Recently, a certain unit of the Rocket Force jointly held the fourth "Soldier Moms Entering the Military Camp" interactive exchange event with the Ministry of Armed Forces and the Civil Affairs Bureau. 48 "soldier mothers" from the garrison and recruits' "sons".

Source: China Army Network Author: Song Xingjiang, Yang Weifeng, Yu Kai Editor: Han Cheng

China Army Network News (Song Xingjiang, Yang Weifeng, Yu Kai) Recently, a certain unit of the Rocket Army jointly held the fourth military force and the Civil Affairs Bureau. During the annual "Soldier Moms Entering the Military Camp" interactive communication event, 48 "soldier mothers" from the station had heart-to-heart discussions with the recruits' "sons" and felt the atmosphere and family affection of the military camp together.

The excited warm sun in my heart has already dispelled the chill in my body.

"Hello, Mom! I am your son, Yu Chao." As the music of "Mother" played, the soldier's mother heard the recruit calling "Mom" and took the carnation, which symbolizes maternal love. Suddenly feel warm. Many soldiers' mothers who missed their sons had tears in their eyes and hugged their "sons".

"Family love" was instantly ignited.

The carnation, which symbolizes warmth, is dedicated to the kind mother.

"Mom, let's go this way. Next, we will show you our transformation in the recruit camp in the past three months." Recruit Xiaoding helped "mom" to sit in front of the stage and watch the recruits report their performance. Three months of new training transformed each childish local youth into a qualified PLA soldier. The perseverance, strength, sunshine and bloody spirit of the soldiers are vividly reflected in them.

Uniform steps and loud slogans are synonymous with soldiers.

Fighting drills are as powerful as tigers.

Chang Lukuan, a new soldier, sang "Son Travels a Thousand Miles" a cappella, pushing the atmosphere to a climax. Chang Lukuan held the hand of Yang Jinai, the soldier's mother, while singing, and his soulful performance made the soldiers' mothers in the scene think of their sons who joined the army thousands of miles away to serve the country, and couldn't help but shed tears.

Bing's son sang a song "Son Travels a Thousand Miles" acapella, which moved Bing's mother to tears.

Under the influence of the strong family affection at the scene, the recruits and their mothers told the story of their growth in the military camp while watching the program. Seeing how sensible the "soldiers" around them were who were similar in age to their sons, the mothers' faces were filled with happy smiles. Family affection solidifies at this moment, and maternal love blooms like a carnation.

Mom, don’t cry , the child has grown up!

wiped the tears from the corners of Bing’s mother’s eyes.

A good man must be a soldier! Tribute to the great mother!

The weather is chilly, but the recruit camp is warm and cozy. After the soul-stirring chorus of "A Good Man Must Be a Soldier" ended, the recruits took their mothers to visit the recruits' dormitories and watched the training and living place for the sons of the recruits. Before the visit, the soldiers’ mothers delivered the “love” blankets donated by the Civil Affairs Bureau to the recruits, expressing the local government’s sincere condolences to the young soldiers.

Look, the recruits are happily carrying "mother's warmth".

In the third-row dormitory of the recruit company, the soldier's mother and the new soldiers sat around and talked. The squad leader introduced the recruits' outstanding daily performance. The soldier's mother was overjoyed when she heard that the soldier's son had recently won a training star, and she was so happy that she praised him repeatedly. Seeing the recruits' progress and gains is like listening to their own children's stories, with a bright smile on their faces.

The military and civilians are one family.

Put a warm military coat on "Mom".

It's cold. Mom, I'll pour you a cup of hot water to warm yourself up.

A sketch specially drawn for the soldiers’ mothers.

The cartridge from the first target practice was made into a gift for "Mom".

Mom, this is the scarf we prepared for you. It will not be cold this winter.

A cup of hot tea was handed to him, and a military coat was draped over his shoulders. The soldier's mother sat by the bed, holding the recruit's hand and chatting about home affairs. "Mom, look! This is the gift I prepared for you! I wish you good health and eternal youth!" During the conversation, the recruits delivered the small gifts they had prepared in advance to their mothers who recognized their relatives.A love woven from bullet shells, a letter home to mother, a painting about maternal love, a pair of warm gloves, a heart-warming scarf... are all gifts of love prepared by recruits for their mothers during their spare time during training. My true feelings and longing for my mother. "My son is serving as a soldier in Yunnan, and I heard that he has just won the training model. I will tell him the news next time I call. You compete with each other." The recruit's mother said with a happy smile.

can taste mother again.

Let’s experience the taste of love together!

Bing’s mother spent a collective birthday with her son.

Happy times are always short-lived. After celebrating their collective birthday, the new soldiers lined up on the side of the road in the camp to see them off and put their mothers on the slowly approaching bus. Before leaving, the soldier's mother and her soldier son reluctantly hugged each other goodbye. The soldier's mother, with tears in her eyes, did not forget to encourage the recruits in her ears, "Listen to the squad leader and be a good soldier!"