The Democratic Progressive Party authorities should not use Taiwan as cannon fodder for the United States' "Indo-Pacific strategy." On June 11, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee passed the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, and the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" aga

Source: China Taiwan Network

The Democratic Progressive Party authorities should not use Taiwan as cannon fodder for the United States’ “Indo-Pacific Strategy”. (Picture source from the Internet)

html On June 11, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee passed the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, and the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" against China was also officially approved.

The main contents of the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" are: first, to reestablish the military superiority of the US military over China in the Indo-Pacific region; second, in response to the United States' positioning of China as a "major competitor" in recent years, to accelerate the process of the Indo-Pacific region's strategic status surpassing that of Europe . Looking at it now, the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" of the United States to contain China is more based on military affairs and attempts to use powerful military power to contain China in the East Asian continent. The "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" is the most direct way to implement the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" The most realistic starting point.

Since Trump proposed the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", the United States has begun to adjust its global military deployment. The United States insisted on withdrawing its troops from Iraq despite the civil war in Iraq. It even signed a disgraceful agreement with the Afghan Taliban and left Afghanistan. Recently, it threatened to withdraw some of its troops from Germany, exacerbating the conflict between Germany and Germany. These actions of the United States are not only selfish in Trump's "America First" policy, but also in order to realize the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" plan of deploying 60% of its military power in the Asia-Pacific. However, in the face of an increasingly powerful China, the United States seems to have a sense of powerlessness. With the rapid growth of China's military power, various U.S. bases in the Western Pacific are within the range of China's "Dongfeng Express". Guam is no longer The increase in the number of safe havens for the US military has made it difficult to form an overwhelming advantage, and it is imperative to accelerate military transformation. Therefore, unlike the "European Deterrence Initiative" to deal with Russia after the 2014 Crimea and Ukraine incidents, the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" pays more attention to the transformation and improvement of the US military's capabilities. In April this year, the United States ended the regular deployment of the "B-52" strategic bomber at the Guam base and replaced it with the "B-1B" which is faster, has a larger bomb load, has a longer combat radius, and has stronger stealth capabilities. Strategic bombers frequently take off from the United States and perform missions in the Western Pacific and the South China Sea. This is a test of this capability transformation and achieves a deterrent effect of "predictable strategy but unpredictable tactics".

In order to promote the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" and highlight the legitimacy of the US military's military deployment to the Asia-Pacific, the US military has increased the intensity of its operations in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea. In the Taiwan Strait, U.S. warships frequently cross the Taiwan Strait, B-1B strategic bombers cross the Okinawa and Bashi Straits and fly to preset attack positions along the coast of the mainland. Military transport planes even fly over the west side of Taiwan Island to challenge the mainland. Bottom line. In the South China Sea, U.S. warships continue to invade the Xisha and Nansha Islands to conduct "free navigation", forcing neighboring countries to "choose sides." However, U.S. efforts have not received a positive response from its allies. A few days ago, Japan announced that it would abandon the deployment of land-based anti-missile systems. The United States wants to deploy medium-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific, but countries surrounding China are not willing. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called on China and the United States to put aside their differences to avoid harming the "Asian Century", emphasizing that Asia-Pacific countries do not want to be "forced to choose sides."

The attitude of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities in Taiwan is completely different from that of East Asian countries. At the end of 2018, the United States passed the "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act" and officially included Taiwan in the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", using Taiwan as a strategic frontier to contain mainland China. Of course, the DPP authorities have lived up to the hopes of the United States and have thrown themselves into the arms of the United States in an attempt to "rely on the United States to control the mainland" and "rely on the United States to seek independence." In order to fight against the mainland, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have increased their "arms purchases" from the United States regardless of their own financial resources, forming a fleet of F-16v fighter jets and purchasing the M1 main battle tank, which is known as the "most powerful on earth." This year, the United States sent another congratulatory gift to Tsai Ing-wen, who had just won re-election, and sold 18 heavy-duty torpedoes to Taiwan at a high price. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities took advantage of the situation and proposed to purchase " Harpoon " shore-to-ship missiles. However, have the DPP authorities, who are constantly thanking the United States, noticed that the United States believes that Guam is unsafe and has withdrawn its bombers. Once war breaks out between the two sides, will Taiwan's airport still be useful? If US warships and aircraft provoke the mainland's "Taiwan protection" in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland will definitely take action to punish Taiwan.During the bombardment of Kinmen, facing the U.S. and Chiang Kai-shek escort formations, the mainland only attacked the Chiang troops and not the U.S. ships. Has the Taiwan military forgotten this lesson?

The United States’ military power is stronger than that of China. This may be a reality that will not change for a long time. However, it is impossible for the United States to win a one-sided victory against China in East Asia. The "Indo-Pacific Strategy" has indeed increased China's military pressure, but now it seems that it is likely to be a "one-man show" by the United States, and "being unable to support it alone" will be the future dilemma of the United States. Will the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" change? Definitely. The "Indo-Pacific Strategy" has given Russia a chance to breathe. Putin will not be willing to be a second-rate supporting role. Recently, Russian strategic bombers have flown to the United States, strategic nuclear submarines have restarted cruises, revised the rules for the use of nuclear weapons, and continuously test-fired super-high-speed weapons. , is to declare Russia’s strength. The United States' weakening of NATO's military presence is conducive to the rise of Europe as a pole. By then, the United States will suddenly discover that China is only safeguarding its own interests and does not threaten U.S. hegemony, and it is urgent to return to Europe. In this turbulent world situation, how valuable is Taiwan, which is as big as the tip of a pen? Either it is a bargaining chip in the Sino-US deal, or it is cannon fodder in the Sino-US competition. On that day, Tsai Ing-wen and others will fly to the United States and Japan on a special plane, but what about the people of Taiwan?

Taiwanese compatriots, please don’t let the DPP authorities use Taiwan as cannon fodder for the United States’ “Indo-Pacific Strategy”! (and ten)