[Energy people are watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] Recently, the draft national standards for recycled PE, recycled PP and recycled PET have been released. It is reported that this standard is mainly used for the inspection of imported recycled particl

[Energy people are watching, click on the upper right corner to add 'Follow']

Recently, the draft national standards for recycled PE, recycled PP and recycled PET have been released. It is reported that this standard is mainly used for the inspection of imported recycled particles. It is understood that some importers have reported that some indicators of the standard are on the high side, and once implemented, the probability of their products being classified as solid waste will increase. As a result, the risk of importing recycled pellets increases.

In 2019, China's recycling market was greatly impacted by imported recycled particles. Domestic recycling processing manufacturers have great resistance to shipping goods, spot inventories remain high, sales prices continue to drop, and production profits are severely squeezed. In addition, due to the lack of relevant standards for recycled particles, the quality of imported recycled particles varies, and the recycled particles flowing into the country take advantage of cost advantages to create significant competition for domestic recycled particles. At the same time, as Southeast Asian countries have successively introduced policies to restrict the import of waste plastics and strengthen domestic environmental protection inspections, many former recycled plastic bosses have returned to domestic production of recycled pellets, and the recycled plastic market competition has become more intense.

At present, the draft national standard for recycled plastic particles and has been formulated. People in the industry are paying close attention to the implementation of this standard, especially importers. Once customs strictly enforces this standard, the import of recycled pellets may face greater risks.

Sister Plastic has something to say:

Since the original intention of formulating this standard is to promote the quality improvement of plastic products, especially to provide technical guarantee and support for the standardization of imported recycled plastics, and to effectively promote the standardized, healthy and sustainable development of my country's recycled plastics industry, then we will People's livelihood should be considered more. If people in the industry complain about this policy, then this policy must not be a good policy.

Not only is the recycled material sluggish, but the current price of plastic raw material has also reached a critical moment of life and death. Many material friends said that they can't make much money per ton of raw materials now, and they are all working in vain! This market is too difficult! What specific situation did

fall into? Let's take a look at the price changes this week:


The market situation is still sluggish, PE prices will drop by about 50~100 yuan/ton , futures are turbulent and falling, some petrochemical plants continue to cut prices, traders' prices fall along with it, and terminal demand is flat.


In comparison, the price of PP material is slightly stable . The futures and spot prices of polypropylene continue to fall, and the profit margin of powder materials has narrowed, which has formed certain constraints on the propylene market. Most manufacturers are mainly waiting and waiting to stabilize prices.


PVC is a ten thousand year old king, is basically unchanged, the market continues to be stable , futures prices are fluctuating, spot supply is not much, terminals mainly need to purchase, South China supply is in short supply, prices are rising, other markets have not changed much.


PS is expected to continue to fall in South China , and East China will rise and fall . The supply of ordinary penetrant is tight, and the arrival cycle is lengthened. This week, corporate quotations are strong. Downstream rigid demand purchases are mainly, and the overall trading is acceptable.


ABS has begun to fall again, with the largest decline of in East China being 200 yuan/ton of . There is insufficient trading in the mainstream market, and there is a lack of active buying of and . Except for small orders that just needed to be completed, the overall transactions were insufficient.


EPS is falling as a whole, with the highest drop of 200 yuan/ton. The sentiment of buying up or down in the market continues to dominate, and the bulk purchasing power on the market is difficult to increase. The downstream mainly digests inventory or purchases on demand. Traders followed the market and their confidence was dampened.


PC doesn’t live up to expectations! It has been falling for several weeks. has fallen the most in East China, with a single-day drop of 250 yuan/ton. predicts that the PC market will be difficult to reverse in the past three days and will continue to be weak.


The trend of polyester raw materials is weak, the cost-end support of polyester bottle flakes is insufficient, and the industry supply is expected to increase, so the mentality of the industry is bearish. expects that the supply of high-priced PET will continue to decrease in the past three days.


The current upstream caprolactam market is in a weak consolidation, the inventory pressure of polymerization factories is high, the follow-up of downstream orders is slow, and the mentality of all parties is suppressed. predicts that PA6 prices may still decline in the past three days.


The market is weak and downward, the price of slices has declined slightly, the spot supply of aggregation factories is stable, and downstream replenishment is on demand. expects PA66 prices to be low and stable in the past three days.

Disclaimer: The above content is reproduced from Micro-LINK Plastics, and the content posted does not represent the position of this platform.

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