Today · Weather Review. It all feels strange... Let the sun stay in Xiamen for a while. The Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow thunder and lightning warning signal at 09:58 on June 14, 2022.

New Weather Heart Service

Today's Weather Review

Today's Weather

Today is a day to spend a short time with Father-in-law Sun

A quick look in the morning

made Xiaoxia feel strange to Father-in-law Sun's face


After all, the last time we saw him It was the last time....

I originally thought that with Xiaoxia's sincerity

the sun could stay for a whileXiamen

really had no clothes to wear....

Obviously Mr. Sun has his own ideas... .

Stay a while! Let me dry it for a while! Please!

I don’t! Don’t stay longer for anyone, get off work, debt~

( radar echo picture at 10:03)

(radar echo picture at 10:49)

Mr. Sun is off work as soon as

Dark cloud echo comes closer skr~

In just a few tens of minutes, two waves of echoes approached the island.

Today is the day when the island was localized.

The Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issued at 09:58 on June 14, 2022:

Thunder and lightning yellow warning signal (still continuing) (Publishing now)

Before the small building could react,

the rain started getting heavier.

Xiamen felt like being in Shuilian Cave for a moment.

(Photographed by: Chen Chao)

The wave of rain during the noon period.

It looked like someone was begging for something again.

Xiamen Meteorological Observatory issued at 11:32 on June 14, 2022:

Heavy rain orange warning signal (now changed to heavy rain yellow warning signal)

As of 16:35

The rain on this site is obvious and heavy

"Tomatoes and eggs" "The echo came to the island again

It makes people wonder

There are KPIs that are difficult to complete due to this rain.

I would like to remind all partners that there will be rain during off-duty hours

Be sure to pay attention to travel safety!

(radar echo map at 16:45)

There has been a lot of rain recently

Rain and moisture prevention should pay more attention to earthquake disasters

It is expected that from 16:00 on June 14 to 16:00 on June 15

there will be high rainfall in our city Geological disaster risk (level three, yellow)

The possibility of geological disasters such as collapses and landslides is high

The highest temperature in the urban area today is about 26-27℃

The highest temperature is 27.4℃

Appeared in Haicang District Haixiang Avenue

Among them, the highest temperature at this site is 26.3℃

Today the low temperature in our city is about 25℃

Among them Junying Village, Tong'an District, 20.4℃ is the lowest temperature in the city

Future · Weather

Weather of the future

There are no surprises in the forecast for the next seven days.

Sure enough, it will be another seven days full of rain.

Affected by the warm and humid air flow from the south.

The rain will still be heavy in the next three days.

It will be accompanied by thunder and lightning activities.

Dear friends, you should still pay attention to travel safety.

Lightning protection and disaster prevention should be taken seriously!

From the temperature point of view,

The overall temperature in Xiamen is not high and it is relatively comfortable.

The next three days will be affected by cold air.

The highest temperature will be around 28°C.

After the 118th, the cold air will take a break.

It is affected by both warm and cold air.

The weather in Xiamen has been relatively unstable recently.

Multiple bursts of precipitation and strong convective weather.

All partners should pay attention to weather changes in time.

Let us wait for the return of the sun!

Xiamen Meteorological Observatory 17:00 weather forecast

Tonight: cloudy with moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, light fog or mist, southerly wind level 2 to 3, temperature: 23 to 25°C;

During the day tomorrow: cloudy with light to moderate rain, local heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, southerly wind level 2 to 3, temperature: 24 to 27°C;

relative humidity: 85 to 95%;

weather in coastal areas: Cloudy days with moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, light fog or mist at night and morning;

Coastal sea surface from Chongwu to Dongshan: southerly winds from level 5 to 6, short-term gusts from level 7 to 4~ Level 5;

Taiwan Strait : Southerly winds of level 6 to 7 and gusts of level 8 weakened to level 5 to 6.

Tomorrow night to daytime the day after tomorrow:

Weather in Xiamen: cloudy with showers or thundershowers, heavy rain in some areas, southerly wind level 2 to 3, temperature: 24 to 28°C;

Coastal sea from Chongwu to Dongshan: southerly wind Level 4-5;

Taiwan Strait: Southerly wind level 5-6.

Night time the day after tomorrow to day time the day after tomorrow: cloudy with showers or thundershowers, heavy rain in some areas, temperature: 24~28℃.

Xiamen Meteorological Observatory

June 14, 2022 17:00

Editor: Yao Yuwei

Review: Qiu Dan, Jiang Fan

Produced by Xiamen Meteorological Service Center

Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited

(Note: Some pictures are from the Internet)

Xiamen Meteorology New Media Matrix

Sina Weibo|@xiamenweatheronline

Remember to come and play with us~

Tomorrow night to daytime the day after tomorrow:

Weather in Xiamen: cloudy with showers or thundershowers, heavy rain in some areas, southerly wind level 2 to 3, temperature: 24 to 28°C;

Coastal sea from Chongwu to Dongshan: southerly wind Level 4-5;

Taiwan Strait: Southerly wind level 5-6.

Night time the day after tomorrow to day time the day after tomorrow: cloudy with showers or thundershowers, heavy rain in some areas, temperature: 24~28℃.

Xiamen Meteorological Observatory

June 14, 2022 17:00

Editor: Yao Yuwei

Review: Qiu Dan, Jiang Fan

Produced by Xiamen Meteorological Service Center

Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited

(Note: Some pictures are from the Internet)

Xiamen Meteorology New Media Matrix

Sina Weibo|@xiamenweatheronline

Remember to come and play with us~