According to the latest poll conducted by Taiwan's Want Want China Times Media Group, nearly 60% of Taiwanese people believe that cross-strait relations have "got worse" after Tsai Ing-wen has been in power for three years; 56% of the people are dissatisfied with Tsai Ing-wen's c

China News Service, May 21. According to Taiwan's "Wang Bao" report, the Tsai Ing-wen administration has been in power for three years, and cross-strait relations have undergone major changes. According to the latest poll conducted by Taiwan's Wangwang Zhongshi media group , nearly 60% of Taiwanese people believe that cross-strait relations have "gone bad" after Tsai Ing-wen has been in power for three years; 56% of the people are dissatisfied with Tsai Ing-wen's performance in the government. Performance of cross-strait policies.

data picture shows Tsai Ing-wen. Published by China News Service, photo by Chen Xiaoyuan

After Tsai Ing-wen came to power on May 20, 2016, cross-strait official exchanges were interrupted and mainland tourists visited Taiwan less, which were all noticed by the Taiwanese people. 59.5% of the people believe that "cross-Strait relations have gotten worse," only 8.6% of the people think that cross-Strait relations have gotten better, and 19.5% of the people think that cross-Strait relations have not changed (maintaining the status quo).

As for the performance of Tsai Ing-wen's cross-strait policies, 8.8% of the people are "very satisfied" and 22.2% are "fairly satisfied". The combined satisfaction level is 31.0%; however, 25.9% of the people are "not very satisfied" and 30.1% People are "very dissatisfied", with dissatisfaction as high as 56.0%.

As for the new leader of Taiwan that will be elected in 2020, who can best improve cross-strait relations? Among several possible candidates, Han Guoyu is considered to be the most able to improve cross-strait relations (26.2%), followed by Hon Hai Group Chairman Terry Gou (17.7%), Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe (11.2%) ), Tsai Ing-wen (9.7%), former head of the executive agency Lai Qingde (7.2%), former New Taipei mayor Zhu Lilun (5.2%), former head of the legislative body Wang Jinping (2.2%).

Tsai Ing-wen has been in power for three years. The deterioration of cross-strait relations has also hurt Taiwan's economy. 53.6% of the people believe that the interruption of official exchanges and the decrease in mainland tourists visiting Taiwan have had a negative impact on Taiwan's economy. In contrast, only 26.6% of people believe that taking office will have a positive impact on Taiwan's economy.

The deterioration of cross-Strait relations has harmed Taiwan's economy and made the Taiwanese people feel the importance of the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. 51.8% of the people agreed that "improving cross-Strait relations can improve Taiwan's economy."

This survey was conducted from May 14th to 15th, with a valid sample of 1,013 people. At the 95% confidence level, the sampling error is ±3.1 percentage points.