replaces bottled water.

Bring a thermos cup when you go out to replace bottled water and bottled drinks. It is healthy and environmentally friendly.

5, use less paper towels

The production of paper pulp requires cutting down trees as raw materials, saving paper, such as reducing the amount of paper towels, using rags instead of kitchen paper, etc.

6. Refuse plastic bags

Bring your own environmentally friendly shopping bags when shopping, use less plastic bags, and reduce white waste.

7. Order less takeout.

Takeout meals will produce a lot of packaging waste. If you have time, try to cook at home and enjoy healthy food with your family.

8. Use less chemical detergents

Many detergents at home are chemical products, which not only pollute water sources, but also easily leave residues. When washing dishes or wiping greasy items, try using baking soda instead of chemical detergents.

9. Use rechargeable batteries

There are many places where batteries are used at home. For various remote controls and children's toys, you can choose rechargeable batteries, which are economical, environmentally friendly and can be reused.

10. Do a good job in garbage classification and recycling

Classify and process garbage such as kitchen waste, plastic waste, waste paper, etc. at home to avoid contaminating soil and rivers.

11. Turn off the faucet

When washing your hands and applying soap, remember to temporarily turn off the faucet and do not leave it open and let the water flow away. Many household water can be used twice, such as water for washing vegetables to water flowers, water for washing clothes and washing mops, etc.

12. Shower instead of bathtub

When taking a bath, a shower will save water and electricity than a bathtub. In addition, the set water temperature of the water heater can also be appropriately lowered by a few degrees in summer.

13. Water-saving toilet

When decorating, you can choose a water-saving toilet, which will save a lot of water in a year. The toilet has two buttons, a small one and a small button, which are designed to save water. When you usually urinate, you only need to press the small button, and vice versa, press the large button.

14. Moderate use of air conditioners

It is recommended that the air conditioner temperature be set at around 20°C in winter and around 26°C in summer. The human body feels comfortable and will not cause excessive temperature differences to affect health. It not only saves electricity, but also can Reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

15. Turn off the power when electrical appliances are not in use.

Electrical appliances such as televisions and computers actually consume electricity when they are on standby. When the appliances in your home are not used for a long time, you should unplug them and completely cut off the power supply.

Beijing News reporter Li Yang Image source Visual China Proofreading Wu Xingfa