That's right, sometimes fate is so cruel, knocking us to the bottom and making it difficult for us to stand up. That's right, Imelda used emotional skills and appealed for warmth. With this kind of technique, during Marcos's shaky renewal term, she once successfully directed and

The older generation always likes to teach girls to "accept their fate", so when the vast majority of women encounter superficial setbacks in life like Imelda, most of them

become lonely and lonely. is right, sometimes fate is so cruel and knocks us down to the bottom and it is difficult to get over.

Marcos , who lived in exile in Hawaii, died three years later. What should Imelda do after losing her husband?

Imelda looked at the beautiful sunset in Hawaii alone and recalled the beginning of her life: she stayed at the house of her cousin who was a congressman.

Her cousin took her everywhere to help him campaign. With her good looks, outstanding temperament, and a good singing voice, she successfully attracted a lot of votes for her cousin.

Yimeidai also used this to give full play to her unique female advantages and win marriage and half her life's prosperity.

However, her opportunities at that time were not only limited to this, her "political talent" began to show off at that time.

When she thought of her hidden political charm, even American General MacArthur praised her singing talent.

The American "Life" magazine also praised her as "Asia's Jacqueline Kennedy".

These past glorious years...

She has once again changed as a person, actively seeking to return to the Philippines and the embrace of her motherland. She began to use public relations to whiten herself and let the media follow her life. She believed that everything she planned as a mother would eventually "return to glory"!

never mentioned the whereabouts of more than billions of dollars in missing construction funds from the national treasury. The disappearance of these funds led to the decline and shutdown of construction in the Philippines at that time.

Imelda feels that the Marcos family, which owns the golden house, is the victim. She has no guilt and self-hypnotizes herself. She is the smear of her opponent, the Equino family, and the misunderstanding of the people.

sighed after the vehicle started up again: "I am very sad. This place used to be a paradise, but now it has become a garbage dump."

attributed the corruption in the Philippines, which has led to the worsening gap between rich and poor, to the persecution of the Marcos family. .

Yes, Imelda used emotional skills to appeal for warmth. With this kind of technique, during Marcos's shaky renewal term,

once successfully acted as if she had directed and acted in an assassination drama, which won the sympathy of the people. Imelda Dai also joked about herself:

"People accuse me of squandering. In fact, I am more squandering than squandering. What I squander is "sharing". I am completely a giver"!

's powerful public relations ability to confuse people fully proves that she is more than just a vase.

The "return to glory" she planned as a mother actually succeeded in getting her elected to the House of Representatives in 010, 13 and 16.

She did not step down from office until 2019 6html in March at the age of 89.

90htmlAt the age of 3, she is still trying every means to help her son enter the political arena. So far, the Marcos family still has great influence in the Philippines.

Also, the Marcos family still owns a large amount of real estate in the United States. Each real estate is filled with priceless works of art and jewelry,

not to mention multiple 170 bank accounts around the world.

Imelda, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, eventually gained the reputation of the "Iron Butterfly" in the political arena.

90htmlAt the age of 3, she returned to her innocent side, living like a girl, and started fashion design with her daughter and granddaughter.

said: "Tomorrow you should be more beautiful than yesterday."

This quasi-prisoner has been convicted of corruption by the court and faces 42html three years in prison.

was granted bail during the appeal and has not yet been jailed. Will she serve her sentence in prison? Can the embezzled money be recovered? What will happen to

in the future? No one dares to say for sure, after all, her life is full of too many "impossibility" and countless "wonders"!

Wait, fairy tales are all happy and beautiful?

Goodbye, Imelda is a sugar-coated poison, you must not eat it

No matter how brilliant public relations skills are, can temporarily confuse people's hearts, but it cannot erase the true sadness in Imelda's heart.

Her logic and The art of speaking cannot withstand in-depth investigation at all.

A Western documentary in 2019 (The Kingmaker) begins with the truth. Through the statement of Imelda’s friend,

tells the audience Marcos’s affair. Imelda successfully caught the rape by placing a recorder under the bed.

The tape was used to order the president. , my wife successfully counterattacked.

Even her friends broke the news that Imelda's famous visits were all political arrangements made by her husband for the purpose of having an affair.

He always sent Imelda to the farthest place from the Philippines.

exposed Imelda's lies and allegiances. The illusion of truth, goodness and beauty created.

At this point in the story, I suddenly understood why Imelda always felt that she was doing the "right" things. She could only continue to hypnotize herself to give herself strength. Imeldai never betrayed her truth because of external voices. desire. However, her wish is constructed in the crisis of the state footing the bill. Such a desire has reduced the Philippines, once a wealthy country in Asia, to one of the poorest countries. Such selfish values ​​are very scary, aren't they?

Our ancestors clearly taught that "the harem must not interfere with politics." How has it ever been possible to do this in the past?

This question is worth considering:

Is the person in power controlled by the lower body, or is the upper body of the person taking advantage of the situation too strong? ?

It is undeniable that Imelda’s singing is really nice. I hope it will be like the “God bless the Philippines” that her singing voice shows!