During his tenure, Ma Ying-jeou visited Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, Xiaoliuqiu, Orchid Island, Green Island, Pengjia Island, Taiping Island and other places. He also planned to climb Guishan Island three times in the past, but due to weather and walrus conditions, the trip was never p

During his tenure, Ma Ying-jeou visited Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, Xiaoliuqiu, Lanyu, Green Island, Pengjiayu, Taiping Island and other places. He also planned to visit Guishan Island three times in the past, but due to weather and walrus conditions, he was never able to do so. OK. On the 13th, Ma Ying-jeou finally fulfilled his wish and landed on Guishan Island for the first time. Although he was already 66 years old, Ma Ying-jeou climbed up 1,706 steps and climbed to the 401 plateau, which is about 400 meters above sea level at the highest point of Guishan Island. He easily conquered it. Top, don’t forget to show a smile like “V”, “Because if you don’t come again, you will have no chance.”

Originally just wanted to complete the puzzle of visiting all the outer islands during his term, but on April 25, a Taiwanese fishing boat suddenly happened In the case of Okinotori Reef in the high seas being seized by Japan, Ma Ying-jeou once again showed his determination to protect fisheries. He took the opportunity to point out that Guishan Island covers an area of ​​2.84 square kilometers, which is 315,000 times larger than Okinotori Reef. Chongzhi Niaojiao said that the island was simply not qualified, and emphasized that the work of protecting fisheries was "endless". He could lay the foundation for the work before leaving office on May 20, and establish a good foundation for his successors, so that the new authorities can smoothly promote the protection of fisheries. He felt comforted by his fishing job.

As he approaches his resignation, Ma Ying-jeou has made several actions that have been widely praised.

Externally: Landing on Peng Jiayu, Taiping Island, declaring "sovereignty" and ancestral rights, and strongly protecting fisheries; Internally:

Taipei MRT random murderer Zheng Jie was shot, and the resignation of "President of Academia Sinica" Weng Qihui was approved, showing his relationship with A completely different side from the indecisiveness in dealing with things in the past.

The latest Taiwan TVBS poll shows that 23% of the people are satisfied with Ma Ying-jeou's eight-year policy performance, and 58% are dissatisfied. This is an increase of 7 percentage points from 16% in the seventh year of taking office, and it is also the highest point since his re-election.

Ma Ying-jeou’s top three items with the highest level of administrative satisfaction are “handling cross-strait relations” 47% “ethnic integration” 44% “transportation construction” 43% “improving financial policies” 22% “promoting economic development” 21% Educational reform" 17% "Narrowing the gap between rich and poor" 14%

There is no doubt that "handling cross-strait relations" is Ma Ying-jeou's most recognized political achievement. Some media in Guishan Island asked Ma Ying-jeou, and some scholars wanted to recommend him and mainland leaders When asked how he feels about Xi Jinping becoming a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, Ma Ying-jeou responded that he is still planning his retirement life. The most important thing right now is to move his office and home as soon as possible. As for the Nobel Prize, it will be decided by relevant units. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, also recently stated that the cross-Strait relations over the past eight years have received widespread support from compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and have been generally recognized by the international community. This is obvious to all and cannot be denied, and will be written into the annals of history.

When Ma Ying-jeou hosted a banquet for KMT "legislators" recently, he said that his governance in the past eight years will be a comparison group for the future Tsai Ing-wen administration, and the people will use Tsai Ing-wen's future performance to compare his governance. "The people will start to Miss me”.

Ma Ying-jeou's rebound in the polls naturally adds confidence to this statement. was elected on January 16 and took office on May 20. The four-month handover period did not become Tsai Ing-wen’s honeymoon period. Tsai Ing-wen, who is about to become the leader, is the first female leader in Taiwan's history. Unexpectedly, the first people to "slap the table" on Tsai Ing-wen were Taiwan's women's groups. Recently, they performed an action drama in front of the Central Building of the Democratic Progressive Party, "slapping the table." " was not enough, and in the end he "turned the table" to satirize Tsai Ing-wen for bringing a lot of uncles into the political participation team, but closing the door to women. In the personnel arrangements that have been announced, women account for only 1/10 of Tsai Ing-wen’s team, a regression to Taiwan’s 1996 female political participation rate, the lowest in 20 years.

The core staff of Tsai Ing-wen announced on the 13th are all the favorites that Tsai Ing-wen has relied on for many years. It is equivalent to moving the think tank of the past eight years directly from the Democratic Progressive Party Headquarters on Beiping East Road to Kedage. Lan Dao, which also includes Lam Feng-cheng, a founding member of Times Force, Taiwanese media said that it means to appease, win over and mediate the third force, and this is completely different from Ma Ying-jeou's style of refusing to "join the cabinet" of his cronies and heroes.

Of course, what attracts the most attention from the outside world is whether Tsai Ing-wen’s May 20th inauguration speech will make different adjustments when it comes to cross-strait relations when it comes to cross-strait relations. According to Taiwanese media reports, the structure of Tsai Ing-wen's inaugural speech has been roughly finalized. In terms of cross-strait discussions, Tsai Ing-wen will reiterate that she will maintain the status quo and recognize the 1992 talks, but will not mention the "1992 Consensus" and will focus largely on "domestic affairs." "issue.

◆ Wang Pingsheng, president of the National Federation of Taiwan Enterprises, said on the 13th that whether the DPP can recognize the "1992 Consensus" is closely related to the interests of Taiwanese businessmen. "Without peace, there is no development." The "1992 Consensus" is the foundation of cross-strait relations. Without this foundation, the building of peaceful development will cease to exist.

◆The Taiwan Enterprise Federation also revealed privately that it had not received an invitation letter from Tsai Ing-wen’s inauguration. Some Taiwanese businessmen believe that the DPP should not exclude Taiwanese businessmen in mainland China as soon as they take office and treat Taiwanese businessmen as outsiders. This is "to exclude dissidents" and worries about the formation of new confrontations; some Taiwanese businessmen also criticized this approach as "too clumsy" and that thinking needs to be improved. called on Tsai Ing-wen to abide by her promise to "maintain the status quo".

◆ Taiwan's "Executive President" Chang Shan-cheng said more bluntly that Taiwan broke out during Chen Shui-bian's term. He reminded the new authorities, "Don't force me to leave Taiwan."

How Tsai Ing-wen handles cross-strait relations also affects the international community.

◆The "2016 China Military Power Report" released by the US Department of Defense on the 13th reiterated that it does not support "Taiwan independence" and opposes changing the status quo. ◆The British "Economist" pointed out in the latest issue of the weekly magazine that the public has high hopes for the political party rotation after May 20. However, Tsai Ing-wen has faced problems such as cross-strait relations and Taiwan's poor economy before taking office, and the honeymoon period ended prematurely.

There are still 6 days left, and Tsai Ing-wen is on the horse. If Tsai Ing-wen cannot handle cross-strait relations well, it will cause Taiwan's economy to collapse, drag down the "domestic affairs", and make the people no longer have any expectations for her. After " "Appreciation period", I am afraid that what everyone misses is Xiao Ma Ge back then.

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