In this issue of National Private Kitchen, we recommend to you - Xiao Ding's mother - "Xiao Ding's mother" is a post-80s mother who has unique insights into food. He was also a creative expert in the real estate industry. After resigning in 2014, he focused on the training of his

In this issue of National Private Kitchen, we recommend to you

-Xiao Ding’s mother-

“Xiao Ding’s mother” is a post-80s mother who has unique insights into food. He was also a creative expert in the real estate industry. After resigning in 2014, he focused on the training of his daughter Xiaoding and devoted himself to the study of various delicacies. Now he has established his own online gourmet brand "Xiao Ding Kitchen". The editor was lucky enough to taste the Snow Meiniang and Mapo Tofu she made. I thought the cooking method was very special and delicious. So today I would like to introduce Xiao Ding’s mother to everyone.

Xiao Ding’s mother

In 1980


is good at painting, sewing and creative food

For Xiao Ding’s mother

making delicious and beautiful food

is both a hobby and a skill

When I really started to study After resigning in 2014,

the pace of life has slowed down, and I have more time to study various recipes

▲ Some of the dishes made by Xiaoding’s mother

Speaking of the reasons for becoming a freelancer

Xiaoding’s mother replied,

used to be interested in Meiyi Food can only be admired by looking at pictures

Nowadays, the Internet, self-media, and logistics are so developed

It can provide you with a big platform

Share your mature works with others

At the same time, you can also get more pertinent suggestions

This process It not only sells

but also conveys a positive attitude towards life:

Everyone is a life-saver

▲The popular product of Xiaoding Kitchen, the all-purpose beef sauce can be mixed with rice or braised, and has many uses

because it can be used for painting, sewing, etc. Art skills

Xiao Ding’s mother is very particular about the color, appearance, presentation and other details of food.

Many backgrounds and tablecloths have been carefully matched.

My husband A Xiao is also a designer and will give some advice on packaging design. Professional advice

The dishes presented are more textured

Sometimes I let my daughter Xiaoding be her little model

Xiaoding is wearing clothes designed by her mother to match the color of the food

The whole picture is full of aura

▲Xiaoding is here~Xiaoding She is her mother's little muse

Most of what Xiaoding's mother cooks are home-cooked meals,

Nowadays not many people are willing to "copy"

So when you eat it, you feel more friendly and the taste is long

" I will make it according to what I remember. I feel like I want to restore some of the delicious food. Some of the food may no longer be cooked. My uncle used to be a well-known wine bowl chef in my hometown. He had several special dishes. One of them impressed me deeply. It was a big one. There are small pieces of minced ginger inside the meatballs to relieve greasiness. The outside is wrapped in egg liquid and sweet potato flour and fried in a pan. Add chicken soup and soybean sprouts to cook. When serving, put a spoonful of vinegar in the soup and use a large earthenware bowl. It tastes great in disguise, and the dumplings are fragrant and tender. Later, his son also catered banquets. Nowadays, the conditions in rural areas are very good, and the tableware and dishes for banquets are the same as those in urban restaurants, and the pure and original taste has been completely lost. ”

▲The popular product of Xiaoding Kitchen is Yeerba.

The outer shell is colored with purple potatoes, sweet potatoes and cucumbers

▲The popular product “Big Sister” fresh pepper sauce

Q: In terms of food production, who has the greatest influence?

A: Food In the early stage of production, my mother was the most influential. Later, the master chefs in the company cafeteria had a great influence on me. Hahaha, it’s a pity that I didn’t say anything to them. Now I think the food I made is the most delicious. I haven’t eaten in restaurants outside for a long time. Most of them went back with high expectations and sighed. Many restaurants gave me the feeling that the chefs were unhappy and the food they cooked had no soul, so as a guest, I found it unpalatable.

▲Spicy pork ribs that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

Reality and ideals have always been contradictory to each other.

There are many tedious events repeated between them

One sentence: Let it go, let me come

Female style has been infinitely displayed

I originally thought that "life" "The housework is endless"

I didn't expect that all the trivial details of life can be kneaded into the kitchen

and turned into delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner...

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In this issue of [Five Flavors Exploration], we have invited Mr. A Xiao from the illustration industry

as [Xiao Ding’s mother] Do food appreciation.

Mr. Axiao himself is also a senior food expert.

Ah Xiao and Xiao Ding’s mother are classmates, and are also Xiao Ding’s father

Today he designed a set of illustrations specifically for this article

Make the most nonsensical recommendation for Ding’s mother

Ah Xiao

Chengdu local designer

Member of China Illustrators Association

has done image design and illustration creation for many well-known companies.

has a variety of painting styles. He is an out-and-out commercial illustrator.

is a low-key person. He doesn't like to take selfies or show his face.

I look... .

is not the same style as this illustration

Jian Tan recommends

[The tears and laughter of Xiaoding’s mother’s food tasting team]

I don’t know when it started.

Xiaoding’s mother is crazy about food research and development.


she would get angry with anyone who said she was a cook.

"Please don't insult me, I am engaged in artistic creation!"

also once said the harsh words in the picture below without overestimating her ability.

Uh... I just think this is her Chinese dream.

In a blink of an eye, several years have passed.

Before each of her works is released, her relatives and friends have to try them countless times.

Just to get more Persuasive taste

We were all very excited at first

But as time went by, the work was still very specific...

Her friend

and I were impressed by her professionalism

General experience

---- --

Tears in laughter

Of course

His die-hard buddy is always there when called

Regardless of wind or rain

Who calls him a foodie?

Her father

As an older generation of food experts

still He writes good articles

He is an old man who has seen the world

But because Ding Ma’s cuisine is so unpredictable

the old man can’t keep up with the rhythm...

Even if you can’t finish the dishes, you won’t waste them


No matter what

this young man’s dream-chasing spirit is still worthy of recognition

Everyone is still very happy to see her dishes becoming more and more mature

This is why everyone has always supported her

I represent Xiaoding Kitchen The food tasting team recommends her to everyone

I hope she can grow quickly

Getting closer and closer to her dream

Although the above description contains artistic processing elements

But whether Xiao Ding’s mother’s craftsmanship is good or not

You will only know if you eat it

Ah Xiao