At three o'clock in the afternoon on June 2nd, North American time, the final verdict of Johnny Depp's divorce case was ushered in under the attention of the public and the media. The court declared that Johnny Depp "succeeded" and confirmed the fact that Amber had defamed. And n

At three o'clock in the afternoon on June 2nd, North American time, the final verdict of Johnny Depp's divorce case was ushered in under the attention of the public and the media. The court declared that Johnny Depp "succeeded" and confirmed Amber defamed the facts and was required to pay Johnny Depp $8.35 million in punitive damages.

Johnny Depp attended the court trial

The lawsuit arose because Amber claimed in the Washington Post in 2018 that she was a public figure representing domestic violence, alluding to Depp's domestic violence. Faced with Amber's remarks, Depp filed a lawsuit.

Because of Hollywood star status and the live broadcast on the entire network, this trial attracted much attention. Statistics show that this divorce case has kept Depp's approval rating on TikTok high. According to incomplete statistics, the tag with Johnny Depp's name alone has received more than 11 billion views. The privacy and domestic violence details of the two people were repeatedly exposed during the trial.

TikTok’s Johnny Depp trial video

Amber’s fabricated evidence was ridiculed by foreign media

When people discuss Amber, they can’t avoid her past image, and they don’t buy into film and television works where she has no acting skills, which is even more difficult. What wins people's trust is her incredible court performance. She secretly filmed and exposed the video of Depp beating her, but it was actually edited; the photos of her domestic violence were caused by makeup; she was heard in the recording evidence personally admitting that she beat Depp; netizens analyzed Amber's narration When she experienced domestic violence, she could not shed tears under her painful expression. Her illogical statement made her a laughing stock in public opinion. Her classic sentence "My Dog Stepped On a Bee" has been hilariously interpreted by netizens on social media.

Amber's court trial statement

Johnny Depp "let himself go" in court

Compared to Amber, public opinion almost overwhelmingly supported Depp, and there was no shortage of praise for his performance. Depp captures people's hearts with every move he makes. When attending the court hearing, Depp cordially shook hands with each staff member. During the trial, he casually slapped the gummy bears scattered on the table and drew cartoons to relieve the dull atmosphere. This was a cute act that was called "childlike". After the trial, Depp and his legal team encouraged and hugged each other, looking relaxed and confident of victory.

Depp waved hello to supporters

The contrast between the legal teams of both sides and the witnesses

The comparison between the legal teams of both sides and the witnesses appearing in court has also become a highlight of the media pursuit. The handsome lawyer Kamil used professional and sharp questions to attract Ai Merber asked incoherently, earning praise from the media and Depp fans.

As for witnesses, most of the witnesses who appeared for Depp were his close friends, including many of his exes and Hollywood stars. Their testimony provided strong evidence for Depp. When it comes to Amber's witnesses, whether it is from the answers of experts or the testimonies of relatives and friends, they are slightly inferior to those of Depp's witnesses.

Depp and lawyer Camille embrace

Who will win?

As everyone expected, Depp won the divorce case without any suspense, and he proved his innocence.

Talking about their victory or defeat, in my opinion, no one is the real winner in this emotional battle.

Depp himself is very clear about this. During the trial, he once said, "No matter what the outcome is, I lost from the beginning and I don't understand why it has come to this point."

Amber and Johnny Depp attended the event

The marriage of Amber and Johnny Depp only lasted 15 months and ended bleakly. The worst thing is that due to the divorce, the former male idol changed overnight. He became a "domestic abuser", which seriously affected his career and reputation. Amber became the target of public criticism due to negative news such as poor acting skills, infidelity during the marriage, and falsified evidence during the live broadcast of the trial.

Does the end of a marriage really have to lead to such a mess? What is a good divorce template?

The ideal ending of divorce

Suddenly I thought of Joanna (Meryl Streepplayed) and Ted (Dustin Hoffmanplayed in the movie "The Kramers" ) the story of this middle-aged couple.

"The Kramers" movie poster

The film tells the story of his wife, Joanna, who lost her own life and was exhausted physically and mentally, so she ran away from home.

As a result, her husband Ted's life fell into chaos. He was unable to balance work and taking care of the children, which often caused dissatisfaction from many parties. However, thanks to the help of his wife's good friend Mrs. Phelps, Ted was able to survive.

Ted and his son depended on each other for life. Gradually, the father and son became close. More than a year later, Joanna, who had found herself again, came back and wanted to gain custody of her son Billy.

The two reached a stalemate in court. Lawyers from both sides argued fiercely, and the judge awarded custody to Joanna. In order to avoid the impact on Billy, Ted gave up the appeal, but Ted's statement in court moved Joanna.

When the father and son separated, Joanna called and told Ted that he would no longer ask for custody of Billy.

With Joanna's help, Ted and his son finally lived together. The divorce ending in the

film is a beautiful interpretation. In my opinion, the wife's departure and return is more like an experiential growth, allowing each party to appreciate the difficulty of the other, and at the same time make the greatest compromise for their children, and gain their own happiness.

Marriage is not a competition, no matter whether you win or lose.

Like the audience, I am not willing to associate the image of Depp on the screen with a sadist and domestic abuser. I am also willing to believe that Amber and Johnny Depp have been There was love. Now that the two are at odds, Depp's eyes under his sunglasses don't want to look at his ex-wife Amber again.

Depp, who is nearly 20 years old, what kind of life he hopes for most after this crisis. The answer may be just like "returning to peace" as mentioned in his winning post.

Depp court trial photos

Looking back at the endless celebrity divorce news at home and abroad, each has its own regrets and sorrows.
If a couple is really not destined to be together anymore, they don't have to "hate each other like a cat and a mouse, like a wolf and a sheep". They can "resolve their grudges and resolve their knots" with an optimistic attitude. I hope that
Depp and Amber , the enemies in their past lives, will be happy. "One is different from the other, each is happy."