Football is the most popular sport in the world, and the World Cup held every four years is a carnival for all fans. The planning research report will conduct real-time research on the analysis hot spots of various industries with you, and give you an overview of more analysis re

Football is the sport with the largest number of participants in the world, and the World Cup, held every four years, is a carnival for all fans. The planning research report will conduct real-time research on the analysis hot spots of various industries with you, and give you an overview of more analysis reports on various industries. Attracting the attention of countless people who usually pay attention to or do not pay attention to sports, the Football World Cup has become the biggest feast in the sports field. This year's Qatar World Cup has arrived in shock.

Planning and research report

With such an eye-catching sports event, there will naturally be many domestic video platforms hoping to obtain broadcast rights and attract users in the sports field. This time Douyin took the lead. Previously, China Central Radio and Television Station and Douyin Group reached a cooperative relationship, and Douyin will have the broadcast rights of this World Cup.

Planning Research Report

This World Cup is different from previous World Cups. It will be held from November 21 to December 18. It is different from the traditional summer World Cup. It is also called by some people as the first "Winter World Cup" in the history of the World Cup. . It is not surprising that Douyin won the broadcast rights of this year. You must know that in recent years, Douyin has continued to delve into the field of sports. Football, as the world's largest sport, is naturally the focus of attention.

Planning Research Report

Previously, Douyin has established cooperative relationships with the 2020 European Cup , America's Cup , 2020 Tokyo Olympics and 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics . Relevant statistics show that from January 21 to February 22, there were more than 290 million searches for the Olympics on the platform, mainly before and after the Olympics. At the same time, young users (18-23 years old) accounted for 25%. This This proves that Douyin sports community culture has been gradually established. The planning research report shares more industry research and analysis data with you.