IT House reported on June 21 that today, China Central Radio and Television and Douyin Group jointly held a cloud release event, announcing that Douyin Group has become the rights-holding broadcaster of the 2022 Qatar World Cup and the live broadcast strategic partner of China Ce

IT House News on June 21, today, China Central Radio and Television Station and Douyin Group jointly held a cloud release event, announcing that Douyin Group has become the rights-holding broadcaster of the 2022 Qatar World Cup , China Central Radio and Television Taiwan live broadcast strategic partner.

IT House learned that, unlike the traditional summer World Cup, this year’s World Cup will be held from November 21st to December 18th. This is also the first time in the history of the World Cup that will be held in the winter of the northern hemisphere.

In terms of sports content, in 2020 European Cup , Douyin became the official partner, UEFA opened the official Douyin account of the European Cup; in 2021 America's Cup , Douyin obtained the secondary creation rights of the event. , users can use to create to explain the competition; for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics , Douyin has launched multiple sports programs.

Sensor Tower data shows that in May 2022, Douyin and the overseas version of TikTok attracted more than 277 million US dollars in the global App Store and Google Play. was 1.6 times that of in the same period last year; the number of downloads exceeded 64 million, and dropped 19.4% year-on-year. , topped the global mobile application (non-game) revenue list and download list.