According to data, semiconductor companies headquartered in the United States will have sales of US$257.5 billion in 2021, accounting for 46.3% of the global semiconductor market, nearly half of the world's share.

The global chip leader is the United States. It goes without saying that everyone knows this.

According to data, , a semiconductor company headquartered in the United States, has sales of US$257.5 billion in 2021, accounting for 46.3% of the global semiconductor market, nearly half of the world's share.

However, although the United States has captured nearly half of the global chip market share, one concern has always been lingering in its mind, that is, its manufacturing capabilities are getting worse and worse, and its share is getting lower and lower.

Also in 2021, the United States' share of chip manufacturing capacity has dropped from 37% in 1990 to 12% today, which is lower than Taiwan, South Korea, and mainland China.

Today's advanced chips in the United States are basically made in Taiwan, China, such as Apple A series chips, M series chips, and Qualcomm chips, AMD chips, Google , Amazon , Nvidia Many of the chips are manufactured by TSMC.

According to previous US data, about 80% of the current 7nm and below chips in the US market come from TSMC, and 20% come from Samsung .

The United States itself still manufactures some chips with relatively mature processes, and has fallen far behind in advanced processes.

So the United States is a little anxious. Recently, US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo said in an exclusive interview that 70% of the advanced chips in the United States are imported from Taiwan, China, and many of them are used in military equipment.

This is very unsafe, so the United States must make its own chips instead of relying on Taiwan, China to make chips for the United States.

Raimondo said that the chip bill must be passed as soon as possible to revitalize U.S. chip manufacturing capabilities and ensure the security of the U.S. chip supply chain. It is necessary to urge Intel , Micron and other major semiconductor manufacturers to set up factories in the United States instead of letting them Continue to develop in Asia and Europe.

Anyway, what Raimondo means is to let Intel, Micron and other major semiconductor manufacturers move their chip manufacturing plants back to the United States as soon as possible, and then work hard to improve the chip manufacturing process, so that they can produce more chips and reduce the United States' opposition to TSMC. , Samsung and other advanced technologies.

What do you think about this? Do you think the United States will see results in revitalizing chip manufacturing?

In fact, TSMC Zhang Zhongmou has always been very unfavorable about the United States' need to make its own chips. He believes that the United States has a lack of talents in the domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry, and the cost remains high, so the United States' investment in local chip manufacturing will be costly. Huge but with little effect, Zhang Zhongmou even said that the cost of chip manufacturing in the United States is still 50% higher than that in Taiwan.

Therefore, TSMC mostly sets up factories in Taiwan and mainland China, and is unwilling to set up factories in the United States.