Original title: [Dahe Netscape] Without test papers or answer sheets, what does the police exam look like? On the morning of March 2, the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau held the launching ceremony of the "Capacity and Style Building Year" competition and organized a c

original title: [Dahe Netscape] Without test papers and answer sheets, what does the police exam look like?

html On the morning of March 2, the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau held the launching ceremony of the "Capacity and Style Building Year" competition, and organized a centralized sampling test for the entire police force's practical training.

On the same day, the first round of confrontation assessment of all-police actual combat training was conducted, which comprehensively tested the comprehensive quality of the participating police officers from three aspects: theoretical knowledge, basic physical fitness, and practical police skills.

Among them, the traffic police motorcycle special driving and SWAT pistol multi-target shooting competitions are exciting and exciting. The traffic police cavalry are heroic and skilled, and the SWAT team members draw their swords from their sheaths and fire with perfect accuracy.

According to reports, the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau began in early January to deploy a nine-month "Capacity Style Building Year" activity among the city's public security agencies. This deployment of the competition activity is to promote the "Capacity Style Building Year" work , an important measure to test and improve the team's ability and quality.

Source: Dahe.com