If you want to accumulate slang and urban vocabulary, you can take a look at Urban Dictionary. It not only introduces this city, but also introduces the local reputation and general situation. Don’t think too much, and there is no derogatory meaning. As a melon-eater, you can com

If you want to accumulate slang and urban vocabulary, you can take a look at Urban Dictionary. The descriptions of the city here are very down-to-earth. It not only introduces the city, but also introduces the local reputation and general situation. Don’t think too much, and there is no derogatory meaning. As a melon-eater, you can come here with a curious attitude. Looking for fun online, many of the narratives are straightforward enough to make you laugh.

But it is not without basis, but some may be exaggerated. Let’s take a look at how the areas around us are evaluated online.

Scarborough Community

"...In fact, this is one of the Canadian cities you least want to visit. You will encounter bad drivers here, rude, selfish and impatient locals, ugly street scenes, and... High crime, traffic and a poor bus system...Scarborough is known for its high levels of crime and drug-related activity."

"Unlike other areas where people are clustered together by race, Scarborough is known for its diversity. Cultural criminal organizations. A lot of people say Scarborough is a great neighborhood to live in, but you have to know that these people can be forgetful and they are not witnesses to the crime...be careful not to walk in this area at night. Wandering on the Internet! "

Lol, I felt sorry for Scarborough for a minute, and the comments were so miserable. However, if you like Asian food, Jiabao should be a must-visit place.

Jane Finch Community

"Many people think this place is one of the most crime-ridden communities in Toronto . Drug dealers and gangs are all over the streets and alleys. They have been sitting on the street corners in all directions for a long time, just like LA in 1986. and chicago Some places though, some softbags will mention this community's name without backing it up to scare people."

If you don't know about Jane Finch's criminal reputation, you're in the dark. . As the dictionary says, when you want to sound tough, say you're from Jane Finch.

Rexdale Community

"Located in the northern part of Etobicoke, gun violence has panicked the community. ... Murder and theft have become one of the common skills of people in Toronto's Rexdale community, and the name Rexdale seems to have a new definition. 'This shoe is really Beautiful, if you were not my friend, I would Rexdale them! '"

Although I have never encountered Rexdale as a verb, but judging from its recent situation, this usage must be very appropriate...

The North York community

"is one of the richest communities in Toronto. It has also formed its own mini city center, called "North York Center". As long as you don't go to Jane and Finch and peanut Just go to the plaza, unless you want to be hacked. "

North York has always had a high status in people's minds. It has convenient transportation and is not as congested as downtown Toronto. It is home to well-known shopping malls and has a lot of delicious food. It is far away from downtown Toronto. a prosperous place. However, according to the dictionary explanation, you should still be careful when in this area.

Etobicoke community

"The western area of ​​Toronto is home to dilapidated houses, abandoned factories, and strip clubs. The rich and the poor are intertwined. There are very poor communities such as Rexdale, as well as rich residential areas such as Kinsway and Bloor West Village. ... ”

Obviously, Etobicoke ranks second on the list of worst areas, behind Jane and Finch. Seedy factories and strip clubs? Sounds like a great place to party.

Article source: Canada worry-free